My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 26: Stare

Nan Mao was sitting in the living room watching TV. Tang An touched his head and felt that as the owner, he should watch it together. But when Nan Mao watched TV, he watched it seriously. This made Tang An a little bit idle because of the news. Of course, there are some worthy of attention, but Tang An's habit is to pay attention to major events and grasp some contemporary, iconic or influential news events, unlike Nanmao who looks at everything.

Looking at it, Tang An understood that Nanmao didn’t like to watch the news. She didn’t mean to enter the keyboard Politburo. She was a king who really wanted to rule the world and enslave all mankind, so she paid attention to the news. In fact, This is what she said is a way to understand the world.

   Hey, I am a real gang rape. I hope my mother will not blame her son. This is also a last resort.

Viewed from the side of Nanmao, she has a perfect profile face, the front face is extremely delicate, the big eyes and small mouth, the delicate nose and the separated eyelashes are impeccable, showing a kind of magnificent beauty. But the profile is more exuding a kind of extreme temperament, which makes people feel the kind of power that this little girl possesses hidden in her heart...or in other words.

"I have inherited 99.9% of the excellent ingredients of King Tooth King, the most beautiful cat in thousands of years. There is no doubt about this. After watching for so long, do you agree?" Nan Mao looked at the TV. , Seems to have turned a blind eye to Tang An's observation, but his voice has no emotion.

   An emotional voice often means that there is emotion, so what to look at!

"I agree!" Tang An nodded repeatedly. When Nan Mao was a human being, she was the most beautiful little girl Tang An had ever seen. Maybe she was not very tall, her **** were just a bit big, and her **** didn't feel round and full. Her legs are not as long as bamboo poles, but she is beautiful, with an invincible exquisite beauty.

   As for being a cat, this creature has always been narcissistic, and a big white cat is also liked by many people.

   Tang An felt strange: "You inherited 99.9% of the ingredients, so what is the remaining 0.1% that you did not inherit?"

   deserves to be the King of Teeth! Still surpassed the South Five Cat King!

   "I can't make females of other races pregnant. I am a queen, not a male king." Nan Mao said slightly unwillingly.

   Male king? This is the first time I heard this name Tang An... But it’s not wrong, the female king is the queen, so the male king is naturally the male king, or the male king, and the Nanmao is a female king?

   Thinking like this, Tang An couldn't help laughing again.

   Nanmao's complexion changed, and she felt that Tang An had laughed at him, and immediately said, "Sooner or later I will practice until I can make a female pregnant too!"

   Tang An was startled, he couldn't imagine that there was an extra stick under the skirt of the extremely beautiful Southern Cat. It was too dissonant!

"Of course, I won't become a man. In order to ensure the reproduction of the race, King Golden Tooth left behind "Staring Eyes". You only need to look at other females and they will become pregnant. I will practice this." Nan Mao Zhuan Going over, watching TV, said casually.

"Haha..." Tang An wanted to clutch his belly and laughed again. After a second laugh, he held it back with difficulty. This King of Golden Tooth is really a super big stallion, and he has left this kind of training. Fa Jue, the Beast Spirit Empire is really a magical place.

Nan Mao just stared at Tang An coldly, so Tang An adjusted the expression on his face, saying that what he had just heard was just a serious thing, not funny. The key is that Nan Mao's eyes are very sharp, and there is a real sense of misunderstanding. She was worried about the feeling of pregnancy at a glance.

   "I want to requisition your TV."

   After watching TV for a while, Nan Mao seemed to say it thoughtfully.

   "What are you doing with it?" Tang An asked.

   "Through it, you can understand the world."

  Nanmao’s idea was not beyond Tang An’s expectations. To understand the earth, TV and the Internet are certainly a good way. Tang An shook his head, “It’s useless if you take it... the TV needs a power source.”

   As Tang An went and pulled out the plug, the TV went black all of a sudden, and he gave Nan Mao a gesture.

   "It still needs a TV network." Tang An pulled out the signal line again to indicate, "Without this kind of energy and information source, the TV is just an inoperable carrier and cannot provide you with any information."

   "That's it... Then I will come to you to watch TV." Nanmao didn't insist on taking the TV with him, and looked around, "I want to requisition this place and establish a second stronghold."

The first stronghold is a cemetery, and the second is a small courtyard. The king’s choice is really random. Tang An said unexpectedly, “It’s okay to watch TV frequently, but how do you build a stronghold? Is there anything like a magic circle set up here?"

Although Tang An knows that the magical abilities that Nan Mao calls her are spiritual skills, Tang An feels that it should be something like magic immortal law in essence, just using other names. Tang An sees this kind of routine a lot. In many practice novels that I have read, various so-called cultivation systems, so-called original cultivation systems, are inextricably changeable, but they are just a different name, which has no meaning at all.

"I understand that the magic circle you are talking about refers to the spirituality formation... There is no such need. After all, you have always lived here. As an ordinary human being, being able to grow up healthy and healthy is enough to show that you are there. The world’s ability to protect itself, or that your survival conforms to the laws of this world, I don’t need to add fuel and jealousy. As long as you maintain your current posture without conflicting changes with this world, there will naturally be no problems.” Nanmao Station She got up, held her hands on her chest, and walked out the door.

It seemed that Nan Mao was leaving, and Tang An got up to send him off. Although he was curious about those aspects, it was in line with Tang An’s hope that Nan Mao did not set up any spiritual magic circle here. After all, some weird things were added. It increases the chance of intriguing.

   Tang An does not think he might expose himself as long as he does not become a dog.

   "I'm going to the No. 1 Base, I will come here again to watch TV when I have time." Nan Mao said as he walked to the gate of the yard.

   Tang An expressed welcome and asked: "Do you need me to take you back?"

   Nan Mao waved his hand, his sleeves swayed.

Under the shadow of the wall, Nanmao’s hands were still white and tender and exuding a soft light. As she wiggled her clothes, she exuded a charming smell that seemed to be deodorant. I don’t know if it was because of the excessive milk drinking. Tang An felt her There was a light, sweet milky scent on my body than at the beginning.

   "You are going to buy milk for me." Seeing that Tang An seemed to do nothing, Nan Mao said dissatisfied Oh! "Tang An agreed loudly, and then asked curiously: "Are you going with me?" "

   Nanmao hesitated and nodded.

   "But supermarkets can't bring pets in, you can't follow up like a cat." Tang An felt that Nan Mao's hesitation was thinking about whether to become a cat.

"Pets!" The southern cat's voice was raised. "No cat is a pet. We are born as a race that rules the entire world. As objects of enslavement, in your human world, you think you are a cat or a pet. ?"

   Tang An stretched out his hands helplessly, "That's it, so our world is in dire straits. Isn't this your original intention to overthrow the rule of mankind?"

   "This will happen sooner or later." Nan Mao said angrily, "Apart from being able to produce milk, is there anything else necessary for humans to exist?"

"Milk is actually born from cows, and humans are just processing them." Tang An has no intention of belittling the meaning of human existence, just curious, "Since the Whale Spirit Race still exists in the Beast Spirit Empire, are there any Cow Spirit Races? They should also have milk. Bar."

   Tang An has mastered the naming method of the various races of the Beast Spirit Empire, in short, just add a "spirit" in the middle of the name, but there is no human spirit race.

   "The Niuling tribe is very fertile, and the milk produced by the females in the tribe is only enough for breastfeeding." Nan Mao said regretfully.

Tang An understands that in the earth world, cows are just a tool for making milk, but it is different in the beast spirit empire. It is impossible to raise the cow spirits in captivity to provide milk. It is like a group of people in the earth world. Like breastfeeding women providing human milk, neither law nor morality is allowed.

   Then go buy milk!