My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 393: General

? Yan Qingning thought about it carefully. Before Tang Lake disappeared, there was no information and investigation to show that Tang Lake had such a niece, and Tang An had such a list of the fastest updates.

Tang Shui only appeared after Tang Lake disappeared.

To be precise, the first time someone learned about the existence of Tang Shui, that is, when Sang Musashi met Tang Shui, it was the day before Tang An and others set off for Baidao Lake.

Tang Shui appeared the day before, and Baidao Lake exploded the next night, and the big white cat appeared.

Now that the big white cat is with Tang An, it is estimated that he will return to Wutong Lane next. Isn't this the most illustrative of the problem?

The same surname is Tang, and the same is from the cat spirit clan. What is the relationship between this big white cat and Tang Hu? It was not clear before, but now it is clear. If Tang Hu and Tang Shui are not related by blood, I’m afraid they won’t. Some people believe it.

What's more, the big white cat said something yesterday. Yan Qingning noticed it. The big white cat asked Tang An to retrieve the water essence from Yan Qingning's body. Tang An refused, saying that it was his thing. He would rather not, but Da Bai The cat said his is hers.

This is obviously an extremely close relationship, just like Tang Shui and Tang An are cousin and brother, Tang Hu is gone, the two sisters and brothers naturally rely on each other, this kind of relationship may be his and hers.

Thinking of the way she returned the water essence to his body, Yan Qingning only felt something strange in her body, as if something was restless, as if some of the emotions that he had provoked had not dissipated.

Yan Qingning originally wanted to tell Sang Musashi some news about the big white cat, but now she didn't plan to speak easily. Until she had confirmed certain information, she couldn't disclose it to Sang Musashi for the time being.

You must know that Sang Musashi's feelings for Tanghu are very complicated, and Tang Shui's identity is really confirmed, and no one can predict what Sang Musashi's next move will be.

Yan Qingning didn't want to let Sang Musashi go out of business before he sorted out the things in front of him, but she had to remind Tang An to make him pay attention to his cousin not to show up easily.

Now Sang Musashi and others still don’t know that the cat spirits have appeared again, nor do they think that Tang Shui is the identity of the cat spirits. As long as Sang Musashi doesn’t know what happened in the room last night, Sang Musashi will probably not go here. In terms of association, after all, the identity of the cat spirits is the only one for so many years.

"Sorry, I still have something to deal with." After speaking, Yan Qingning stood up and greeted Yan Heimao to leave the living room together, ignoring the sullen look in Sang Musashi's eyes.

"This girl is too arrogant!" Lowe said annoyedly.

"It's okay. Let her be arrogant for a while. Yan Qingning is more than enough, but she is not the one doing big things. Don't provoke her." Sang Musashi is of course annoyed. Yan Qingning obviously has something to discuss with him. After getting the information from him, she probably solved her problem, and then left on her own, and no longer shared information with Sang Musashi.

What exactly did Yan Qingning plan to talk to herself? Why did you leave in a hurry after hearing about Tang Shui? Sang Musashi was puzzled, and he had a few speculations in his heart, but he couldn't be sure<=\".

After the meeting with Sang Musashi, Yan Qingning did not go directly to the guest room to see Tang An. After all, this is the Hudao Hotel, Sang Musashi’s lair. Yan Qingning will still pay attention to the downward trail here, so as not to overinterpret it. .

"Check Tang An's phone, I have something to ask him." Yan Qingning said to Yan Heimao calmly.

"Don't you have his phone on your cell phone?" Yan Heimao asked strangely.

Yan Qingning's cheeks warmed, she took out her phone, looked at it and said, "I don't even remember... It's just a person with the same name and surname. Go and check."

"Really? Show me." Yan Heimao reached out for Yan Qingning's mobile phone.

"Let you check it, why are you doing so much?" Yan Qingning said irritably.

"Menopause has arrived early?" Yan Heimao felt that Yan Qingning was a little abnormal and unreasonable today, and took out his mobile phone, "I have his number here, and I copied Yuyu's mobile phone information."

Yan Heimao showed Tang An's mobile phone number to Yan Qingning, then stared at Yan Qingning and pressed the number.

"Why are you doing so much today?" Yan Qingning looked at Yan Heimao unreasonably.

"I just want to see. If the number on your mobile phone is Tang An's, then after you press the number, his name will be displayed instead of a string of numbers in the phone number." Yan Heimao explained.

Yan Qingning only felt that Yan Hei Mao's Qiqiao made smoke for the first time, so she simply pushed Yan Hei Mao aside and went to the side to press the number.

After Yan Qingning finished pressing the number, she certainly wouldn't check whether it was showing the number or the name. The phone was connected after a while, and Tang An hadn't gotten up yet.

"Sang Musashi has been paying attention to your sister Tang Shui. You ask your sister to keep the cat form as much as possible and show less face. Don't think that you two are invincible. Sang Musashi has many methods, and it is definitely not a general generation." Yan Qingning is simple and direct. To say.

Tang An was stunned for a while before he heard that it was Yan Qingning, and asked in a puzzled manner: "How do you know my number...No, what is my sister Tang Shui, what is my sister's cat form?"

"I saw Sang Musashi just now. If he knows that your sister has destroyed the spiritual resources of Dingshan Lake, he won't let you go easily. Be careful." Yan Qingning hung up the phone after speaking, saying as much as possible. Therefore, he can be considered as the best of benevolence, and it depends on whether Tang An himself knows good or bad.

After the phone call, Tang An also woke up completely.

After a while, Tang An realized that Yan Qingning and Sang Musashi should have met, and Sang Musashi revealed to Yan Qingning that he had met Tang Shui, a mysterious girl he had ever met, so Yan Qingning naturally took Nanmao Treated as Tang Shui.

This misunderstanding is really interesting. Tang An is not worried about Sang Musashi’s attention. Sang Musashi will not be able to find Tang Shui anyway. Even if Nan Mao resumes his human form, it will not be similar to Tang Shui. Sang Musashi would never have thought that he would be Nan. The cat destroyed the spiritual resources of Dingshan Lake...unless Yan Qingning told Sang Musashi.

But Yan Qingning specifically called to remind her that she didn't tell Sang Musashi, so there was nothing to worry about.

Tang An vaguely feels that he might be opposed to Sang Musashi, which is really a headache, because there are Sang Mengmeng and Sang Yueye, Tang An really does not want to stand on the opposite side of Sang Musashi, not to mention that his mother was not related to the Sang family before his death. Is it good?

Forget it, I don’t want to do that. The focus now is to figure out whether the mother is a cat spirit or not. If the mother is a cat spirit, then things will be very complicated. If it is not... then there are not so many problems. No need to think too much<=\"..

The air in the morning was still a bit cold, like the moment I opened the refrigerator. When I woke up, my skin was instinctively covered with goose bumps. Tang An yawned, and then he remembered that he had become unknowingly. Got people.

Fortunately, Nan Mao did not wake up, Tang An turned his head, the king still lay quietly to sleep, with his hands folded on his lower abdomen, the standard sleeping posture is always reminiscent of the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty story.

Tang An is not a prince, and he would not kiss his little moist lips, but unlike the past, such a southern cat makes people feel particularly heart-warming.

I used to think that she was very cute, and the way she enjoyed sleeping makes people feel loving her, but now it really gives Tang An an urge to kiss her with suppressed heartbeat.

Sure enough, as I said last night, compared to my chest, I would still look at my face after all. It's not that Nanmao was not as beautiful as it is now, but the feeling of beauty is really different.

When Tang An got up, he guessed that his feet were soft, and he drew away in a hurry. He looked down and saw that there was a little girl sleeping beside the bed, sleeping with his shoes on his pillow.

Tang An fixed his eyes to see that it turned out to be the Black Tiger striker, and he breathed a sigh of relief. If other children were stepped on by his more than 100 catties body, then the problem would be serious.

The Black Tiger striker was stepped on by Tang An, and there was no reaction at all. He was still asleep, and a light bubble was still hanging from her nostrils, bulging with her breath.

The Black Tiger striker has also disappeared for a few days, and he doesn't know where he has gone. After all, he is out of habit. Probably the Nanmao appeared and summoned him to his side again.

Tang An tiptoedly went outside to wash his face and brush his teeth. After coming back, he found that Nan Mao's tiger hat had been taken off for the first time and placed it on the bedside.

I’ve always been curious about her hat, which is said to represent the royal power of the Beast Spirit Empire. Tang An stretched out his hand and took it. It was soft and comfortable, with a slight coolness. It’s no wonder that the Southern Cat also wore this on a hot day. It shouldn’t be at all. hot.

Looking at the sleeping Nanmao, Tang An felt a little again and put it on his head.


A loud roar sounded like the roar of a tiger in the forest!

Tang An was startled by the roar that seemed to roar from the bottom of his heart. He only felt that a huge white tiger lying on the back of a mountain appeared in his mind, staring at Tang An with the flashing red eyes, for a moment. Just stand up, as if the mountain range suddenly jumped!

Tang An only felt that the hat was like Monkey King's golden hoop to tighten his head until it exploded. He pulled it hard and threw the hat on the bed.

"Is it fun?"

Tang An sat on the ground out of breath, what kind of horrible hat, he even knew to call him "General"! Tang An is the Golden Tooth general who is entrusted by the Southern Cat in the Eight Classics, and he must have been recognized by the crown that symbolizes kingship.

Hearing Nan Mao's voice, Tang An quickly sat up with a smile and glanced at it. Fortunately, the hat did not fall to the ground. At the same time, he noticed Nan Mao staring at him angrily.

This is not getting up.