My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 106: Be your puppy again

Tang An and Sang Mengmeng walked out of the school together, crossing the red brick and blue tiled wall, and walking on the chaotic stone road. Tang An chose a slightly farther but quieter route. [燃^文^书库][www].[774][buy].[com]

This is usually Tang An's running route, but Lin Yuling seems to run the same way, so Tang An changed.

Sang Mengmeng is holding a small red plaid leather bag, which looks a bit like a Dior Diorian bag, but obviously not. There is a diamond-encrusted puppy pattern on the side inconspicuous.

Tang An remembered that when Nan Mao first monitored Sang Mengmeng, it was because there was a dog pattern on Sang Mengmeng's pajamas, he thought it was evidence.

These are certainly not evidence, but Nan Mao is correct.

The two walked for a while without speaking. Sang Mengmeng seemed to be waiting for Tang An to speak, but Tang An didn't seem to know where to start.

"What you said is true?" When I walked to the park, it was not when I was hanging out after dinner. The grandpas and aunts were still preparing meals at home. She also hid far away in a cooler place. It seemed that the entire park was left for Tang An and Sang Mengmeng to talk.

Sang Mengmeng stopped and stood on the edge of the lake.

Sparkling, the color of the water is squiggly, there are willows hanging on the surface of the water, the leaves that have been soaked show a greener color, and the lake breeze is blowing Sang Mengmeng's hair. She squinted her eyes and took a deep breath. Turned back in one breath.

"Really." Sang Mengmeng nodded.

Tang An smiled, this kind of question and answer didn't seem to make much sense, she should say something more.

Sang Mengmeng didn't let him wait for a long time, and pointed to the slightly more spacious open space in front of him. There was a pavilion next to it, and a few advertising papers were pasted on the old red trash can. Dirty staleness.

"Remember here?" Sang Mengmeng's gaze was very gentle, a gaze steeped in memory and emotion.

Tang An didn't quite understand what Sang Mengmeng meant, and hesitated and said, "When I was young, I often came here to play with my mother..."

"I saw you here for the first time." Sang Mengmeng jumped to the pavilion. "At that time, there were many dog ​​dealers. They used baskets to carry all kinds of puppies. Parents of children, young students, and people with all kinds of love are all their sales targets."

"It's gone now, they were all driven away by the city management...They sell sick puppies." Tang An remembered something, a long, long time ago. If you don't think about it for a long time, you will definitely forget it in the depths of your memory.

Such memories constitute the past of most people, and they will be remembered when needed. More often, it's just a vague thing pressing deep in my mind.

"Those puppies are very poor... Most of them are sick, or just a small cold, or some fever, or canine distemper that can't live long..." Sang Mengmeng said flatly, "Dog dealer We don’t feed them how to eat, so hungry puppies. Even if they are sick. Because they are hungry, they will appear lively when someone comes to tease them. Then it’s not suitable for a dog dealer to take some corn kernels or something. Their food, they will rush the eyes of passersby. This is cute."

There was not much anger or emotion in Sang Mengmeng's faint tone, just a taste of calm and memory, but Tang An could not help but sigh. Feel a sadness and helplessness.

"Most of these puppies will die...some of them can't stand it anymore, and they will never be active anymore, so they will be abandoned by the dog dealer and thrown in the trash can to freeze to death or starve to death." Sang Mengmeng looked at the old crimson trash can, "At that time, there were often dead puppies in this trash can. Some of them were dying when they were found. They didn't really die, but no one would save them. "

Tang An approached Sang Mengmeng and gently stopped Sang Mengmeng’s shoulders. Her shoulders were very soft. When Tang An held it hard, she could feel those hidden in her body that seemed to be frozen three feet away. Cold breath.

"Dog dealers will use a bamboo basket to hold puppies, a dozen puppies squeezed in it, some are black, some are white, some are dyed colorful and they are called tigerskins by dog ​​dealers...Puppies Fighting to show their vivacity, their instinct tells them that although their chances of survival are very slim, only if someone can take them away, they have a slim chance of survival, and they have been among the dog dealers. In the hands, they have no chance to survive at all." Sang Mengmeng turned her head and leaned on Tang An’s shoulders, her words were soft but heart-warming, "Even if they grow up in the hands of dog dealers, they won’t take long. Become a meat dog in the vegetable market, a delicious hot pot, such a dog meat hot pot, have you eaten..."

Tang An suddenly felt a little hard to breathe and a deep sense of guilt. No matter what others were doing, Tang An felt that he would never eat dog meat hot pot again.

"I don't mean to blame you. The weak and strong food is a rule of survival." Sang Mengmeng rubbed her cheek on Tang An's shoulder a few times, and then said: "At that time I was one of the little ones. The dog, together with many other puppies, sleeps in a cold dog cage at night, is taken out during the day and put in a small basket, lying on the edge of the basket and watching the adults and children coming and going, no one can watch Understand the expectation in our eyes, more people just come to touch, hold in their hands and play, and run a shot on the ground, which consumes our little physical strength and vitality... and then leaves. There are not many people who buy it. Every day there is a big basket of puppies, maybe only two or three are sold. They are all very lucky and lucky, and they are the objects of our envy..."

Tang An remembered. Sang Mengmeng said that the first meeting was here, what kind of scene it was like at that time.

"At that time, I felt that I was a little different from other puppies... I seemed to be able to understand what people said. They pointed and said that the puppy was cuter and the uglier... I Smarter than other puppies, when someone says I am cute, I desperately squeeze out from other puppies and hold their hands tightly, hoping they can take me away..." Sang Mengmeng He hugged Tang An tightly, "But no one really wants to, because I look like an ordinary white dog, and it’s easier to look dirty, thin and small... Now think about it, I haven’t been It's a lucky thing for them to take it away."

The breeze on the lake is slightly cool, and Tang An and Sang Mengmeng, hugging each other, are like a couple whispering love. Tang An didn’t reject Sang Mengmeng’s active approach for the first time, but just wanted to be tight. Hugged her.

"Although I am smarter than other puppies, it is of no use. For dog dealers, they don't care about the life and death of these puppies. After all, their lives are very cheap. A large box is screwed in the field. If a puppy is found to have symptoms of canine distemper, they will not be isolated. Only those who are very serious will be seen as sick dogs, and they will be thrown aside directly, because No one would buy a sick dog." Sang Mengmeng raised her head, rubbing Tang An's cheek with her forehead for a while.

"I were sick at that time." Tang An sighed. When he first saw the puppy, he was indeed a little dirty and sick.

"I have never been sold out, but because I have always been very lively, the dog dealers still take me with me every day... Later, I fell ill, and it was impossible for the dog dealer to treat me..." Sang Mengmeng Tears streamed on Tang An’s chest, “I know that if I get sick and are not sold, I will soon be thrown away... So I was more lively than usual, holding the hands of those people desperately, even as long as they seemed to like me a little bit, I would try to stand up, or roll around, the performance was very cute...I got canine distemper After that, I will have diarrhea. In order not to let the dog dealers find out, I will rub my **** clean every time."

Tang An gently stroked Sang Mengmeng's back, and the weak animals struggled to survive. Who would have thought that it would be so hard for a puppy to get a chance to live?

"Am I very smart?" Sang Mengmeng said in Tang An's ear.

"Very smart... but I remember that when I met you, you weren't so lively and motionless." Tang An has already believed that there is no need for Sang Mengmeng to become a puppy. These things did not happen. Experienced, how do I know... This is not an emotion that can be described by a person who makes up stories for pranks.

"Yes... At that time, even though I always wiped my little **** on the cardboard, I was still spotted by the dog dealer, because the hair on the **** always looked a little yellow." Sang Mengmeng's body trembled slightly. "It’s just that the dog dealers didn’t deal with me right away. They don’t care whether the dog is sick or not, as long as the dog can behave lively... So I worked harder, and because I didn’t eat much, I consumed more. It’s physically weaker and thinner."

Tang An smelled the fragrance of Sang Mengmeng's hair. Perhaps it was because of this experience that Sang Mengmeng was grateful for the one who took her away, so he would look for him again.

It’s just that there are still many doubts in my mind...but those doubts are not I met you that day, it was the last day the dog dealer decided to take me out to sell...because compared to before, I really don’t have any I tried my best to perform again, and I could only stand in the corner reluctantly, waiting for someone to hug me, and then try my best to move and show that I was still alive. "Sang Mengmeng's voice was choked, "I lost hope that day, and I didn't have the strength. I was squeezed into the corner by other puppies, but I didn't expect you to reach out and hug me carefully. ...I thought you were just like everyone else, just grabbing it at will, but you took me in your arms and didn't put it down anymore. "

You can have many choices, but you have chosen the most inconspicuous me among the many you will always be my master. Now my hair is waist-long and beautiful, let me be you. How is your puppy?

Sang Mengmeng hugged Tang An tightly, never willing to let go. (To be continued. (LWXS520.OM))


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