My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 20: Who says women don't overturn the wall

The design is very smart, and I slept late. When Tang An got up the next day, it was already over nine o’clock. He yawned and got up, feeling something wrong behind his butt, so he immediately touched it with his backhand. Sure enough, the tail It's growing again!

   Tang An wanted to cry without tears, but this kind of thing happened for the second time. Tang An was no longer so panicked and unbelievable. He got up with a bitter face and went to the bathroom to calmly wash his face and brush his teeth, and then touched his tail in the mirror.

   It seems that I still have to go to Nanmao today. I only paid tribute to the milk yesterday. Go empty-handed today? Tang An thought so, but heard the phone ringing.

   It turned out to be Zhang Yuying. When she answered the phone, she only heard Zhang Yuying say: "Tang An, I'm outside your house!"

   Tang An was taken aback. He came to the window and saw a girl in a white t-shirt and black short skirt sitting on a cross chair opposite the courtyard door with fake half-socks with a rabbit pattern on her knees. Naturally, she was Zhang Yuying.

   "Why are you here early in the morning?" Tang An pulled his tail and went around the house. It's really a leak in the house, so why did Zhang Yuying come here early in the morning? Tang An remembered that her home was not close to here.

   "Why I was here early in the morning? I'm not happy to come and play? I said, shouldn't you hurry down and open the door?" Zhang Yuying said.

   Tang An could see her standing up by the window, raising her leg and stomping her feet. Zhang Yuying, who wanted to pretend to be the eldest sister, didn’t know that Tang An was peeking at her. The girls still made as many small movements as other girls.

" didn't mean that..." Tang An is anxious to say that she is not at home, because her yard is an old-fashioned door lock, which can be locked outside when you go home. If you go home, the outside door It will not be locked, only the door latch will be hung inside.

   Zhang Yuying As long as he sees that the outside door is not locked, he knows that Tang An is at home.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, lying on the bed... I don't have the strength to come down and open the door..." Tang An immediately became extremely weak, and said weakly, "You go find Zhang Mulin, Zhang Fazhong, Lin Xiaohui and the others...I'm better. Come to you again..."

But Zhang Yuying was not so easy to dismiss. Tang An stared at Zhang Yuying and saw that she didn't walk away at all, but walked directly to the front of the courtyard. The wall blocked her sight and she couldn't see her, but obviously she didn't intend to leave like this. .

   "How can it work? Why don't you go to the hospital? Are you very ill? Where is it?" Zhang Yuying said a series of words.

   "It's okay..." The weak Tang An could only answer briefly, "I really don't bother to move, I feel like getting out of bed... I don't have any strength..."

"You wait."

   After speaking, Zhang Yuying hung up the phone.

  What are you waiting for? Is she going to call an ambulance?

Tang An looked out the window and saw a pair of closes climbing on the top of the wall. Zhang Yuying's head stretched out and then retracted. Tang An couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that Zhang Yuying was trying to climb the wall, but such a thing for a girl It's still quite difficult.

   After a while, Tang An saw Zhang Yuying jumping and popping her head out from time to time, but all failed, and she couldn't climb the wall.

   Two minutes passed, and Zhang Yuying was not seen again. Just when Tang An thought Zhang Yuying had finally given up, she ran across the street and caught the attention of the cross chair.

   This horizontal chair is not a public facility fixed on the ground. There is no such plan in Wutong Alley. This horizontal chair is just a family placed outside and can move.

Such a cross chair is not light in weight. Tang An looked at Zhang Yuying, who was slender and small compared to the cross chair, and moved the cross chair with great effort. He couldn't help but feel moved and guilty, but he really couldn't open the door to see her. . Now it is hard for me to go down around the clothes to open the door, because she hung up the phone, under normal circumstances, I must think that she is gone. If I go to open the door now, doesn't it mean that I know she is not gone? Since I can't get up, how can I peek at her from the window?

   Tang An could only watch helplessly.

   Even though it's only nine o'clock, the sunlight mixed in the air makes it easy to sweat. Tang An can clearly see her bangs sticking to her forehead.

   The ponytail tucked in the back of her head trembles, the sun shines directly on her cheek, and she looks extremely white. Although Zhang Yuying is not a super beautiful woman, she is undoubtedly a moving girl.

While crawling, Zhang Yuying suddenly jumped down again and stood still on the cross chair. Tang An noticed that someone had come over. Zhang Yuying watched that person walk away before continuing to climb. It turned out to be crawling. Zhang Yuying on the wall is a girl after all, and she is afraid of passing out in a skirt.

   After the man walked far away, Zhang Yuying climbed up the wall in a hurry, and then jumped off without hesitation.

The wall was so high that it was not too short. Tang An was taken aback. Fortunately, the wind blew her skirt up, revealing her white **** and slender legs. Zhang Yuying squatted on the ground while pressing her skirt. Then he stood up again.

She took off the latch, went to the door and put the chair back to its original place, and then walked in with the bag, but instead of entering the house immediately, she stood under the tree, took out the mirror, and tidyed her hair. , Looked at his face, wiped off the gray stains on his chin and hands, and then walked in.

   Listening to the sound of the stairs, Tang An hurriedly lay on the bed, pulling a blanket to cover his waist, a little nervous, although she knew that Zhang Yuying was unlikely to lift the quilt, she was still very guilty.

   "Clang clang clang!" Zhang Yuying opened the door, jumped over, flicked his hair, and appeared in front of Tang An very smartly.

   Tang An smiled slightly, but felt very warm.

   "How did you come in?" Tang An asked pretendingly.

   "Yingge is an assassin, of course it is easy to fly over the wall." Zhang Yuying said lightly.

   If it weren't for seeing the way she was struggling just now, I would really think that she had just jumped in.

   "Ah, didn't you come in over the wall?" Tang An said in surprise.

   "That's nothing, who makes you so lazy?" Zhang Yuying said, looking at Tang An's expression.

   Tang An had to weaken again, and took a breath, "Sister, it's not that I'm lazy, I really don't have the strength to go down and open the door for you."

   "What's the matter with you?" Zhang Yuying sat beside Tang An and reached out to touch his head.

   Zhang Yuying's hands are uniquely soft for girls. They are not big and warm. How can you tell if Tang An has a fever? After touching Tang An's forehead, Zhang Yuying asked, "Why are you uncomfortable? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

   "No... I should have been sleeping with the window open last night, and I just caught a cold." Tang An covered his mouth and coughed.

"Then wait, I'll buy you some medicine!" Zhang Yuying said with a sigh of relief. After all, catching a cold is not a big deal, but what is really annoying is that Zhang Yuying sometimes catches a cold. Not only is she weak, but also every time she comes to the hospital. Aunt will have dysmenorrhea.

   "No more..." Tang An won't let her do something, she won't stop, and said quickly, "Go to the kitchen downstairs and make me a bowl of **** soup."

   Tang An pulled the blanket. Just now Zhang Yuying was sitting like this, almost sitting on his tail. Tang An wanted to quickly prop her up and adjust the position of his tail.

   "Okay, right now! Is it hot again? It's okay, I will boil the water."

   Zhang Yuying stood up, put the bag on Tang An’s bedside, and walked downstairs.

Tang An looked at her and dared to climb over the wall in a skirt, naturally because he wore safety and the short skirt still gave men unlimited reverie. The girl’s legs were tight and slender, outlined by fake half-cut socks. The most delicate absolute area, I don’t know why, the skin of the legs between the half-length socks and skirts of girls can give people a particularly beautiful feeling.

  A girl with an ordinary figure, an ordinary-looking girl, at least in this way, using the interweaving of light and shadow, to take a partial close-up, beautiful, and sending it to the circle of friends can also attract a lot of compliments.

   Of course, Zhang Yuying does not need to use this method. She is a beauty and does not need to send such things deliberately. If a beauty needs to post some photos of parts of her body to seduce people, she loses shares.

While Zhang Yuying went downstairs, Tang An hurriedly adjusted his posture. Fortunately, there were trees and a mountain forest that absorbed the heat. The indoor temperature in Wutong Lane was always lower than that of the side. The window was open and there was a slight wind, Tang An’s. The hair was wiggling, and it was not unbearable to feel the feeling of being covered with a thin blanket in the summer.

At this time, the vibration of the mobile phone came from Zhang Yuying’s bag. The girl’s bag can’t be turned around casually. Although the relationship between herself and Zhang Yuying is very good, it is not to the extent that she becomes a male best friend. In fact, Tang An He hates the name and existence of a male best friend very much. Tang An feels that if he has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend has a so-called male best friend, then either break up with himself or keep a distance from the male best friend.

  Or, when she knew that a girl had a so-called male best friend, Tang An would not have any interest in the girl.

After a while, Zhang Yuying came up cautiously holding a bowl of warm **** soup. The bowl was made of porcelain, the edges were white, and the blue and white underneath was exquisite and graceful. Zhang Yuying's hands were as white as jade, and she intercepted a part of the composition in Tang An’s eyes. It is a particularly beautiful scene.