My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 390: Dog and cat sleeping

? At that time, the southern cat was small, not as big as it is now, sitting on his shoulders and shaking his legs restlessly. Those soft feet are still fresh in the memory. Tang An remembers her little Yes, the extremely soft ****, and the slender calf, tender and tender like a doll that has come alive.

"My lord, you are finally back." Tang An thought of this and hugged Nan Mao's calf with some satisfaction. For him, the world of the earth has become so strange, and only Nan Mao can help him dispel this strangeness. feel.

Men also need a haven, especially when they feel flustered and feel that the whole world has become unfamiliar.

Nanmao’s calf stiffened, and this stiff feeling was transferred to the thighs and turned into a soft taste. It was slightly numb, which made Nanmao feel unsteady, so he sat down and patted Tang An’s. Looking at Tang An with his hands and cheeks reddish.

Humph, now you know how important this king is? Nan Mao was a little bit proud, and decided not to care about Tang An's abrupt behavior, after all, she was her own Golden Tooth general.

"My lord, I remembered a question. Didn't you curse me before? If I kiss a girl, I will become a dog, but why didn't I have it just now?" Tang An asked strangely, he felt that kissing this In a sense, this matter is even more meaningful than doing that kind of thing, and has a feeling of captivating people’s hearts. So in fact, he repelled Yan Qingning to kiss him just now. The first time, Yan Lime's tongue invaded, he couldn't resist, and he didn't continue this behavior the second time.

But whether it was kissing or doing that kind of thing, Tang An didn't change into a dog, which was a bit strange.

"Because this curse is only effective when you are awake. If you lose control of your own conscious behavior, this curse will be invalid. Although the second time is when you are awake, in order for you to complete it, I am He has used the spiritual arts that solidify his body, so he won't be transformed." Nan Mao briefly explained.

It turned out to be so, it meant that the curse had not been lifted... No wonder that I had a relationship with Sang Yueye after drinking, and I had a relationship with Yan Qingning after being charmed, but did not become a dog.

"You just hugged my leg, and you asked this question immediately." Nan Mao's cheeks were suddenly flushed, and the shyness of the girl seemed to be spread by the steaming heat, "Are you holding my leg? At that time, I had the desire to have sex... But I was surprised that I hadn't changed much, so I asked me this question!"

"No!" Tang An was really wronged, and I have to say that Nan Mao's calves are indeed soft and tempting and admired, but Tang An really doesn't want to be agitated by the action of hugging the calf.

It's just a way of expression that is biased towards pure emotion, but an expression of desire.

"You have this reaction when you are holding Yan Qingning, but not when you are holding me?" Nan Mao felt a strong humiliation, "Is it for you, a slutty fox like Yan Qingning? Is it more tempting?"

Is he not as good as a saucy fox like Yan Qingning? Nan Mao was very angry. Although she didn't care about the female's ability to seduce males at all, but even what she didn't care about should be much better than other females. Tang An proved that she was inferior in this regard. Lime.

Although it is not mentioned in some abilities, it also shows that he has not completely suppressed other females in any way, which makes it difficult for Nan Mao to accept.

"In short, you will be tempted to insult me. This is something I don't want to see, but it must happen." Nan Mao suddenly bent down, reached out and grabbed Tang An’s Jiebao, disappointed in anger. "Sure enough, it's not hard!"

Tang An deeply understood why the cat is a kind of neurotic creature. He felt a little speechless, and quickly grabbed Nan Mao's hand, "Let go... hard and hard!"

An unbelievable smile appeared on Nan Mao's beautiful cheeks, and then he let go of his hand in satisfaction but disgust, "It's pretty much the same."

Tang An suddenly gave birth to a strange thought, either he was dominated by Jie Bao for a moment, or she was inspired by her mischievous thoughts. For the first time, Tang An was thinking, I don’t know that Nan Mao is really touching the intimacy of men and women. What would she look like in relation to things?

Men like to blaspheme the goddess. The reason why the goddess is a goddess, and the reason why the goddess is so popular is not because blaspheming her will get extra achievements and pleasure?

Tang An really didn’t think about the appearance of Nan Mao’s former loli girl. At most, he was stimulated, and he did not form an idea of ​​blaspheming her, but the Nan Mao in front of him was elegant and gorgeous. The goddess really possesses the image of a queen in a man's mind, but she naturally makes Tang An treat her as a woman, a woman who will make men pursue and instinctively desire her.

It's a pity that this thought passed by, Tang An didn't think too much, Nan Mao is not Yan Qingning... Nan Mao is not the same as any girl, she might just have a blaster electric cat at hand, making men lose their job. Man's ability.

In retrospect, Tang An found that her gaze angle was a little low. Sure enough, when Nan Mao used her "means" just now, she didn't use spiritual magic to prevent him from deforming, so now Tang An has become Tang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang. .

But she just grabbed it with her hand, why couldn't he bear such a little provocation? After all, he is too young.

Nan Mao reached out and touched Tang An's head.

"Don't touch my head!" Tang An protested strongly.

"You also touch my head!" Nanmao thinks this is fair, of course...just pay attention to fairness when you need it. When you need privileges, the term fairness is meaningless.

Tang An jumped off the sofa and ran straight to the swimming pool. The water in the pool was warm, so Tang An jumped into Dingshan Lake. With the cold water, he hoped that he would be able to regain his human form soon...despite a lot of absorption. Spiritual power, those curses based on the Southern Cat are still effective against Tang An, as if he can't rely on his powerful physical abilities to fight against the Southern Cat's spiritual skills.

Spirituality is indeed stronger. No wonder the Canines, who are physically stronger than the Cat Spirits, can only succumb to it. I don’t know what happened to the Golden Tooth General. He seems to be a dog too, why should he let it be? The cat spirits are much stronger than their own canines?

It must be because his favorite object back then was a cat. He fell in love with that cat, so he loved cats and the cat spirits, and gave the cat spirits a talent that far surpasses other spirit races. "And "spirituality" not only let the cat spirits belong to the royal family, but also make their power unmatched.

Seeing Tang An jumping into Dingshan Lake, Nan Mao jumped into the lake with his skirt. Tang An quickly recovered his human form in the water, but Nan Mao was lying on his back and floating on the lake.

Tang An suddenly felt that he was looking at Nan Mao up close. It was naturally very beautiful, but other people saw this scene of a barefoot woman in a white dress with black hair floating in the water. Such a scene, I am afraid that nothing will happen. I think I saw a water ghost.

"Hurry up..." Tang An discovered that the distance the Nanmao was floating was about to leave the independent lake view area of ​​the guest room, and would be seen by guests in other rooms, and quickly swam over to hold the Nanmao.

"No, I'm going to float around here." Nanmao slapped the surface of the water and refused without hesitation. Although she didn't need to exert herself at all, she still made a swimming appearance.

"You're not a water ghost, why float around on the lake most of the night!" Tang An estimated that Nanmao didn't understand the spiritual culture of human beings on the earth.

"Fun!" Nan Mao gave a natural reason.

Tang An had to copy Nan Mao in his hands and swam ashore in his arms. Nan Mao resisted violently, but was soon carried to the shore by Tang An.

Nan Mao was about to teach Tang An who was self-assertive, but when he saw his wet body showing certain physical characteristics, he suddenly felt that he should blush at this time, so he turned his head and walked back to the bedroom.

Tang An didn't pay attention to this, but felt that Nan Mao really seemed to have grown up a bit, at least not so incapable of dissuading her from changing her thoughts. What is enviable is that Nan Mao obviously jumped into the water like himself, but There was no trace of water on her body.

Tang An followed into the bedroom because he felt that there was still a lot to say to Nan Mao.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the bedroom, Nan Mao was standing in front of the bed, but Tang An heard Nan Mao sneeze and couldn't help but wonder, "Have you caught a cold?"

Tang An never thought that Nan Mao would catch a cold. General birth, old age, sickness and death seemed to have nothing to do with Nan Mao. This was also the first time Tang An heard her sneeze.

"The water is too cold." Nan Mao said regretfully, "I didn't take any protective measures, it seems that I have caught a cold...a cold, this concept is only related to low-level humans."

"You're not a low-level human, how can you catch a cold?" Tang An said unclearly. Normal cats and dogs can also catch colds, but Nanmao is not an ordinary cat, she is a cat spirit.

"This is because I have recently absorbed too much spiritual power, which has caused the disorder of the body's functions. On the one hand, my spiritual power and spiritual power have been greatly enhanced, and on the other hand, this enhancement is sudden and incompatible, so it will It will have a certain effect on the body." Nan Mao didn't care much immediately, "It doesn't matter, when I change back to my original appearance, my body will return to normal."

"That's good." Tang An relaxed, then picked up the quilt on the bed and put it on the outside sofa, and put the quilt on the original sofa into the bed in the bedroom.

Nan Mao was very satisfied with Tang An's carefulness in this regard, knowing that she didn't want to sleep on the quilt where Tang An and Yan Qingning were rolling around.

"I'm a bit tired today, I need to rest!" Nan Mao always gets sleepy at night, not to mention it's so late now, so Nan Mao got into her cocoon for a while, and then jumped out. He changed to a set of pajamas, then opened the quilt and lay down.

"You should rest earlier."

The warm light of the bedside lamp shone on her delicate face, and her black hair was scattered on the head of the bed. The beautiful face still made Tang An feel a bit familiar and a bit strange. Tang An smiled and prepared to drink Nan. The cat said good night.

"You become a dog and sleep next to me!" Nan Mao pointed to the empty bed and glared at Tang An. This stupid dog, such a big bed, did not deliberately slept in the middle of it. He still didn't understand her. Mean? Actually planned to go out after saying good night.

Although Yan Qingning hates it, but what she said is very Let Tang An have solved the knot, he just has the ability to transform, and doesn't need to care about being able to become A dog really feels like a dog.

So Tang An did not hesitate to become Tang Wang Wang Wang Wang lying beside Nan Mao Mao Mao Mao. He knew very well that for Nan Mao, if he were to become a human and lie beside her, he was afraid It's unbearable. It's no problem to become a dog, just like you usually do. When Nanmao becomes a cat, he touches and hugs her from time to time, but he can't do that in a human form.

The same is true for Nan Mao. When she became a cat, she could accept some of Tang An's intimacy actions, but when she was a human, she would not be able to be beaten.

Nan Mao immediately closed his eyes, but Tang An did not fall asleep so easily. After all, it seemed that he had become a dog ready to go to sleep for the first time... The cat breathed calmly, but seemed to fall asleep quickly.

If there is anxiety in the heart, it is difficult to fall asleep...Being able to fall asleep so quickly and quietly next to her is probably because Nan Mao is expressing her trust in him.

Tang An made up his mind that even though the Southern Five Cat King was much stronger than him, he would definitely not let her, who was alone, be bullied in this world full of dogs.