My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 226: Underwater ancient city (2)

After buying the food and ingredients, I returned to the car to pack things, including tents, cooking utensils and some commonly used outdoor medicines, etc. The girls carried their belongings by themselves, and the other things were carried by the three boys.

"Tang An is still great, and has the most things on his back." Zhang Yuying pinched Tang An's arm muscles and said.

The thing is actually quite heavy. If it were the ordinary three boys, it would be a bit unable to carry it back. Tang An felt that there was no need to pretend on his strength. If it was evenly distributed among the three boys, Zhang Zhongfa and Zhang Mulin would definitely not be able to carry it. Moving, but also need three girls to share.

"Of course, after all, he is the younger brother of a female man." Zhang Zhongfa said.

"I can't help being so weak, Chuchu poor girl, like a female man? Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense!" Zhang Yuying threatened Zhang Zhongfa's backpack, "Speaking of me, I will let you carry Lin Xiaohui's bag."

Zhang Zhongfa quickly shut up.

After carrying good things, Bai Yunxuan called the person who picked everyone up to the island.

Soon they contacted, and agreed to meet at the gate of the cloned Liger City. Bai Yunxuan talked about her own characteristics and went to the meeting place with everyone.

Submerged under Hundred Island Lake are two towns, a Lion City and a Tiger City. The Lion City and ★↗ Tiger City are actually together, separated by a narrow Anjiang River. It was submerged along with Tiger City, and even Anjiang was integrated into Hundred Island Lake. The ancient towns that existed for thousands of years, like most of the annihilated cities in history, can hardly be seen again.

Standing in front of the gate of the copied Liger City, looking at the copied buildings, you can still imagine the beauty of the ancient city. The large LED screen in front of the gate is playing the underwater recordings of the TV station diving many years ago. Documentary, that quiet and mysterious feeling makes people intoxicated.

"I really want to go down and take a look." Zhang Yuying said expectantly.

"I don't see it, there used to be people who took people to dive in private, but then there was an accident and the catch was too strict, and it is said that there were water ghosts inside."

The speaker was the local guide Bai Yunxuan was looking for. His name was Brother Hei. He was not as dark as everyone expected. He was as lean and strong as most men in the land of fish and rice. He was not tall, but he looked even more slender. Trendy, wearing a vjt-shirt and Reeves jeans, wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses, and a straw hat with a hole on his head, no different from many young people in the city.

Hei Ge introduced himself as a small well-known outdoor event organizer near Zhonghai. Because his family is in Baidao Lake, he also helped bring everyone to the island. It is only an amateur to make a little money, and the main thing is to make friends with young people who love outdoor activities. people.

Brother Hei sent everyone a business card, and then found out that Brother Hei also opened a Taobao shop. In addition to selling all kinds of outdoor equipment, diving, mountaineering, and some military supplies, he is also responsible for organizing outdoor activities and diving and skiing teaching. Yes, I can see that he is definitely an outdoor sports expert.

"It's amazing, I think we must be classified as dead houses." Zhang Mulin admired the wide range of interests of Brother Hei.

Brother Hei took his eyes away from the three girls and laughed, "I am also in the house, and I often watch new American dramas and so on for several days without going out. By the way, are you traveling together, or are you guys and girls friends?"

"Partners, we are classmates." Lin Xiaohui said, and then he laughed, "There are two other people who are unknown."

Some people think it is Tang An and Bai Yunxuan, Bai Yunxuan is not sure, Zhang Yuying thinks that Lin Xiaohui is going to point out Tang An and Bai Yunxuan, only Lin Xiaohui knows that she is referring to Tang An and Zhang Yuying.

"In this case, how many tents have you prepared? Let me see how much space you need, and then help you find it on the island." Brother Hei is a professional, and seemingly irrelevant questions are also meaningful.

Since there are three men and three women, it is enough to prepare two big tents. Brother Hei checked the missing necessities again and brought some sulfur and snake medicine to his house. Because like this lake island, snakes are definitely indispensable. Indispensable, most of the water snakes here are non-venomous, but we must take precautions.

On the contrary, Zhang Mulin and Zhang Zhongfa looked at some outdoor products at Brother Hei’s house. Zhang Mulin bought a multifunctional Swiss army knife, and Zhang Zhongfa bought a military shovel and a windproof lighter. The warehouse of Hei brother’s Taobao store was not In Baidao Lake, but there are also many outdoor products here, and the prices are also favorable.

Tang An also took a fancy to a small hand saw. The workmanship was really good. The wood grain on the handle was polished very beautifully. It was a bit in love with it, but the price was also very touching, so he put it back.

After looking at the things, everyone chose some checkouts, and then put the things on Brother Hei’s big pickup.

Brother Hei should also make a lot of money in outdoor sports organizations. Seeing this Ford Raptor f150, you know that he said that taking everyone to the island to collect money is really just to meet young people who love outdoor activities.

Although the f150 is very large, as a pickup truck, the rear compartment is open to load things. The five-seater car in front is still crowded with seven people. Brother Hei drove, and Tang An was the biggest one, so he should have been sitting as a deputy. In the driver's seat, but Zhang Yuying felt that he could hold Lin Xiaohui in the passenger seat, so Bai Yunxuan and Tang An Zhang Zhongfa Zhang Mulin sat in the back row.

Brother Hei took two more chairs and fixed them in the trunk, saying that there were two more people who would arrive later.

After answering a call, less than three minutes later, a pair of young couples also arrived. It turned out that they were going to the island together. They also went to Brother Hei's house to buy some things, and then they were going to set off together.

Brother Hei arranged the two of them to sit on the chairs in the back compartment.

"Why should we take the back carriage?" The girl was dissatisfied. What kind of broken truck is like riding a tractor in a rural movie.

"Do you come first, then come later, or else people will say, why should someone come first and give you a place? Right?" Black brother smiled, very reasonable.

The couple had nothing to say, so they had to sit in the trunk.

Brother Hei drove directly out of Baidaohu Town, and then drove around Baidao Lake for more than 20 minutes before calling everyone to get off and put their luggage on their backs.

A group of people walked for more than ten minutes under the leadership of Brother Hei before they came to the lake along a path in the forest.

A large rock protruding into the water by the lake is like a natural pier, with an iron-hulled boat parked next to it, equipped with an electric motor.

"Everyone, be careful, I don't have a swimming suit here. I'm not responsible for falling into the water. I have to save myself!" Black brother said with a smile.

"Ah, then I have to be careful, I can't swim." Lin Xiaohui quickly grabbed the ship's side and said.

"We will, don't worry!" Zhang Mulin and Zhang Zhongfa said as they paddled.

Zhang Yuying smiled at the corner of her mouth, and then couldn't help but laugh, and leaned on Tang An's shoulder to laugh.

"What are you laughing at? If you are going to fall into the water, Tang An will save you, and I will also swim." Bai Yunxuan asked inexplicably.

The couple also looked at Zhang Yuying.

"I'm thinking about that famous question." Zhang Yuying said with a smile.

Bai Yunxuan frowned slightly. Isn't it "Your mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who will you save?" Tang An's mother has passed away. Is it appropriate for you to talk about this topic here?

Zhang Yuying thought that she was not as delicate as Bai Yunxuan, and immediately knew it was inappropriate, and quickly reduced her smile regretfully.

Tang An himself doesn’t mind. Everyone is a friend. It is inevitable that there will be unintentional mistakes between conversations. After the death of his mother, Zhang Yuying is the one who cares about him the most. As for how it was done, I didn't really care about what I said.

"Tang An, Zhang Yuying and Bai Yunxuan fell into the water at the same time, who are you saving!" Lin Xiaohui asked with a grin. Zhang Yuying's unintentional loss, as a girlfriend, of course must quickly remedy it.

"Zhang Yuying, she can't swim either." Tang An said naturally.

Hearing Tang An's words, everyone's reaction was different. Zhang Mulin and Zhang Zhongfa felt that this was a matter of course. Just like Tang An thought, Bai Yunxuan could swim.

Lin Xiaohui patted her head, "Yes, you can't ask like that. Zhang Yuying and I fell into the water at the same time...No, then you must save Zhang Yuying first."

"Because you have Zhang Mulin and Zhang Zhongfa rescued." Tang An said with a smile.

Zhang Yuying felt a little sweet in her heart, but she didn’t know what she was happy about. Tang An saved herself first. Just because she couldn’t swim, it didn’t mean that he regarded her more importantly than Bai Yunxuan. Bai Yunxuan was his first lover. In the hearts of most boys, ordinary friends must have no way to compare with their first love, right? Zhang Yuying didn't have much confidence on this point.

Bai Yunxuan still has a smile on her face, but this answer is not what she wants to hear. Although she doesn't seem to have any awkward reasons, Tang An is right. Bai Yunxuan can swim, so she can swim first. , Whether you can't swim?

But it was still a little uncomfortable. Sure enough, Zhang Yuying could hardly be her own help... Bai Yunxuan could also see that not everyone thought she and Tang An should be a pair.

Brother Hei was driving, listening to everyone talking with a smile.

Among the couple sitting in the stern, the girl also noticed this problem and looked at the boy expectantly: "Zhong Qi, your mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who do you save first?"

I didn't expect that some girls would ask this kind of question. Several people looked at them with a good show.

"You cursed my mother to fall into the water?" the boy said angrily, obviously no one wanted to answer such stupid questions.

"I didn't curse I just made an analogy!" the girl said reluctantly.

"It's not good to make an analogy!" The boy still refused to answer.

"No, you must answer!"

"Then I ask you, your dad and I fell into the water at the same time, who do you save?"

"I don't know how to swim, I'll call someone to rescue you!"

"Then me too!"

"You actually watched me and your mother fall into the water, and you didn't come to save us!" The girl looked at her boyfriend incredulously.

Zhang Yuying couldn't help laughing first, and the other people were contagious by laughter. The girl glared at this side, and her boyfriend felt a little embarrassed, so she turned her head.

Talking and laughing all the way, I quickly arrived at the destination, a large island, a rare island with beaches in Baidao Lake. I don’t know why it was not developed as a landing attraction.
