My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 186: A big local tyrant

Unable to sing or speak loudly, Tang An ate some fruit and then went to the bathroom. When he returned, he saw a few girls walking into the box of 1038 surrounded by a tall girl wearing a mask.

This must be Ye Yiyu. Tang An glanced at it. The chest is indeed not small, and he definitely has the rich capital of the career line. Although Lin Yuling's is not small, but Lin Yuling does not follow that kind of route. She usually wears looser clothes. Not showing dew.

Thinking of this, Tang An suddenly remembered that he had once looked at Lin Yuling, and he couldn't help but think of many beautiful scenes at that time. When Tang An returned to the box, he couldn't help but become silent a little. I am ashamed to mock Lin Yuling again.

Sitting next to her was a girl who had seen her all the time, but she didn't know it. Now she was looking at her wearing clothes again, this feeling is still a bit strange.

"They're here, they're in." Tang An whispered to Lin Yuling.

"I know" Lin Yuling put **** on the edge of her mouth, then adjusted the volume of the phone to the maximum and placed it on the table, carefully pulling Tang An and sitting next to her, but her mouth was far away from the phone.

Tang An made a profit, because Lin Yuling looked a little nervous, she had been holding onto Tang An's hand hard and refused to let go.

Lin Yuling's hands are soft and her skin is slippery. It is actually a very comfortable thing to be held by a girl like this. Tang An had to refuse without pretense, anyway, except between himself and Lin Yuling that night. Something really ambiguous happened.

Lin Yuling patronized nervously, thinking about something to grab, but didn't think about what's wrong with grabbing a boy's hand.

"This group of people know the flattering of big milk leaves" listening to the voice coming from the phone, Lin Yuling said angrily, "this stupid woman actually said that big milk leaves must be voted first this year. "

"It's normal for people to show their determination, don't get excited." Tang An felt his ears itchy, because Lin Yuling had to speak in a low voice, so she could only talk to his ear.

The backbone of these support groups have more opportunities to contact idols. They are not as excited as the fans at the meeting, but they can be party with Ye Yiyu, and they can still be heard from the girls' chirping. The mood is more exciting.

The voice is actually not loud, and many people talk in confusion. Lin Yuling needs to concentrate on listening. After listening and wanting to talk to Tang An, she has to raise her head again, and then she can't hear the voice in the microphone. Lin Yuling kept moving her head for a while and then raised her head.

"Listen well first." Tang An held Lin Yuling and told her to stop moving, but he also had to talk to Lin Yuling's ear, not loud, otherwise the voice would be picked up by the phone's microphone.

Lin Yuling felt her ears itchy, and then realized that she was talking to Tang An just now, probably because of the feeling of consent to him, and she couldn't help but blush.

"This time we have to be united. Even if we can't completely defeat the Yulin Army in the end, we must let them know the strength of our jade."

When the girl who said this sentence spoke, other people stopped talking. Based on the momentum and atmosphere, Tang An judged that it was Ye Yiyu who was talking. She felt that this girl was still very particular about her speech. For example, she used " "One heart", instead of "one heart", is to put yourself in the same position as the fans, so as to be more affinity. This is a small psychological hint that can make people feel close to her inadvertently. Some, but the word "one above one mind" has a different feeling.

Yulinjun is probably the name of a fan of Lin Yuling, and Yushi is the name of a fan of Ye Yiyu.

Lin Yuling was listening carefully, Tang An didn't bother her, and she was able to absorb a lot of information.

They are mainly talking about the voting method this year. The first method is to vote on mobile terminals such as mobile phones and tablets. You need to download the sb48 software and vote as a top-up member. You can buy 30 yuan for a month’s membership for the first time. ticket.

This monthly membership ticket is also quite expensive. You have to know that Penguin only charges ten yuan, and only fifteen for super members.

This method was probably used on the first day of voting, in order to raise the number of votes on the first day. Tang An estimated that this was the most basic vote. After all, it would cost too much to swipe votes in this way. The client is bound to a terminal to cast a vote intelligently.

The second is to obtain voting coupons, which are tickets that the company will sell publicly. Each coupon is printed with two verification codes. Fans can use the verification code to vote on the official website or the official mobile client. Each of these tickets will vote. The number is unlimited.

This is definitely the fiercest competition among sb48 members, and the most votes need to be obtained. This method may be a means to counterattack members with less irritating members. After all, if a member with a lower popularity has a member who is willing to spend a lot of money for her A local tyrant, with tens of thousands or tens of thousands of votes, can become an ordinary fan of thousands of others.

Before the vote, the single CD of sb48 will be accompanied by a ticket, and you can buy a ticket by buying a disc. Basically, in the sprint stage of the vote, everyone used to swipe the votes from this.

"It's still an old routine. The head of the fan club called for everyone to raise money to buy votes, and then vote for Ye Yiyu." Lin Yuling was a little dull. "They are talking about how to operate. This year their voting team has enough. There are over a hundred people, half more than last year."

"The most important thing is that they seem to have found a local tyrant. Didn't you hear? Just now a girl said that the cheque was already in her hand, but she didn't know how much money was on the cheque, but listen to them, this A check is enough to make a final decision at the last moment." Although Tang An didn't listen particularly hard, his hearing was much better than Lin Yuling's, and he heard more clearly. Tang An also heard some of the content that Lin Yuling missed.

"Really" Lin Yuling raised her spirits.

But they didn't continue the topic of this check anymore, and went back to the specific operation again.

This kind of voting, in fact, in addition to the funds required to buy votes, voting is also a link that requires full cooperation, because after getting the votes, when to vote and to ensure effective voting also requires a lot of manpower. After all, every vote is only The ability to manually enter the verification code and operate the entire process manually is a very time-consuming, patience and tedious task.

No wonder a team of more than one hundred people is needed. This is a vote of tens of thousands and tens of thousands, which is terrible to think about.

Tang An couldn’t help but sympathizes with Lin Yuling, feeling that Lin Yuling seems to be a lonely person. Now she is next to her, and behind her is a voting team of hundreds of people.

"Hmph, just use these little tricks to defeat me." Lin Yuling covered her mouth and whispered her pride in Tang An's ears, so that the breath when speaking would not be sprayed on Tang An's ears. It made Tang An's ears itchy, anyway, when Tang An was talking to her ears, her ears were itchy.

"The fighting power of the local tyrants is too strong and you have to guard against it. Think about it. If your votes are close to each other, at the last moment, their group of hundreds of people suddenly cast a large number of votes. I'm afraid that no matter the time or funds, there may be insufficient preparation. In the end, it is too late, and there is no other way when the limited time is reached." Tang An said worriedly, this is an era when the local tyrants will drop the ten clubs.

"I estimate that the check is only about one million, and at most it can fluctuate between one million and five million. Those fans who are particularly willing to spend money, the company basically has contacts and information, as far as I know Among Ye Yiyu's supporters, the richest is probably between 1 million and 5 million. Together with her fan fundraising, the total amount will not exceed 10 million." Lin Yuling said dismissively.

Tang An is dumbfounded. The fans’ money is really good. Maybe these stars’ own strength is one thing, but the most important thing is to run the fan group. As long as they are managed properly, they can be transformed into the best. Direct economic benefits, not just illusory popularity.

Just like Ye Yiyu's tens of millions of funds used for voting, in fact, basically all of it was earned by the company, and the company issued these digital votes without any cost. This is only Ye Yiyu, and the voting funds of Lin Yuyu, a super-heavy gold idol, are not counted.

"Then do you have such a local tyrant to support you?" Tang An also followed Lin Yuling's way, covering her mouth and talking in her ear.

"I don't know." Lin Yuling said with a bit of facelessness, "I don't care much about whether there are any local tyrants among my fans. For me, it is enough to support me and like me. It doesn't matter whether I have money or not. I voted. Whatever you have money to pay, you can do what you can."

"That's no more." Tang An nodded to express understanding.

"Of course, it's just that I can't be like Ye Yiyu. In order to canvass votes, I specially hold those high-end fan meetings. It's boring." Lin Yuling flushed her cheeks and hummed twice. "Besides, I am my own fan. Is the biggest local tyrant"

"It's a big one." Tang An arched his hand, "But classmate Lin Yuyu, someone else voted for her, and you voted for yourself. Don't you think that at this level, you have already lost a lot?"

"Huh, if it's a manpower and a vote, it must be me first. It doesn't matter if she takes the first place like this, not to mention my fans will hold such an event. In the end, I don't know who will die." Lin Yuling said proudly.

Tang An nodded. The situation of the other party has been understood a little bit. Presumably Lin Yuling still has her own countermeasures. After all, Lin Yuling does not seem to have high IQ and EQ, but her diehard fans are doing these things. , I will definitely try my best, and may not ask Lin Yuling to do something on her own.

Some people have this kind of life, and they can get more from the hard work of others while lying down.

The two were about to listen again, and suddenly the speakers were turned on. The sb48 song immediately covered up the voice, and Tang An and Lin Yuling could no longer hear other voices.

"Really treacherous and cunning" Lin Yuling hung up the phone altogether.

"They didn't know that we were eavesdropping. We said that they were treacherous and cunning, right?" Tang An said fairly.

"Where are you from?" Lin Yuling said loudly, after she hung up the phone, she was finally able to speak loudly.

"I'm on your left." Tang An sat on Lin Yuling's left.

Lin Yuling didn't want to talk to him, so she poured a glass of wine and drank.

Tang An also had nothing to do, drank a glass of wine, and then went to sing.

Lin Yuling could only watch him sing and listen. Lin Yuling couldn’t help pointing out Tang An’s relative lack of professionalism in singing and breathing. Tang An didn’t listen to her at all. Anyway, she was just singing and playing. Entertain yourself, and don't satisfy Lin Yuling's good teacher's sex.

"Ghost crying wolf howling" Finally Lin Yuling commented on Tang An's singing, UU reading "In a while, others will run into our box and beg you to stop singing."

The soundproofing effect of the box is good, but it is usually because you can't hear the singing in other boxes in your box, and you can still hear it in the corridor. Lin Yuling felt that if she was not inconvenient to go out, she would have ran away.

"I'm happy" Tang An continued to sing to himself.

So Lin Yuling couldn’t help but to help see if the person facing the bread box had gone. Tang An would definitely have to wait for the person facing the bread box to leave, and then go under the sofa and grab the phone before leaving. Lin Yuling estimated that she would say don’t wait. Tomorrow He would not agree to buy him a new mobile phone. ~Good search and search basket color, you can read the following chapters as soon as possible



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