My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 171: Kobold

Nan Mao and Tang An came to the subway station.

"Humans, once they become dense, are no different from the chickens raised in the chicken farm." The Southern Cat frowned as he watched the crowds.

Tang An bought two subway tickets to the airport, and then asked puzzledly: "Why are we going to the airport?"

Nan Mao is an unidentified person. Under normal circumstances, she can't enter a place like an airport. Tang An is a little worried that she will go to the airport to cause a terrorist incident, and it will be over.

"We are not going to the airport, we are just passing by the airport." Nan Mao grabbed Tang An's two hands to raise him, and then stood behind Tang An.

"What are you doing?" Tang An said, waving his raised hands.

"In this way, you can clear the way in front. Although your behavior is similar to neuropathy in humans, the point is that this will prompt other people to consciously leave you, and no one will surround me." Nan Mao said All the curious, amazing or sighing eyes around him turned a blind eye.

Tang An is used to it. Walking with the Southern Cat, she is as eye-catching as a night pearl. With her slender body and exquisite face, she always makes people think that this should be a little princess riding in the carriage of Buckingham Palace. .

Tang An put his hand quickly, "Is there anyone like you that hurts others and selfishly?"

"Isn't it a matter of self-interest to harm others?" Nan Mao's tone is also justified.

Tang An doesn't reason with her, it's useless to reason, because the king is not as reasonable as the Princess Annanxiu Palace (1).

"Come with me." Tang An didn't plan to walk slowly with her in the crowd, and took her hand to help her open the way.

Nan Mao pursed his mouth, frowned, keeping an angry look at the back of Tang An's head.

"You look like a little girl who doesn't want to walk and make troubles without buying sugar!" Tang An looked back at her and said, he knew she was like this because he was holding her hand.

But without holding her hand, Tang An is really worried that she will go away if she walks slowly and leisurely. You must know that when she is in the flow of people, she always looks very disgusting that others will encounter her, and her face is full of disgust. Where she is walking, without caring about the direction she is going, right.

"I don't like sugar very much!" Nan Mao sneered, "If you don't buy me milk and yogurt, I will be unhappy!"

Is there a difference? Tang An didn't think it was at all. Anyway, she was the kind of little girl who would get awkward if she didn't buy something delicious.

After finally getting on the subway, Zhonghai’s subway is always so crowded, like sardines stuffed in a tin can. Tang An looks at those who have seats and feels that such people exude a high-cold temperament as a winner in life.

"Have you read the novel that is full of men's all kinds of **** and toy with girls' bodies?" Nan Mao couldn't bear the human breath coming on her face, frowning and looking around.

Tang An's cheeks were slightly hot, no matter how many people next to him heard such words, he said quickly: "That book is called "Lolita", it's quite famous, you can read it when you have time."

Of course, Tang An knows that Nanmao is talking about the online novel called "My Wife is a Princess", but she describes it like this, which makes people think that he is reading that kind of **** novel...Although most people have read those novels A lustful novel, but when it comes to a little girl, it always reminds people of strange things. It seems that Tang An would do abnormal things to a little girl like Nanmao.

The book "Lolita" is at least somewhat famous, just like watching "Jin Ping Mei" can be regarded as an appreciation of a classical masterpiece.

Nan Mao didn’t care about Tang An’s careful thoughts, because the point was not that he hadn’t read it, but the way the male protagonist treated the female protagonist in that book. "I really hate the meticulous description of the female body by the male, but the male lead At least understand that when the heroine hates the public environment, create a comfortable environment for her. Now that you have read the book, this is an irreversible mistake, but you should at least know how to draw useful things from your mistakes. Understand?"

Tang An looked around and scratched his hair. Fortunately, the position he was in was near the door on the other side, so Tang An stretched out his hand to support the pole and the glass window, creating a way for Nanmao to avoid being caught. Space where other people collide.

Nan Mao turned around, turned her back to Tang An, stared at the wall in front, stood for a minute and then turned her head and raised her head to look at Tang An.

Tang An turned his head unnaturally, because although he was much taller than the Nanmao, but when one person raised his head and the other lowered his head, the two faces would be very close apart. The expressionless but delicate face The white face makes people involuntarily hold their breath, as if their breath was a kind of profanity in the past.

The carriage was slightly bumpy and swaying. Nan Mao looked at Tang An for a while, then looked down at his fingernails, and whispered: "Actually, my fingernails are more beautiful than yours."

"I'm not pretty, I'm handsome." Tang An said confidently, feeling whether it is compared with Lin Yuling, who always claims to be "a super popular beautiful girl idol who is popular with thousands of boys and girls," or with the South Five Cat King in front of him. Tang An is a very humble person, so complimenting himself is not at all proud.

Nan Mao raised his hand, put his fingernails next to Tang An's face and compared them, disdain to express any more opinions.

"It smells so bad..." Nan Mao couldn't bear it a bit, and grabbed Tang An's T-shirt.

"There is no way." Tang An didn't refute this, he didn't feel ugly, but the space filled with people did not taste much better.

Nan Mao grabbed Tang An's T-shirt and pulled it apart, then bent over, got in, and hid his head in Tang An's T-shirt.

Tang An was astonished. He didn't expect Nan Mao to do this suddenly. Although he wouldn't look like a pregnant woman, it was still too strange.

"What are you doing!" Tang An said in a low voice.

"I want to hide here... Although you are also smelly, at least it tastes better than other humans." Nan Mao said reluctantly.

Across the T-shirt, Nan Mao's voice was muffled.

Some people looked over. This is really a pair of guys who should be burned to death. Nan Mao’s exquisite face still carries the so-called childishness in the eyes of humans, but it is undoubtedly very beautiful. Compared with Tang An, no one would think that these two Are brothers and sisters...

Is there anything in this world that is more annoying than intimate and playful couples who are no one in public? No, I want to kick it when I see it, so that they wake up and realize that this is a world full of resentment for single men and women.

Tang An turned his head, his face finally thickened, and besides the possibility that his father with his daughter might have such an experience, who would do such a thing?

"Hey, stay here...what are you doing!" Tang An almost yelled, her chest hurting.

"I don't have it on my body, but you have it on my body, so I have to pull it out." Nan Mao observed again, there was nothing to pull out.

Tang An hurriedly clamped his arms. Through daily observations, Tang An knew that Nanmao’s armpits were hairless. If she found that his armpits had hairy, wouldn’t she have to pull them out? Just now Nan Mao plucked a hair on his chest.

Men are more or less hairy here, and girls definitely don’t. If girls have them too, would men still be full of love for that white jade skin? Probably not.

It's just that the breath of Nanmao will linger on his chest, itchy, giving people an urge to hold her tightly and press her head against his chest so that she can't tease people.

The little girl probably didn't know what kind of behavior she was doing like this. Tang An didn't get any misunderstandings. She kept looking out the window and saw the platform of the airport station. He quickly picked up the T-shirt and let the Nanmao out.

When the subway door opened, Tang An hurriedly pulled the Nanmao car, and finally didn't have to endure all kinds of gazes around.

Nan Mao broke away from Tang An's hand and held on to his tiger hat. Tang An's actions were so rude just now that he almost made Nan Mao's hat fall off.

Nan Mao looked around, followed Tang An, then walked into the airport terminal from the subway station, then walked to the departure point of the bus in front, and boarded a living room leading to Yangcheng Lake.

"Why are we going to Yangcheng Lake?" Tang An asked in surprise, Yangcheng Lake is not far away, only half an hour's drive from the airport, and it will be there soon, but why go to such a place is incomprehensible to Tang An.

"We eat crabs in the evening." Nan Mao sat by the window, then patted the seat next to him, and signaled Tang An to sit down quickly.

"The hairy crabs of Yangcheng Lake are indeed the most famous, but we can buy them in Zhonghai. If you want to eat, we can go to the supermarket to buy them. Why do you want to go to Yangcheng Lake?" Tang An looked at the sky, heaven. It's almost dark. This bus is probably the last bus. It ran to Yangcheng Lake and may not be able to return tonight.

"I'm going to catch it by myself. It's delicious if I eat what I catch myself!" Nanmao gave a mysterious smile, "I have investigated. A hairy crab currently sells for six bottles of the cheapest milk, and three bottles of cheaper cows. A large bottle of more expensive milk! I want to eat at least ten hairy crabs, that is, ten more expensive bottles of milk. If we go to catch it, we don’t need to consume any paper called renminbi, and you can save money. , Buy me ten more bottles of milk!"

"This is your true purpose?" Tang An asked in a daze, Nanmao is actually saving money, shouldn't he be happy?

"There is another purpose." Nan Mao took out a yellow-haired old book with a broken cover that seemed to be the stall magazine of the last century.

Tang An was attracted by her cautious expression. UU read and looked at the magazine. This kind of thing is the so-called street stall. Before the Internet flourished, many people liked to read the mess published in this magazine. Nonsense... Basically no one has read it now, because as long as the Internet is overwhelmed with more nonsense.

For example, the Yingkou Dragon Falling Incident in 1934, Zhu Xiuhua's resurrection in 1949 scared Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang remnant was wiped out in 1951, and the King Snake with a head of one meter in diameter was killed. In 1988, the 1968 Nanfu battery was discovered in Guo Huang, and so on.

"Look here... In 1994, a kobold man was found in Yangcheng Lake. His figure is three meters high and his kobold body is powerful..." Nan Mao opened one of the pages and pointed to the content and said to Tang An.

"I know, it's called Nasus, and it has a brother who is a crocodile. It has now landed in the game "League of Legends"." Tang An patted his forehead and said, this thing even the street master knows it is nonsense, but Nan The cat actually believed it! Is she still going to investigate and think that this kobold will have something to do with the Canine Race!


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