My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 341: Under the water tower (1)

Regardless of what was happening behind him, Tang An forced his curiosity and ran forward. He could feel that something major had happened in Liger City. This ancient city, which had been silent for decades under Baidao Lake, might be destroyed for his own sake. Once, but there was no way, Tang An didn't have the great consciousness of sacrificing himself to go to **** to preserve the ancient city.

People who are willing to live and die with this ancient city have now become water ghosts, Tang An doesn't want to.

However, some things were not transferred by Tang An's wishes. The mud and sand spreading throughout the waters spread like an exploding mushroom cloud, engulfing the sky and the earth, engulfing Tang An in an instant.

Tang An lost all his visual abilities, and his eyes were muddy. He barely opened his eyes and waved his hands. He left the bottom of the lake, like rootless feathers, floating in the water, probably the same person who was blown into the air by the tornado. Feeling like that? Tang An felt the power of the explosion impact his body, and grains of sand hit his skin. It was conceivable that his clothes and pants must have become fragments. Although his body was extremely painful, he abruptly resisted it. This kind of blow didn’t seem to be a phenomenon. Tang An could feel the muscles under his skin tense, making himself like a savage bull stirring in the mud. Even if he had nowhere to focus, he didn’t worry about it anymore. Can't get up.

The force of the explosion hits outwards, following the feeling of the current, I am moving away from the city of Liger, which means that although I don’t know what caused the explosion, there is no doubt that I have a blessing in disguise. The farther away from Liger City, I will The safer you are, with your current physical stamina and ability in the water, even if you are hit by the edge of Baidao Lake, you can swim back to the island where the camp is located.

The deepest part of Baidao Lake is hundreds of meters deep. After all, it is not as deep as the ocean. The explosion quickly passed to the lake surface. Tang An only felt the water flow suddenly became slightly loose and overflowing, indicating that the force of the blast flow had been transmitted. On the surface of the water, Tang An's body also rushed out, like a small fish jumping into the sky by a whale's water column.

Feeling the slightly sweet air on the lake surface, Tang An couldn't help shouting: "Ah!"


Tang An immediately yelled again, but there was no sense of refreshment in this sound. Tang An only felt that something had caught him, as if an eagle was catching a chick. He couldn't help but feel terrified, and then he felt that his body was being touched. An irresistible force pulled into the water.

It was Tang An who had taken so much water essence and flames, and his body was greatly strengthened, but he was still unable to resist. Suddenly a huge hole appeared on the surface of the lake where the waves beat, Tang An’s body fell into it, and the lake chased Tang An again. After falling down, Baidao Lake once again swallowed the little fish that had leapt out of the water like a fierce beast.

Tang An fell into the water. At this moment, he could feel that the force of the explosion was almost absorbed by the lake when it reached the surface of the lake. The remaining force only rushed to the sky, but now there was a backflow force. Along with the powerful force pulling Tang An, they rushed towards Liger City in the same direction.

Tang An felt that this was a ghost made by water ghosts, and was shocked. Could it be that they opened the six hundred floors below the so-called water tower?

That’s a bit terrible, and now it’s not just the **** that caught himself in their mouths! Thinking of this, Tang An turned his head, and he has once again come to the top of the waters of Liger City, and the sand just now has disappeared. The trace, the color of the water is clear, the vast and quiet Liger City has disappeared, leaving only the shocking broken walls, and at the location of the water tower just now, a black whirlpool has emerged!

The huge vortex was as big as a basketball court, and the surrounding water revolved into the vortex with tremendous power, and the force that pulled Tang An seemed to originate from the vortex.

Tang An’s heart was beating violently. Regardless of whether this was leading to the so-called **** or not, Tang An was unwilling to be entered. Get rid of this suction!

Tang An felt the strengthening of the water spirit flame on his body at this moment. The wheels of his hands were like fans, and the splashing water splashed into the sky. Tang An remembered the idiom of moths fighting the fire, but what he was throwing was not fire. , I saw a scene in the bathroom where a moth with wet wings fell in the toilet water and couldn’t fly. When Tang An pressed the drain switch, the moth flapped its wings and struggled, but it was still brought in by the powerful suction of the water. The whirlpool.

Tang An felt that he was the moth, even if he thought that if he was waving his arms like this on the ground, he would soon be able to fly like a propeller plane, but the fact is that he was still pulled into the black hole by the powerful suction. Among.

The body inevitably came to the edge of the whirlpool. Tang An's strength seemed to be irresistible. Even if he didn't mean to give up at all, the fact is that Tang An's will is not a divergence. When Tang An feels his legs are trapped In a certain state of volley, Tang An's struggle no longer made any sense.


Tang An exclaimed and fell down, as if he had fallen into the deep sea from the turbulent air in the air, and fell straight in the quiet water, and everything was quiet.

He couldn't hear the sound of the water waves, see the light, and couldn't feel any objects around him. Tang An fell into the whirlpool, and instantly recovered from the struggling panic. The surroundings were as silent as endless. In the darkness, Tang An raised his head and looked left and right, but he could no longer see any light. There was boundless darkness around him. In an environment with absolutely no light, Tang An could not even see his body. He could only wave his hands and feet. , I feel that I have not become a pure soul or spiritual body.

This is the world under the water? This is hell? The boundless darkness brings hysterical fear and shock. Tang An does not have that kind of motionless state of mind. This is different from falling into a strange world... In a strange environment, you can be familiar and perceive. , To judge one's own situation, but here is different, people's sense of sight, hearing, smell and touch seem to be completely useless.

Probably if in the future cosmic voyage, the person who leaves the spacecraft and is exiled in the universe will feel like he is now. Although there is a sky full of stars, the movement will be a long distance of millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of light-years. , Will make the drifting endless... Tang An felt that he had fallen into such a situation.

There is no light and no sense of direction. The only thing that makes Tang An feel at ease is that he can feel the water, and he is still in the water... Since he is in the water, it means that there is always a head and an end, endless water. It can't overflow the boundless space. Space can be truly boundless. Water, as a substance, cannot be truly infinite.

The sea has sides and bottoms.

Where will I sink? Tang An did not feel any discomfort. The fish was free in the water, but what Tang An was worried about was whether he was a shallow or deep water fish... After all, in deep water, the heavy water pressure could even bend the steel pipe. .

The current physique should be able to support deeper diving without worrying about the supply of oxygen. Tang An tried to exercise his hands and feet. Without that strong suction, Tang An could finally swim freely.

But Tang An didn't know which direction he was swimming in. He was floating in the water, unable to feel the attraction of gravity, and he couldn't even judge the up and down direction.

"Only the blind cat killed the mouse." Tang An thought about the scene after he was submerged, but found that after he lost the sense of direction, he couldn't recall his own movement trajectory to adjust the current swimming direction.

Patting the water indiscriminately, Tang An turned his head, but was pleasantly surprised to find a faint light ahead.

Tang An's heart was beating violently as if it exploded, as if holding Bai Yunxuan's hand for the first time after ignorantly understanding some young men and women emotions.

It was a fiery red flame. It was hard to imagine a flame burning in the water, or it was just a flame-like light source, but it looked like a fire burning in water from a distance.

Tang An swam past, no matter what was there or what was there, the only thing he could do now was swim past it.

The flame did not sway, but as Tang An moved, the water in front of him refracted the light, as if it was swaying. After a long time, Tang An gradually realized that the flame was incredibly huge, and it was not a single beam. There were nine beams, and when Tang An came to the top of the nine beams of flames, he couldn't help taking a breath.

This is not flame, this is fiery red fur, this is not nine beams of flame, this is nine tails.

A nine-tailed fox.

It sank quietly in the water, its fiery red fur exuding a jewel-like radiance, beautiful, closed eyes seemed to be asleep, Tang An held his breath, feeling the shocking elegance and beauty~www Compared with the nine-tailed fox in the anime "A Teenager Becomes the Strongest Fire Player", this nine-tailed fox seems to be the strongest monster with the power of God. I can't imagine what kind of shock this huge figure would be if it appeared in the real world. A light sweep of a tail seems to be able to flatten the Zhonghai Financial Center that skyscrapers make up for!

Tang An fell in front of it, forgetting to breathe.

Sudden! The eyes of the nine-tailed fox opened, burning with flames, watching Tang An quietly with their eyes like a pearl.

Tang An couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, it is alive! Although it felt like it was impossible to be a dead thing, Tang An still felt extremely horrified when those eyes that looked like a **** looking down at the world stared at him.

A living nine-tailed fox, Tang An has always felt that the real world is realistic after all, but it has been infiltrated by the beast spirit empire, but seeing this living nine-tailed fox, Tang An can’t help but wonder, is it true? Not a fantasy world?

Even in the Beast Spirit Empire, there is no nine-tailed fox!
