My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 12: Run and chase

Tang An once watched a piece of news. When a robber was escaping, he ran into one hundred meters and ten seconds. I don’t know if there was one in front of him, but it did run very fast. Tang An followed him and shouted. "Robbery" was chasing.

   The man took out the bright dagger, and immediately frightened the few who wanted to help, and Tang An had to continue chasing it by himself.

   Feeling that his strength is steadily flowing, Tang An knows that even if he can't catch up with the opponent in a short time, the opponent's physical strength will definitely not keep up with him. After all, he still has plenty of energy after running two marathons when he was a child this morning.

  While knowing that he would be able to catch up with the other party sooner or later, while thinking of his sudden increase in physical strength, Tang An was worried. Does this mean that the sequelae left by the Southern Cat have not completely disappeared?

   It is not worrying about this issue now, Tang An shouted, and then continued to chase people.

   "Boy, don't chase, you can't catch up with Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu used to practice long-distance running!" The robber looked back at Tang An, and laughed.

Undoubtedly, this kind of person is a habitual offender. He does not rush and chooses some remote roads, but he is very familiar with it. Tang An knows that he is not the first offender when he looks at the route he runs. A person who often joggers strolls in a place he is familiar with.

   "Me too!" Tang An certainly won't give up. He can run for a few hours. Even if the opponent is a long-distance runner, he is confident that he can compare his endurance with the opponent.

   What's more, he only practiced long-distance running before. Tang An didn't believe that after he switched to robbery, he could run better than before.

   Hearing Tang An's words, and seeing Tang An still blushing and breathing, the man panicked, suddenly speeding up, and ran down a highway.

There are few vehicles on this road, the lights are dim, and the green belts on both sides cast a lot of shadows. The man ran on the sidewalk and suddenly increased his speed. Give up after exhaustion.

   This road is better for Tang An to chase. At least he doesn't have to worry about the opponent suddenly turning and disappearing. Slowly Tang An also speeds up, and soon there are only a few steps away from the opponent.

Looking back, you can clearly see Tang An’s face. The man speeded up in a panic, but he still couldn’t get rid of Tang An. Seeing that there was a midnight snack downtown in front of him, he ran to the greenery on the roadside as soon as he turned a corner. Belt inside.

   Tang An followed without hesitation. The man stood there with his back leaning against the tree, threatening with a knife in his hand: "Boy, if you can run, believe it or not I stabbed you to death?"

   Tang An was still a little scared when he saw the knife. He was only able to run, and he was not a martial arts master. He didn't have the skill to grab the blade with his bare hands. If he stabbed a knife during a fight, he would be finished.

However, Tang An will never let people run away. Zhang Yuying is not a rich second generation who can throw tens of thousands of dollars casually, let alone she is kind, how could Tang An give up easily and let people take care of him. Take the money away from him?

   "I believe it, of course I believe it, do you have the strength to poke it?" Tang An would not just rush up to fight the opponent so recklessly, the opponent did not completely lose his energy.

   That person was anxious, with a bag in one hand and a dagger in the other, he rushed towards Tang An. Tang An was taken aback and hurried away.

   Seeing Tang An running away, the man turned around and ran away without chasing Tang An. Tang An looked back, and then followed him again, so the man turned around and chased Tang An again.

   chasing and running like this, the two changed roles from time to time, and soon that person was exhausted by Tang An and collapsed directly to the ground.

   "You...your mother...your mother..." The man gave up completely, but still had the strength to speak, staring at Tang An who was walking over, opening his mouth to swear.

   Tang An kicked his hand without hesitation, kicked the dagger away, and then stepped on his mouth, making him unable to scold him.

   "What are you doing?"

   At this time, a patrol car stopped, and two police officers walked up to Tang An.

   "This person snatched my friend's bag. I kept chasing him before I got there." Tang An explained quickly, then pointed to the bag that the person was still holding.

   "It's nothing...this kid wants to grab my bag..." The man took a bite back quickly.

   "It's you again...take it home!" But the police also recognized that he was a habitual offender and handcuffed him without hesitation.

   The person was caught, but there was still a transcript to be made. Zhang Yuying had to come to the police station to identify him, so the patrol car escorted the person and brought Tang An to find Zhang Yuying.

   "Are you okay." Zhang Yuying was relieved to see the police and Tang An together.

   "Of course it's okay," Tang An said.

When they went to the police station and made a transcript, Zhang Yuying took her bag back and was about to leave with Tang An. A policeman chased him out. Tang An knew that his name was Li Yudong, and he gave the robber a few kicks just now. This may be a violation of procedures and systems, but Tang An feels very comfortable that the police should be full of disgust towards criminals from the bottom of their hearts.

"Beauty, your boyfriend is good...Do you know how far he ran? After chasing for more than an hour, 20 kilometers, I am fully qualified to participate in the marathon!" Li Yudong said to Zhang Yuying, while patted Tang Ann's shoulder, "Boy, amazing!"

   "He is not my boyfriend." Zhang Yuying said embarrassedly, and quickly explained.

"The main reason is that he has a knife in his hand, otherwise I would have caught up with him. I was afraid of accidents and stabbed by him, so I used a clumsy method to drain his energy. I want to be like a robber like this. , He must be thinking about running when he can run, and he will fight back and stab someone with a dagger when he can’t run. When he finds that he can’t run away at all, when he is ready to do it, he has no strength. At that time If I go to subdue him, it will be safer." Tang An breathed a long distance, grabbed his arm, "I didn't expect him to run like this."

   "Previous sports school...have participated in city competitions. I'm not up for it." Li Yudong shook his head and said, "Young man, are you interested in joining a sports team? In our city, I know the coach."

   "No, I'll start school in a few days, and I'm going to college..." Tang An apologized.

Li Yudong didn’t force it, nodded, and walked back to the police station. He just asked. He already knew when he made the transcript. Tang An is a freshman at Zhong Hai University. The possibility of Ann suddenly becoming a professional long-distance runner is too small.

The two walked a few steps forward, Zhang Yuying grabbed Tang An's sleeves, no longer as nervous and reserved as in the police station, with an expression of excitement on her face, "When did you become so powerful? Can run! You never signed up for a five-kilometer run in high school!"

   "I don't know..." Tang An said worriedly. At this time, he could start to worry about tail sequelae. While comforting himself, didn't Nan Mao say that he should run more to get rid of it completely? Now that he has been running for so long, he should be able to completely eliminate the hidden dangers.

"It's still pretending... No matter, it's good to be able to get the money back anyway." Zhang Yuying reached out to get the money, and after thinking about it, she didn't dare to take the money out anymore, and handed the bag directly to Tang An, "Here. I put 10,000 yuan, you can take as much as your tuition fee is still short."

   "Really support me!" Although he guessed Tang An was still very surprised, slightly opened his mouth, and the relationship between the two people is good, but Zhang Yuying was able to think about him in this way, Tang An was still very moved.

"Take care of your head, don't be long-winded! I originally wanted Alipay to transfer it to you, but I was afraid that you would not want to pay for it, so I transferred it back, so I just gave you the cash... This is what I saved for many years of New Year's Eve "Zhang Yuying said painfully.

   Tang An had to take out his cell phone and show Zhang Yuying the cell phone text messages sent by the bank.

"So much money!" Zhang Yuying's eyes bulged. For ordinary families, such a deposit is certainly not a big deal, but for young girls, it is naturally very happy to see such a sum of money that can be controlled by themselves. matter.

   "You have a lack of money, even if you tell me, I will take care of you." Tang An said with a smile.

   "Bai helped you worry about it!" Zhang Yuying gave him another white look and waved her hand, "It just so happens that I am about to update my equipment, and I keep the money for myself."

   Watching Zhang Yuying go to the car, Tang An walked over and patted Zhang Yuying on the shoulder.

   "What are you doing?" Zhang Yuying poked her head out of the car window.

   "Thank you." Tang An felt that it was really nice to meet such a friend, and his heart was warm.

   "Your eyes are really numb." Zhang Yuying laughed, "Let's go, go home, you don't have to show promise."

   Tang An shook his hand and watched the car leave, only then began to run home slowly.

   If the morning and evening running is not enough, let’s run for another hour or two now, for the tail to disappear completely!

   ran for more than an hour and finally returned home. Tang An was about to open the door, but felt that something shiny was seen from the corner of his eye, and he glanced up at a white cat.