My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 22: General Golden Tooth

   After taking a shower, Tang An put on his clothes and put a coat around his waist. He planned to go out to find Nan Mao. He came to the yard. Just when he reached the door, Tang An stopped in surprise.

At noon, the warm sunlight shone straight into the yard, and the dappled light and shadow of a few points passed through the leaves and fell on the pool, glowing brightly, the bamboo leaves were whirling, and the gray walls had dark dripping eaves. A piece of moss embellished the edge of the dripping eaves with green lace, and several tender yellow grass buds trembling. In this hot summer, they are too weak and still as fragile as in the cold winter.

   Ye Bu has a white cat's paw beside it, and its hair like silver needles has grown all over its body. It is as lazy and arrogant as ever, and its graceful posture is like a king's queen.

   Nan Mao, Nan Mao crouched on the wall, as Tang An had seen many times, she turned into a cat, in this posture, looking at Tang An with piercing eyes.

   Tang An immediately confirmed that it is not an ordinary cat, it is her, and she is a southern cat.

"Nan Mao, why are you here?" Tang An was surprised and happy. He was happy that he didn't have to risk exposing his tail to go out. To his surprise, Nan Mao actually left the cemetery. Tang An originally thought she didn't dare to leave. From that place.

Nan Mao jumped off the wall and sat directly on Tang An’s head. Tang An shrank her head. It turned out that when she was a cat, she was so heavy... Tang An suspected it was because of her stomach. There are so many milks at any time.

   Tang An raised his hand and grabbed her. Nanmao struggled happily, but didn't turn into a girl. He just kept climbing on Tang An, as if he had to climb onto his head and squat.

   Back in the room, Tang An let go and put the big white cat on the sofa. The big white cat became like a little girl.

Tang An froze again. The Southern Cat in front of him was not usually dressed in a white dress exuding a pure and holy breath. The style of the dress was still the same, but the color became golden, and there were two more mysterious lines on the chest. At the bottom of the ribbon, there is a cat's head staring at each other at the bottom of the ribbon, and the eyes are wide, as if condensing some momentum.

   Nanmao sat on the sofa, upright and elegant. After looking around at the surroundings, she held a bottle of milk and drank it.

   "Why did you come here?" Tang An felt incredible, "Also, how do you know my home is here?"

"You came to me that day with a long tail. I told you to run home. In the hot weather, people's body odors will be stronger, and you ran home all the way, leaving a mark all the way. I can determine where your nest is." Nan Mao said calmly.

   Tang An was stunned, "So, why do you need to exercise more to keep the glory from returning? Are you kidding me?"

Nan Mao still nodded indifferently, "Using the asymmetry of information and the unsuspecting trust brought by the suppression of unbalanced forces to create a conspiracy that meets their needs is a powerful instinct. Instinct."

   Tang An hurriedly laughed, "It is the first time I see someone who has lied to me and I can still be so confident."

   "Oh." Nan Mao nodded, took a sip of milk, and then added: "You have little knowledge."

   "I won't tell you this...My tail has grown again!" Tang An took away the clothes around his waist and turned to show her his tail.

   "Why haven't you mastered a little beastization ability?" Nan Mao said disappointedly, "This is an ability that can be mastered easily, after all, I gave you the true spirit of Roewe yesterday."

   "How to master? I have no clue at all, OK, you didn't teach me any formulas, nor did you teach me any exercises, or teach me spells." Tang An is completely at a loss, this can be resolved by himself? Feeling that he has a long tail, Tang An's first reaction was to find Nan Mao, and he never thought that he could solve it.

   This is a matter of course. A normal person suddenly grows a tail. Who can think that he can make the tail disappear again? So Tang An doesn't feel inferior at all.

   "After all, they are just ordinary humans with limited talents." After drinking the milk, Nan Mao looked up at Tang An, and at the same time the ears of the tiger's hat moved and reached out to Tang An.

   She spread out her palms, and there was a golden jade in the palm of her hand, but it was in the shape of the teeth of some large beast, and it was as long and the size of her little finger.

On the thick end of the jade, there was a hole, and a necklace made of unknown material was hung. Tang An took a closer look. The surface of the necklace was only two millimeters thick, with extremely fine characters and patterns, densely patterned. It actually exudes a mysterious power.

   "What is this?" Tang An didn't understand what this thing had to do with his tail.

"When you wear it, when you want to become a dog, you pinch it, and then you will become a dog, and this tooth will appear in your mouth." He opened his palms, his expression was calm, but there were complex emotions in his eyes.

   "That is of no use to me, as long as I don't become a dog, I don't want to become a dog." Tang An shook his head repeatedly.

"Stupid." Nanmao looked at Tang An expressionlessly, "Since it can turn you into a dog, of course it can also turn you from a dog into a human. When you use it to become a dog, you will have a special bite. Clench your teeth and apply force to the tooth in your mouth, and you can become a human again. And you are now in this half-dog state. With a pinch, your tail will disappear, and another pinch will make you You will become a dog again...Before you have mastered beastization and madness, use this thing."

   Tang An quickly took it happily, hung it on his neck, and squeezed the tooth. The teeth that looked extremely hard had a soft feeling.

   With this action of his, the tail behind his **** disappeared invisible. With this thing, there is no need to worry about the long tail from now on, Tang An suddenly smiled.

   "From today, you are the Golden Tooth General of the Beast Spirit Empire, the number one person of the Canine Tribe, and I hope you will practice hard, burst out amazing talents, and don't live up to my expectations of you."

   Nanmao’s tone was a bit old-fashioned, but the content made Tang An stunned for a moment, "What golden tooth general, what is the number one person of the canine?"

"This golden tooth is the creator of the beast spirit empire, the ancestor of all races, the golden tooth left by the king of the golden tooth, has sacred glory and very powerful power. It belongs to the royal family, to be precise, belongs to the beast spirit The king of the empire, but I can’t use it by myself. I will give it to the most powerful canine general who guards the empire. The canine general who has golden teeth is the general of the canines and the canines at the same time. The head of the city." Nan Mao said, frowning gradually, "Although you are far from being able to use and have the qualifications of gold teeth, but there is no way now, only expedient."

Tang An felt very heavy pressure. This gleaming golden tooth had such a big background, but the name was too funny, it was just like a kind of gods and monsters like "Journey to the West" or "Feng Shen Yanyi" In the novel, the little monster and little monster who will be knocked to death by the protagonist's side at any time.

   "General Golden Tooth..." Tang An couldn't help laughing.

Nan Mao glared at Tang An, Tang An thought for a while, stopped smiling, and held back. After all, this is the official rank of the Beast Spirit Empire. Different cultures and countries determine this difference and laughter. Maybe Nan Mao thinks of the earth. It’s funny that the person in charge of national defense affairs is called the Secretary of Defense.