My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 392: Tang Shui and Tang Lake (2)

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The music soon stopped. Sang Mastiff glanced at his phone and said to Sang Musashi, "Director Yan is here."

Chief Yan is Yan Qingning. The director sounds like a small official, but at least in name, the entire Wu League must accept Yan Qingning’s jurisdiction. Even if it is Sang Musashi, it’s impossible not to take Yan Qingning into consideration. .

"It''s a bit too early."

Sang Musashi glanced at his watch, the relatively niche Pani Johnny TOURBILLON series, Sang Mengmeng and Tang Hu together gave them their own birthday gifts, less than four million, but let them carefully select for several days. Sang Yueye found a tie in his cloakroom and gave it to him. In comparison, Sang Musashi certainly liked this watch more.

Yan Qingning came, and Sang Musashi didn't mean to avoid or not see, he nodded and signaled to prepare to meet Yan Qingning.

In a different place, Sang Musashi and Yan Qingning met in the next reception room. The seats for both of them were large but simple-style sofas, facing each other with the glimmering Dingshan Lake on the side, and took a sip. Tea seems to make people feel more energetic. Even if you don't sleep, you can feel particularly refreshed after you wake up in the morning.

Of course, Yan Qingning did not come here alone. Accompanied by Yan Qingning is a beautiful woman who is thin and slender, exuding a rigorous and lazy contradiction.

Lowe bared his teeth, a woman who was obviously a dog but named Yan Hei Mao, this woman also made Lowe feel very troublesome, and even suffered a big loss in her hands last time.

Sang Musashi sat with Yan Qingning, Yan Heimao was standing in front of the window, and only Luo Wei standing with Yan Heimao, while Sang Musashi's others left the reception room.

Yan Heimao looked at Luo Wei with his mouth slightly cocked. He couldn't tell whether it was friendly or contemptuous, but in Luo Wei's eyes, this kind of smile was a bit unpleasant after all, but he was not completely brainless and impulsive. Here is the place to start with Yan Heimao.

The most important thing is that you can't beat Yan Hei Mao anyway. After all, whether it is Yan Hei Mao or Yan Qingning, the resources that these two people can consume are by no means comparable to an individual in the Wu League.

The world of the canine tribe is such a naked fact. Whoever takes the more water essence and flame will be stronger. The Wumeng must take care of the development of the whole canine tribe and the reproduction of offspring. The distribution of water essence and flame is very careful and harsh. , But for Yan Heimao and Yan Qingning, it is much more casual.

"Meeting Director Yan in the morning always makes people have a bad premonition. Presumably, Director Yan didn't come to have breakfast with me... The meals at the Lake Island Hotel are well-known in Zhonghai. I wonder if Director Yan has tasted it?" Sang Musashi didn't know what Yan Qingning came from, so he casually chatted with Yan Qingning.

"Stop talking nonsense, I just know what happened to Dingshan Lake." Yan Qingning glanced sideways at Dingshan Lake, whose morning scenery was fascinating, and the calm water surface made people unaware of what happened underneath. what.

Dingshan Lake is so vast. Of course Sang Musashi knows that Yan Qingning can't hide it. This is not a happy thing to see. Yan Qingning knows that it is not good for Sang Musashi, but Yan Qingning's Hundred Islands Lake is also destroyed. , Everyone is a difficult brother, and there is no need to suspect each other that the other side did it.

"You don't only own Hundred Island Lake, and we are not only Dingshan Lake. Although this incident has dealt a great blow to us, it is not fatal." Sang Musashi narrowed his expression, "The most important thing is who did it. ?"

"I know." Yan Qingning's mouth was slightly tilted, but there was a light red on her cheeks.

Is it the morning sun? Sang Musashi saw this faint redness, and glanced at the faint morning light outside the window, not enough to make people's skin stained.

As a man, a mature man, although Sang Musashi did not read countless women, he still had some understanding of women... This kind of redness appeared on Yan Qingning's face, and Sang Musashi saw it for the first time. It was the first time that Sang Musashi had to doubt his own judgment. This kind of blush, which is often related to the relationship between men and women, appeared on Yan Qingning's face... Maybe he had read it wrong.

The point is that she said she knew, she knew who did it, and then went to blush?

"Who did it?" Sang Musashi asked in disbelief. Knowing who did it, Yan Qingning could still sit here and talk to him safely? He is not her first strategic partner, and has no obligation or need to discuss these matters with him in the first place.

"I won't tell you so simply." Yan Qingning narrowed her expression and smiled slightly. She just thought of the big white cat, and naturally thought of Tang An, and then of what happened last night.

It’s dawn, naturally it’s another mood, but the unprecedented satisfaction has not dissipated. Last night was contradictory, humiliation and pleasure coexist, the different feelings of mind and body are mixed together, so it is not so easy for Yan Qingning. forget.

"I think we need to exchange information." The Sang family will not collapse because the spiritual resources of a Dingshan Lake disappears, but Sang Musashi must avoid this kind of thing from happening again, whether it is Yan Qingning or Wumeng. , I don't want this kind of thing to happen.

Can directly absorb all the spiritual power of a feng shui treasure land, what kind of monster's ability would it have? Sang Musashi even suspected that this might be a common crisis for all the canine races on the earth.

It is impossible to draw conclusions prematurely now, but it is no longer necessary to be cautious. At this time, more information means more opportunities to prepare in advance to deal with possible crises.

"Oh? What information do you have to exchange with me?" Yan Qingning leaned back on the sofa, squinting at Sang Musashi.

Sang Musashi tapped his fingers on his knees, and the woman in front of him was very difficult to deal with. It is not that Yan Qingning is so scheming. The key is that this woman always plays cards according to common sense and often does not follow the rules. The focus is on the power she represents. Sang Musashi couldn't resist.

Excluding these inaccessible places, Yan Qingning can still be regarded as a woman that men would like to see. She has a taste that ordinary women can’t match. The seductive eyes and looks always make people feel that they just don’t pay attention. Will be confused by her, thus breaking his mind.

"It's related to Tang Lake's relatives." Sang Musashi also smiled. As long as it is a question related to Tang Lake, Yan Qingning is not interested.

Yan Qingning's brows and feet jumped, I don't know what Sang Musashi meant...Who else could Tanghu's relatives have? There is no doubt that there is only one Tang An, and this is the only relative of Tang Lake.

It just so happened that I had that kind of relationship with Tang An last night, and now Sang Musashi talked about intelligence related to Tang An? Did Sam Musashi know something?

I have checked it. There was no camera in that room yesterday. How could Sang Musashi know what he and Tang An did? After Yan Qingning's short-term guilty conscience, she stabilized her mind, she really is, how could she be messed up by this kind of thing? Even if Sang Musashi knew that he had a relationship with Tang An, so what? Sang Musashi is not so naive, and he would feel that using this kind of private affairs for men and women can have any effect on Yan Qingning.

"You speak first." Yan Qingning said calmly. She believes that the information she has is definitely something that Sang Musashi has to pay attention to. For now, whether it is herself or the Wumeng, the most concerned about both parties should be that one. The big white cat, other than that, there is no important thing at all. As long as the information that Sang Musashi can provide is not related to this big white cat, it is not so important.

Yan Qingning came to find herself early in the morning, specifically saying that she had important information and would never come to fool her. Sang Musashi didn't worry that she said that Yan Qingning would not say that her purpose was to share information.

"A while ago, I met a girl... She looks a lot like Tang Hu." Sang Musashi waved his hand and motioned Luo Wei to play a video.

Sang Musashi naturally invited the girl into the car that night. The chat between the two parties and the video footage extracted from the car's monitoring system were very clear.

"It's really like..." Yan Qingning couldn't help but straightened up. The girl's facial features were very similar to Tang Hu. The most important thing was that she was slightly more naive, and looked like a young Tang. Lake.

There are many similar people in the world, and even many people think that in a corner they don't know, there may be a person who looks exactly like them.

This kind of situation exists, but if such a person who looks exactly the same appears in front of her, it is not necessarily a coincidence... Yan Qingning instinctively thinks that this girl and Sang Musashi might not have met by chance.

"It's more than like, do you know her name?" Sang Musashi asked, but didn't sell it. "She said her name is Tang Shui."

Yan Qingning looked at Sang Musashi suspiciously and surprised. It doesn't matter if his looks are similar, and the names are so similar. How could it be a coincidence? At least Yan Qingning didn't believe it was a coincidence, and Sang Musashi wouldn't think it was a coincidence either.

Sang Musashi continued to play the video while saying, "According to the analysis of the psychologist I invited, this girl was actually very vigilant after getting in the car, she was full of vigilance, but she was very curious. Her words and deeds all revealed A feeling of anticipation but keeping a distance."

"In other words, she is not completely ignorant of you. In fact, she is wary of you, but still willing to get in the car. Naturally, she has a certain purpose, and it is also because of her curiosity about Tanghu?" Yan Qingning listened. Analyzing the conversation between Sang Musashi and the girl in the video.

Sang Musashi nodded, "Yes, she got off the car in a run-down community, but Laura recognized that the bag she was carrying was very expensive. We suspected that she was not in that community at all, so I asked Laura to follow her~www you know where she went?"

Yan Qingning did not hesitate, and immediately said affirmatively: "Wutong Lane!"

Sang Musashi was not surprised that Yan Qingning would guess that Yan Qingning was able to hold her position firmly, not only because she came from a high level, but also naturally had excellent analytical ability and flexible mind.

"Yeah...that night, the great Yan Heimao injured Lowe. Fortunately, I sent someone to inquire before. This girl lived in the No. 2 yard of Wutong Lane. She claimed to be Tang An's cousin. Tang Shui." Sang Musashi turned his head and looked at Yan Heimao, "Ms. Yan, you haven't noticed anything abnormal with this girl at all?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Yan Heimao seemed very upset with Sang Musashi's attitude.

Yan Qingning waved her hand. She knew Yan Heimao's character. Yan Heimao would only pay attention to what she thought should be paid attention to. Don't expect Yan Heimao to do anything else.

Tang An's cousin Tang Shui!

Yan Qingning suddenly remembered the big white cat of last night. Could this big white cat be Tang An's cousin, Tang Shui!