My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 21: Why do you have to cover your waist with

   Zhang Yuying was holding a bowl, and there was a spoon in the bowl. The golden **** soup exuded heat, which made people look a little scared on a hot day. Zhang Yuying took the spoon and blew in, and then came to feed Tang An.

   "Okay, let's put it down, I still have the strength to carry the bowl." Tang An said, "Your phone rang just now, see if Zhang Mulin and Zhang Zhong sent them. If they want you to play, you go."

   Tang An took the bowl. Drinking hot **** soup on a hot day is really a matter of sweating on the forehead after thinking about it, but there is no way. If you want to install it, continue to install it.

   Zhang Yuying turned out the phone, looked at it, and put down the phone after replying a message, and said, "My mom told me to go back to dinner at noon."

   "Then you go back." Tang An said quickly.

   "I said my friend is sick, and I want to take care of him, and I will go back to have dinner." Zhang Yuying added, "If you are still not getting better this afternoon, I will be fine if I go back later."

   "It will be fine this afternoon, it should be almost the same after drinking **** soup." Tang An said quickly.

   "How do I feel that you don't want me to stay here?" Zhang Yuying looked at Tang An suspiciously. As a girl, she always felt very keen.

   "Nothing." Tang An took a sip of **** soup, frowned and said, "I just think I'm fine, and it's not fun for you to stay here."

   "It's okay, I will accompany you, otherwise it will be more boring if you lie down alone." After that, Zhang Yuying patted her chest, "Well, I'll be righteous."

   "Zhengyi..." Tang An was attracted by her chest slap. Although flat-chested female high school students are now the mainstream, Zhang Yuying is still in stock, "You can play with the computer."

Feeling that Tang An seemed to be more energetic and better than when she first answered her phone, Zhang Yuying felt that she still had her own credit. After all, she was an only child and did not have much experience in caring for others, so she felt a sense of accomplishment and nodded. , Went to turn on the computer, and said, "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, just tell me what you want me to do."

   Tang An is not polite with Zhang Yuying, but the most he wants her to do is to go home quickly, but she will not agree.

Tang An, as a boy, naturally won’t be too stuck when the configuration is possible, and he will turn on soon. Zhang Yuying glanced at the desktop and began to giggle, “I’ll check it out and look at your computer. Is there anything lusty in it."

"Yes, don't check it." Tang Anjiu said with a face. This is not shameful. As a boy with a normal development and a normal sexual orientation, it is normal for him to be interested in these things at this age. He is not a saint who strictly abides by the rules and precepts. A gentleman, although he has always been a more well-behaved image, but these things... always have.

Hearing Tang An's frankness, Zhang Yuying froze a little bit embarrassedly, then glanced back at Tang An, her cheeks flushed slightly, snorted, and then turned around with a smile, "Then I will also look for it to see if there is any abnormality. type."

"That's not true." Tang An shook his head. It is undeniable that human hearts always contain some desire to break through conventions. However, for normal people, this desire is often only slightly when the closest person does the most intimate thing. To show it, it is often just a taste, or just words, but not really indulged in the greatest pleasure. This is the biggest difference between a normal person and a pervert.

For example, normal men may feel cute and want to kiss their beautiful feet, but the difference in perversion is that they only have desires when facing such tiny feet, even after chasing middle-aged women after dancing square dances. The smell of feet.

   "Then I will look for it too." Zhang Yuying insisted, her eyes wide open, with a curious look.

"Actually, you are interested in yourself." Tang An wants to expose Zhang Yuying. He thinks that girls should be similar to boys in this respect, but girls are more reserved and shame is stronger, so they will be suppressed a little, but it is impossible. Not interested, but Zhang Yuying must have seen these things today when online **** content is so popular.

   "No...I haven't seen it either." Zhang Yuying shook her head and denied, the ponytail tucked up behind her head.

Tang An laughed, not too much, but the laughter made Zhang Yuying feel guilty. Zhang Yuying turned her head and glared at Tang An in shame, raised her fist, and put it down again, for the sake of his illness. Don't beat him anymore.

Zhang Yuying opened a few computer file disks, looked at it roughly, and found nothing, so she found the option to show hidden folders in the toolbar, and said triumphantly: "I know that all of you boys like this, just like it. To hide and tuck is hypocrisy! Let me see where it is!"

   "Skilled, next time I go to your house to look at your computer!" Tang An looked surprised.

   "The method I saw in a post on the Internet! I don't have these things in my computer!" Zhang Yuying snorted, anyway, Tang An didn't have the opportunity to turn over her computer.

   Zhang Yuying searched for a while, but still couldn't find it. Some reluctantly returned to the desktop, he clicked on the "new folder", and several Japanese action movies appeared!

   "Hahahaha, I found it!" Zhang Yuying laughed and took a look at it, "It really is abnormal content!"

   "Where is it?" Tang An raised his head and glanced up. Zhang Yuying pointed to a movie titled "Beautiful Legs". Tang An said wrongly: "This is also a pervert?"

   "Isn't this a pervert?" Zhang Yuying's eyes widened, "Oh my God, it turns out that you boys can just look at girls' thighs!"

   Talking, Zhang Yuying pulled on her skirt and concealed her thighs, as if to prevent Tang An from looking at her beautiful legs lustfully.

   Tang An was embarrassed by her action, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't take you seriously as an adulterer. After all, you are a man who can overturn the wall!"

"Who believes it?" Zhang Yuying was still somewhat confident about her legs, and then smiled and went to pull Tangan's blanket, "I want to cover my legs, after all, you are sick now, and your body is very weak and can't stimulate you. "

   Tang An was shocked, and quickly grabbed the blanket to prevent Zhang Yuying from pulling away.

   Zhang Yuying pulled, then after thinking about it, suddenly her cheeks turned red, and she immediately let go of the blanket in disgust.

   "What's your expression?" Tang An understood a bit, really wanting to lift the blanket to prove that she was wronging herself again.

Zhang Yuying couldn't help laughing. Although her cheeks were red, her smile was full of Then she twisted her bag and stood up, "It seems you are really fine. ......Grandma, I have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

   Talking about Zhang Yuying, she hurried out.

Zhang Yuying came downstairs and touched her cheek. It was a bit hot. Although she was used to joking unscrupulously, when we were alone like this, these things still made Zhang Yuying a little shy. The most important thing was just now. Tang An actually prevented himself from pulling the blanket. According to most of the explanation of the plot, it was because Tang An had a reaction in that place, so he wanted to block it.

   Is there no pure friendship between men and women? Zhang Yuying thought distressedly, even Tang An would see herself having such a thought? It's really annoying... Zhang Yuying thinks that the main problem is her own, after all, what she is wearing today is a bit too cute and beautiful, and it's normal for Tang An to not bear the temptation.

   Thinking like this, Zhang Yuying laughed again, turned her head and beckoned to the window, regardless of whether Tang An looked at herself in the window or not, and then walked out of the yard.

   "If you still feel uncomfortable, call me!" After thinking about it, Zhang Yuying still sent a text message to Tang An.

   "I will feel comfortable after you go." Tang An replied.

   "I'm can slap, so you feel comfortable?" Zhang Yuying blushed and chuckled and sent a message.

   Tang An was speechless.

   After Zhang Yuying left, Tang An was really comfortable, and immediately lifted the blanket, sweating on his buttocks, not to mention that there was a big fluffy tail padding there, and he also drank a bowl of **** soup!

   Tang An hurriedly took a shower in the bathroom again. The slightly cool water flowed over his body and shuddered. There were fine goose bumps on his body, but she felt better and refreshed.