My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 23: Marry many wives and have many children

  It is not important what the name is, what is important is to be able to solve the problem.

   Tang An did not have the consciousness of being a General Jinya, nor did he feel that he was a majestic general.

   The title must have matching strength or some embellishment to give people a real sense of superiority. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and self-proclaimed? Just like the little boy likes to call himself Monkey King, Transformers, it has no meaning except for obscenity.

In this small courtyard, Her Majesty the Queen of the Beast Spirit Empire and her imperial General Jintooth met like this. The wheels of history are rolling forward at this moment. Neither Nan Mao nor Tang An expected that this moment. In the future, it will be named by historians...

   The above is just nonsense.

   Tang An feels that he has become a general of the Golden Tooth. This is meaningless. The important thing is that he can control himself not to become a dog.

   "The greatest thing about King Golden Tooth is that he not only created the beast spirit empire, but also that he created many beast spirit races." Nan Mao continued.

   "Manufacturing?" Tang An didn't understand why the word manufacturing was used instead of creating. If Tang An remembered that Nuwa used soil to pinch people, that would count as manufacturing, otherwise the race should be used for reproduction.

"Yes, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time, long, long, long, long time ago, whether it is our cat spirits or canine spirits, can only maintain animal forms, such as cats and puppies, and later the Golden Tooth King mated with the best females of various races. , The descendants that are born have a dual form, which can transform between animal form and human form." Nan Mao said in admiration, "The King of Teeth is really a great person."

"He is a human? He is a human! He is great?" Tang An cried out incomprehensibly. He was extremely reluctant to accept the message from the Southern Cat, but he clearly realized the truth. The King of Golden Tooth was clearly a super unlimited man. abnormal!

   "Do you have an opinion?" Nan Mao frowned and looked at Tang An coldly. Everyone should respect their ancestors, and the glory of ancestors should not be tarnished!

"Okay... okay... I don't have any comments!" Tang An slowly backed away, he wanted to take off this golden tooth, this golden tooth king has surpassed the niche heavy taste****** The hero of the film has reached the realm of the gods of Greek mythology.

   Nan Mao stood on the sofa and beckoned to Tang An.

Tang An came over with a little wary, but Nan Mao just put her little hand on Tang An's shoulder and patted it gently, "We are going to overthrow the rule of lower humans and let them return to their original status as slaves. , To let the cats and dogs of the world stand to rule the world, the first thing we need is a large number of loyal warriors of the race!"

There is no doubt that after a series of rituals, Tang An has truly been regarded by Nan Mao as her own person and gained her trust. Probably this is one of the reasons why she is finally willing to leave the cemetery to find him now, Tang An His eyes widened, listening to Nan Mao's meaning, he was determined to be a gangster!

"Where can I find a large number of loyal fighters? I said that among us people on earth, there are not 100 million or tens of millions who are willing to sell the whole earth. This is a fact, but it is not easy to find. Recruit a group of people to overthrow human rule?" Tang An didn't understand how Nanmao's great plan could be implemented.

It is not easy to overthrow the rule of mankind. After all, for now, the only superpower on the earth called the Empire of God is very, very terrifying. Tang An wanted to put himself in the face of countless advanced aircraft and The giant aquatic aircraft carrier gave birth to a feeling of powerlessness that I was just a dust in the sea of ​​stars.

   "Manufacturing. Since King Teeth can create many races, so can you." Nan Mao's chin lifted slightly and looked at Tang An with his natural eyes.

"No! I only like humans, I only love humans, I only find human wives, and only have children with humans!" Tang An was startled, and asked him to learn from King Tooth, he would rather die of rabies. , Even if he becomes a dog, when he becomes a dog, he will only like girls who walk upright, and no matter how beautiful and cute a **** is, he will not like it.

"Don't be too confident." Nanmao took out a carton of milk. From Tang An's point of view, her action was a bit like a man pulling out a cigarette. She bit the straw and said, "You don't have a golden tooth king. That kind of ability."

   "Then what do you mean?" Tang An didn't understand even more.

"The Golden Tooth King can give birth to offspring with females of any race, but you obviously can't... For thousands of years, no one can sit like the Golden Tooth King, and you will not be an exception." Nan Mao told Tang Ann said without much hope.

   "Then you just asked me to create many races?" Tang An said fearfully.

"I asked you to create many warriors. These warriors only need to be a race, and they only need to be your offspring. This is a very simple thing. There are many women on the earth, and we just need to look for them. You can mate with them, and the offspring born will naturally be the warriors of our beast spirit empire.” The southern cat held the milk carton tightly, with her lips slightly open, revealing her white teeth, and then she used it as a special possession by the queen. Said in a cruel tone, "They have been cruelly trained and brainwashed since they were young, so that they will forget that they also have human heritage, and become the most steadfast fighters of our beast spirit empire. Their father, that is, you, will be responsible for the training throughout the whole process. As long as you mate enough females, sooner or later our warriors will spread all over the world!"

Tang An stood there motionless, stunned. He was stunned by Nan Mao’s conspiracy, and finally couldn’t help but lay on the ground with a smile while holding his stomach. The first time he heard that someone was planning to conquer another world through It was achieved by giving birth to many Nanmao looked at Tang An coldly. Humans will eventually be ruled by cats and dogs. No other world is otherwise. The cat spirits are the most perfect in the world. Species, this kind of race is naturally the king of the world. Tang An has not yet consciously become a canine, but Nanmao believes that in time, he will become his loyal dog sooner or later.

   Isn’t the dog’s allegiance to the cat an eternal truth? In the face of truth, no one can resist.

"It's impossible." Tang An smiled for a while, met Nan Mao's cold eyes, and decided to bravely let her understand a truth, "We have seven billion people on earth, and we must conquer seven billion people. It's useless to rely on me to make warriors, not to mention that we have weapons that destroy the world, and the combat power is not something that soldiers who use physical combat can resist."

   "It's them!" Nan Mao took a deep breath, decided not to care about Tang An for the time being, but forgot his identity, just reminded him.

"Well, it's them." Tang An said helplessly, "Furthermore, although my mother said that capable men should marry more wives and have more children, but this is only limited to single digits. Let me be a humanoid planter, I can't do it."

"The King of the Golden Tooth can do it. The King of the Golden Tooth has married many wives and gave birth to countless children. Now that you have become the General of the Golden Tooth, you should take the responsibility, marry many wives, and have countless children." Nan The cat commanded irresistibly.

Tang An did not expect that the golden tooth on the neck actually has this additional responsibility. Undoubtedly, for men, if they marry many wives as Nan Mao said, then Tang An would naturally envy King Golden Tooth. But the cats, cats, dogs and even other animals that the King of Golden Tooth marries can be regarded as wives? This is nothing to envy at all.