My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 172: 2 Langshen

Because it was the last train, it took only 20 minutes to reach Yangcheng Lake from China Overseas International Airport. There were not many people in the carriage, so that Nan Mao couldn't bear to get under Tang An's t-shirt.

Yangcheng Lake is also a scenic spot. Now it is the fishing season. In addition to the workers who fish for crabs, there are also diners and tourists feasting on the surrounding scenic spots and restaurants.

Tang An and Nan Mao came here not to simply taste the authentic Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, but to look for the legendary kobold.

"Let's go to the shop to eat crabs first, and ask if there is any kobold legend." Tang An ate a bowl of ramen and some meatballs at noon, and then busy all afternoon, now naturally a little hungry.

When he came, he was safe, and Tang An wanted to eat crabs. As for the kobold legend, Tang An didn't take it seriously, so he just came to have fun.

Nanmao looked at the Yangcheng Lake at night. There were little water on the lake against the light. Large and small fishing boats docked or swayed, and a small island was dormant in the middle of the lake.

Yangcheng Lake is not a small lake. The destination for most people to visit is the Yangcheng Lake Peninsula Tourist Resort, which is known as half lake, half garden, half gourmet, and half shopping. The place where Tang'an and Nanmao get off is not commercialized. The resort area is more like the original Yangcheng Lake farmhouse zone.

I can’t go back tonight. I can only go to the resort to find a hotel to stay in. Tomorrow the morning bus should be too late to go to school. Tang An looked at the phone and took the Nanmao to the restaurant where he was going to eat. .

"We don't go to the store to eat crabs, we have to catch them ourselves" Nan Mao broke free from Tang An's hand, she was serious.

"How do you catch and jump into the water to find crabs?" Tang An knows the common sense in this respect. "Do you know how to catch crabs? You have to put the crab baskets in the lake one week in advance. When the autumn wind blows, crab feet If it is itchy, you will crawl into the basket by yourself, and then salvage the crab basket. You think catching crabs is the same as catching fish."

"Idiot, don't you have a crab crate? We just need to find a crab crate." Nan Mao waved his hand and said without mind.

"Isn't that stealing someone else?" Tang An believes that there must be wild hairy crabs in the huge Yangcheng Lake, but if he wants him to steal the crab crates from the farmers, or the crab crates set by others, Tang An can't do this kind of thing.

"This lake is occupied by me, so all the crabs here are mine." Nan Mao pointed to Yangcheng Lake and said loudly.

What can’t you learn? Mr. Zhang, who has contracted fish ponds, and this is not a fish pond. This is Yangcheng Lake, such a large Yangcheng Lake, is it like a cemetery or the small courtyard of Tang’an’s family?

"Our plan is to first find someone to inquire about the legend of the kobold, but land on that island, eat crabs on the island for the night, and wait for the kobold to appear." Nan Mao said solemnly, "I suspect that the kobold is Canines who understand the ability to transform on their own can't completely change because they understand it on their own.

Tang An rubbed his eyebrows, hated the authors of Di Tan Literature, and was even more worried that Nan Mao would suddenly think about some strange stories on the Internet in the future.

At this time, Sang Mengmeng called. When she returned home, she called and asked if Tang An and Nan Mao were not there.

Tang An only said that she might not be back tonight, and let Sang Mengmeng take care of the dinner by herself. He didn't tell Sang Mengmeng that she was in Yangcheng Lake.

Tang An had never thought that his life would include looking for kobolds. Tang An couldn't help sighing when he hung up the phone.

Nanmao has already gone to a nearby supermarket. Since I don’t plan to eat the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs in the surrounding restaurants, I certainly didn’t go to the restaurant to inquire. Nanmao bought a carton of milk in the supermarket and drank it, and then pointed to the condiment area. Let Tang An prepare the seasoning for crabs to eat at night.

"I really want to cook my own crabs" and didn't plan to camp, how to do it empty-handed? Tang An looked at the seasoning area and felt that besides the seasoning, there were a lot of other things to prepare.

"We are here to eat crabs and look for kobolds" Nan Mao emphasized impatiently, how many times have been asked, long-winded

Tang An picked some spices and tableware, and then went to the cashier to check out.

"Do you need anything else?" The cashier was a little girl under twenty, with a red pimples on her face, and she looked at Tang An and smiled slightly.

Tang An is very embarrassed because he is the same age, and also a girl, how can such a thing be asked?

Nanmao didn't like talking to low-level human females, so she stood by the hem of Tang An's t-shirt while drinking milk.

"May I ask if there is a legend of kobolds in Yangcheng Lake?" Tang An finally asked, trying to ask casually to make others think that he didn't believe this, but was a little interested after hearing about it.

"I haven't heard of this, I'm not a local." The little girl smiled and shook her head.

So Tang An quickly checked out and left the supermarket.

"No, I heard that, I haven't heard of this." Tang An said to Nan Mao.

"She said that she is not a local. The hidden meaning is that she hasn't heard of it. It doesn't mean that other people have not heard of it." Nan Mao pointed to an old man who was squatting not far away to clean the crab basket and said, "This person should He is a local, and old enough, but not so old that he can remember things clearly. If he had heard about things 20 years ago, he would definitely remember the female human you just asked about. She was when the kobold appeared. Not yet born."

Looking for the old man to find out that these things are not as embarrassing as when facing his peers, Tang An walked over, squatted down and said to the old man, "Master, the harvest of crabs this year is good."

The old man’s beard was a little white, but his bones were still very strong. He was wearing a pair of big pants and was naked and comfortable with the lake breeze. Hearing Tang An’s question, the old man nodded and said with a smile: "This year is the big one. Good harvest, the entire Yangcheng Lake is estimated to be three thousand tons."

"That's not bad." Tang An put on a close, "You have been raising crabs in Yangcheng Lake for decades."

"Yes, the crabs in the past were all made in state-owned factories, all of them were fat, unlike now, getting smaller and smaller, and the water in Yangcheng Lake is not as good as before." The old man said with emotion.

"But speaking of it, the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs used to be eaten by rich people, now the common people can eat them." Tang An continued the old man's words.

The old man patted the crab basket and nodded: "That's true, young man, you are here to travel, or are you here to eat crabs"

"Oh, when we came to play, I heard people say that kobolds once appeared in Yangcheng Lake. Is there such a thing?" Tang An asked.

The old man glanced at Tang An with a slight surprise, then put down the crab basket and bowed to Yangcheng Lake and said, "Of course I have heard of this, and I have seen it with my own eyes."

The ears of Nan Mao's tiger hat moved, and he ran over to listen with Tang An.

"You have seen it with your own eyes, what's it like?" Tang An's eyes jumped, and the stall literature was not completely fabricated. It seems that this legend is indeed circulated in Yangcheng Lake.

The old man worshipped Yangcheng Lake again, lowering his voice and said, "The younger generation, that is not a kobold, that is the lake **** of Yangcheng Lake, but the snarling dog that Zhenjun Erlang sat down."

Tang An had to pretend to be very interested and asked, "Master, what was the situation when you saw the Lake God at the time?"

The old man picked up the pipe and knocked some tobacco. Tang An quickly picked up the lighter on the ground and set it alight for him. The old man knocked a puff of cigarette and said leisurely: "That was all more than 20 years ago. At that time, my second sister I was just born and my wife was sitting at home for confinement. I went to the lake to collect crab crates. The autumn breeze together made me feel chilly. When I mentioned the crab crates, I felt very heavy. I thought I had some good stuff. I can’t pull it up, as if something is competing with me, guess what."

"It's the kobold" Nan Mao said immediately.

Nan Mao would actually take the initiative to answer the conversation with humans. It seemed that she was really interested. Tang An also nodded, indicating that he guessed that way too.

"I said it's the lake god" the old man said a little angrily, "but it's not the lake **** who is competing with me. How can the lake **** compete with me as a common man? At that time, the one who was competing with me was another water ghost, you water ghost. Have you heard of it"

Nan Mao has never heard of it, but Tang An knows that feelings are just listening to the ghost stories that scare children from old people.

"Water ghosts are also called water monkeys in some places. They are the kind of water monsters that look like humans but are covered with hair, right." Tang An is not unheard of those strange stories.

"That's right, the water monkey. I was young and had a lot of strength. I pulled and pulled, and only a water monkey was pulled up. I was shocked when I saw the black eyes and white teeth, but The crab basket was full of crabs, and I couldn’t bear to let the water monkey ruin it, so I pulled it up.” The old man said, and exclaimed, “I’m old now, and I’m afraid I won’t have this if I meet the water monkey again. Dare."

"Later," Nan Mao asked urgingly. This water monkey might be some kind of unknown spirit race in the water.

To tell the story is to have someone urging to ask, otherwise the old man shook his pipe with satisfaction, "This water monkey is a water ghost after all, and his strength in the water is very strong. I was accidentally caught. It was pulled into the water. I regretted it at the time. The crab was gone and fished. When a person falls into the water, where is the opponent of the water monkey, I am afraid that it will be eaten by it. I have been hearing about it since I was a child The water monkeys in Yangcheng Lake cannibalize people. I didn’t expect that I would still be eaten. At that time, I only thought about my mother-in-law and my second sister. What can I do?”

"Ji people have their own appearances, you don't always look like a victim, you must be fine" Tang An is a qualified admirer.

"Isn't that right now?" The old man laughed. "At that time, when I was talking early and late, when I was about to be dragged into the water by the water monkey, the **** of the lake came over on a huge wave. Give a shout: The wicked animal dares to harm people. Today is your death date."

"The lake **** killed the water monkey and saved you" Tang An asked.

"The **** of the lake opened his mouth with golden light in his mouth, and burned the water monkey to ashes." The old man put down his pipe and bowed to the lake. "After the **** of the lake saved me, he stepped on the waves again. I have never encountered anything on the water ever since, and the crab crate is always the most full of my family. Everyone said that the lake **** blessed me, and I will live a long life in the future."

"That's a long life." Tang An turned his head and looked at Nan Mao. After hearing the story, this is a story.

"Do you see clearly what the **** of the lake looks like" Nan Mao said unhappily. Who wants to listen to you, Nan Mao only cares about the kobold.

"I didn't see it very clearly at the time, but the **** of the lake was huge, more than two feet high, he straightened my boat with a wave of his hand, but the **** of the lake did have a head and body like a dog. The limbs are almost the same as people." The old man thought about it carefully, "By the way, there is a tail. With that tail swept away, Yangcheng Lake is like a huge wave."

"The old man, have you ever seen this lake **** again later, or heard of where it appeared" Tang An then asked.

The old man shook his head and said triumphantly: "Where is the lake **** that will be seen casually, Yangcheng Lake also had water ghosts in the past few years, and the lake **** did not respond. Except for me, no one else had the opportunity to see the lake. God. Every year on New Year's Day, we will go boating on the island to worship the lake gods. Occasionally, the lake gods will give me dreams to indicate natural disasters."

"That island" Nan Mao said, pointing to the small island in the middle of Yangcheng Lake that has been completely hidden in darkness.

The old man nodded and asked with interest: "Do you want to see the **** of the lake? It's not me that you want to see the **** of the lake. You don't want to see the **** of the lake. If you are sincere, you can live by this Yangcheng Lake for decades. , Maybe there is still a chance, but sincerity is the spirit."

"Thank you, let's just ask and be curious." Tang An said with a smile, knowing that there is nothing more to ask, or that the old man made up the story.

Tang An and Nan Mao walked away. After walking for a while, Nan Mao stood by Yangcheng Lake and looked at the small island in the distance.

Tang An was also looking at the small island, which was the place where the legendary lake **** would descend, and the place where the elderly would worship.

Like many places, there is indeed a ritual to catch crabs in Yangcheng Lake, but it is probably because the old man would believe in the legend of the lake god. A three-foot-tall kobold is almost ten meters tall. It’s five meters taller and doubled.

"You won't really believe it," Tang An said helplessly looking at the Southern Cat King's serious expression. It seems that this old man is basically the source of the kobold legend, but this old man also said that he was the only one to watch it. Now, there is also a wonderful dream, and a water ghost is involved. This is a story that most children with elders in the family will basically have heard.

"Vague memories, exaggerated words, lies due to the need to be worshiped and envied, these are the factors that must be considered in human rumors." Nan Mao's expression is serious, but the tone is very calm, and Tang An does not appear. If he was worried, he would turn Yangcheng Lake over and look for the kobolds.

"It's fine if you know it." Tang An felt the same way. It is inevitable that people would like to be noticed, hope to gain respect and a certain respected mentality, and it is normal for some facts or coincidences to derive lies.

What's more, what the old man said is obviously a story with a mythological color. No one who is a little bit younger will believe it, such as the true monarch of Erlang, or the snarling dog.

"One thing that makes me think I need to consider is that when he talked about kobolds, that kind of piety was not pretended. He believed in what he said." Nan Mao helped his tiger hat, "I can He thought that he did meet a kobold, and then the kobold used some illusion techniques that made him think that he had encountered a water ghost and was saved by some lake god."

"You still think kobolds exist" Tang An sighed after talking for a long time. The story made up by this old man actually further corroborated Nan Mao's conjecture.

"Of course, this old human male mentioned the snarling dog. Based on my research on the mythical image of humans on the earth, I think that the snarling dog and the Erlang **** are actually two forms of the dog spirit tribe. The snarling dog seen by humans It’s just his dog form, and Erlang God is his human form.” Nanmao pointed his finger at the small island in the lake, “In the ancient times of human civilization on the earth, this dog spirit family appeared, leaving behind the legend of Erlang God. Now the kobold we are looking for may also have something to do with Erlang."

Tang An opened his mouth and took a breath, admiring him. He deserves to be the King of Southern Cat. This association is really unusual, and it even gives people a very credible feeling.



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