My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 340: Underwater Ancient City (16)

The first thing Tang An woke up was to bite the teeth in his mouth. He remembered that he looked like a dog before fainting.

Even after taking the water essence and flame, Tang An's Canine bloodline has not been changed. After Tang An gritted his teeth, he immediately changed back to a human form.

But this change scared the water ghosts, including the well-informed two kings, it was the first time to see a land monkey eating so many water spirits, and there was still no change. The ugliness did not turn into a handsome and robust water king clan at all.

Tang An just woke up, only feeling a little confused, not fully aware of his current situation, just a little dry mouth, looking at a big box in front of him, there seemed to be a sweet smell inside, which immediately made Tang An salivate. , So he picked up the big box without hesitation and poured it into his mouth.

Pieces of slippery things fell into his mouth, and Tang An felt a refreshing breath flowing in his body, causing him to calm down slowly.

Putting down the big box, Tang An wiped his mouth, and finally recovered to observe his current environment. He remembered that he was knocked down by the second king’s thunder and lightning rocket, and then he lost consciousness. The place is obviously not by the lake.

Stretching out his hand, he felt a little resistance from the water, and he was actually in the water. Tang An was surprised to find that he was clearly in the water, but he did not feel uncomfortable. It seemed that the surrounding water was just air, and his body was acting as usual. There is absolutely no difference on land.

Looking from a distance, through the gate, you can see the lake water in the distance, like the sky of Tyndall phenomenon. After all, the line of sight in the water feels a little different from that of the land, filled with muddy light and swaying phantoms, mysterious atmosphere. Tang An is surrounded on all sides.

Tang An raised his eyes and looked around. Here is a classical tower full of sacrificial atmosphere. The dragon head above his head is lifelike, and his eyes are full of anger. The beeline pillars around him exude powerful coercion, as if there is a mysterious power condensed in his place. s position.

The slight deviation of the position estimate should be the big box, which is the center of the mysterious atmosphere around it.

Tang An saw a few water ghosts, including the incomparably powerful two kings, who used a thunder and lightning rocket to clean up Tang An's two kings. Tang An can be regarded as having learned his tricks. It is indeed very powerful, no need to aim. Before he could react, he directly caused Tang An to jump on the street and fall to the ground.

There are still some differences between water ghosts and water ghosts. Just like the two kings’ mouths are sharper than other water ghosts, their eyes are smaller, even the mane around the neck and cheeks are sharper, and their body is larger. In short, apart from the common feature that they are all ugly, they still have some differences in details. They are just like people. Although they all have the same head and two eyes, they are very different in appearance.

Seeing the second king, Tang An hurriedly touched his body, looked at and looked at him, relieved, still wearing clothes, did not become a naked ugly water ghost, it seems that the second king has not had time to let him Take water essence and flame.

Then I just felt thirsty and ate something in a strange place. You can't eat it indiscriminately, Tang An thought worriedly.

"My lord, what is this place?" Even though he knew that the water ghosts in front of him didn't have any kindness to him, I could only ask them, not to mention that they were blocking the exit, and Tang An had no chance of running away right away.

"Don't call me the great king, but call me the second king" the second king said angrily.

"Well, the second king, may I ask where is this place?" Generally speaking, the second king wants to be the big king, but this second king did not indulge in the satisfaction of being called a king in private, but tried his best to remind Others must call it the second king, which fully shows that the real king is either violent and high-pressure, or full of majesty, in short, is a very powerful guy.

In comparison, the two kings who can use thunder and lightning rockets seem to be better off. Tang An feels that he should quickly figure out his current situation, and escape this mysterious waters before he meets the big king.

"This is the center of our imperial city. It is called the water tower. It has six floors in the water and 666 floors in the water, which leads directly to hell." The second king’s unkind tone was accompanied by the voice of "Jie Jie", "Boy, you are now There are only two ways to go. Either you will be locked under the water tower and enter the **** to die. Or you will become the guardian beast of the water tower and you will not be allowed to leave the water tower thirty feet in your life.”

Tang An was startled. Is there really a place like **** in this world? Tang An is not an atheist warrior anymore, all kinds of weird things, even water ghosts have appeared, what's weird about having hell? What's more, the **** in the water ghost's mouth is not necessarily the kind of place that everyone knows that there is black and white impermanence of the king of the king and Mengpo.

"The second king reports to the second king, don't we want to open his stomach and dig out the water spirits that he eats more?" Another water ghost who seems to be of higher status put forward his own opinion. .

Tang An was even more taken aback. Could it be that what he had eaten a pound just now was the magical water spirit that could turn people into water ghosts, Tang An quickly touched himself again to confirm that he hadn't changed. It was slippery and weird. Tang An couldn't understand why he ate the water spirit, but didn't become a water ghost.

"After you ate your bar coded idiot, Shui Jingyan, it melted into your body, why would it wait for you to dig it out in your stomach?" The second king said angrily. Of course, the most important thing is that Tang An ate so much water Jingyan. Pointing to the dumbfounded Tang An: "Boy, if you want to die, I will lock you under the water tower now. If you don't want to die, you will immediately become a dog, and you will never become a land monkey. The guardian beast defends this place, so it can be worthy of the water and flames you eat."

The second king actually wants Tang An to become a dog, just like many factories, construction sites and factories are always feeding a mighty and vicious wolf dog. The second king intends to let Tang An play such a role. How can Tang An accept

"Ah, your king is here" Tang An stretched out his hand and pointed.

The water ghosts turned their heads neatly. Except for the two kings, the other water ghosts turned around while bending over. Sure enough, the water ghosts' IQ was slightly lower than that of human beings. Taking this opportunity, Tang An A vertical step passed them and ran out of the door.

Tang An knew that he had eaten the water spirit, although he did not understand why he did not become a water ghost, but there is no doubt that the water spirit still played some role on him, otherwise how could he gain the ability to move freely in the water just like The water ghosts also have the ability to be in the water, if that's the case, then you don't have to worry about them catching up with you when you run away.

Running in the water is a bit of a spacewalking feeling. Tang An does not swim like a fish, but moves forward with the inertia and speed when running.

"Forcing Lao Tzu to perform tricks again"

The two kings behind him roared, and Tang An was startled. Could it be that the two kings were going to release the thunder and lightning rocket again. It was just in the water that it could still light the firecrackers. Thinking like that, Tang An felt the water flow behind him became extremely agitated, as if Something pushed the water away and hit him, Tang An quickly turned around and raised his hand to block him.

It was still the thunder and lightning that couldn't be blocked by anything. Tang An only felt a burning pain in his hands, but he felt his skin burning when he was in the water, and then the feeling of numbness and fainting spread throughout. Tang An desperately resisted this feeling with his arms wide open. He only felt a kind of power burst out of his body, and immediately dispelled all the feelings that made him unable to control himself. He immediately turned around and ran forward. go.

The second king of "paralysis" watched this scene incredibly. The lightning rocket bestowed by the king was actually ineffective against him. Sure enough, it was because he had eaten up the water essence and flame produced in recent decades, which made his body very powerful. the power of.

The two kings were jealous and resentful. They didn't expect that the water spirit and flame would bring such powerful power and evolution to the humble land monkey. Maybe this kind of physical quality could be comparable to the water **** family.

I can’t let him escape like this. The second king thought that even if this land monkey wouldn’t become his own tribe, he couldn’t let him go. At least take him back to the king to study. Maybe he could make up for some of the losses. .

Think about the terrible king. Now that he has such a big mistake, I don’t know how the king will punish himself.

The second king couldn't help Seeing that the figure of the land monkey in front had become the size of a small fish, the second king gritted his teeth, pushed open the big box, and pressed hard. A bead button originally held down by the big box.

The entire water tower began to tremble. The huge horizontal woods and heavy bricks looked like rain, and the water tower seemed to collapse. Only the six beacon dragon pillars remained motionless.

"Second King, what are you doing?" When the danger came, the water ghosts stopped stuttering. After all, the second king pressed the button to open the door of hell.

The second king turned a blind eye, insisting on holding down the button that looked like a night pearl, but the gentle light was so quiet, and it matched the bead in the dragon's mouth above his head.

At this time, the eyes of the dragon suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

At this moment, the six-storey water tower fell down like a ruin. The water ghosts screamed and fled. The city of Liger, which has been quiet for decades, erupted with a dull loud noise, and the agitated sand was like a mushroom cloud. Generally, it rises from the sky and the sun.
