My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 394: bad boy

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Tang An's head no longer hurts, but she has a headache.

"My lord, I was wrong!" Most of the time, Nan Mao Wang does not eat soft or hard, but in comparison, at least Nan Mao Wang will eat soft or hard, so he is as witty as Tang An. Admit your mistakes without hesitation.

"This is a crown! It's not something else!" Nanmao educates Tang An loudly, "You also have crowns in primitive society. Think about this thing of your emperor being touched by other people. Other people think Dai, what will be the consequences!"

That's not primitive society, it's called feudal society... Tang An really didn't think about this problem, and then realized that the problem is really serious. In ancient times, wearing the emperor's crown was no different from seeking power to usurp the throne. , This is really only the emperor can wear. Anything else who needs to wear a crown, whether it is a father or a brother, is a capital crime, and there is no mercy.

But Tang An really didn't think about this...Because this plush tiger hat with the word "king" on it, it was really difficult for Tang An to think of the majesty of the king.

So I wore it for a while, and then I realized that this hat is really not something that ordinary cats and dogs can wear.

"My crown, you can't wear it, just like your golden tooth, I can't hang it around my neck." Nan Mao said with a mild tone.

"Why? Wear it if you want. I think you wear a gold tooth to your neck, it's pretty cute." Tang An flattered.

"I said I can't, I can't." Nan Mao didn't want to explain so many reasons, staring at Tang An with wide-eyed eyes, "As punishment, you have to serve me to get up."

How did Tang An feel that Nan Mao’s temperament seemed to have grown up with her...No, it’s getting bigger and changing too to be precise. It stands to reason that this is a very serious matter. She didn’t even give him a blaster cat. Taste, the so-called punishment is just to serve her to get up.

Of course, Tang An wouldn't make a bad reminder to ask Nan Mao to call him, and quickly said with a smile: "Okay, you can drink milk after you get up."

Lifting the quilt, the style of Nanmao’s nightdress has not changed, but naturally it has become a little longer with the height. The legs are straight together, slender and rounded. Under the low light in the morning, it radiates and everything around it. With a completely different feeling, Tang An held her legs and let her feet land and stepped on the shoes.

"I'll do it myself." Tang An was about to put on her shoes, Nan Mao's heel was touched by Tang An, but she retracted and put the shoes on by herself.

When Tang An took the towel to wipe Nan Mao's face, his little finger touched Nan Mao's ear, and Nan Mao took the towel over again, "Go out...I'll do it myself, I need to change my clothes!"

Tang Ann was puzzled, and he didn't ask him to actually wash her face and brush her teeth. Now the Nanmao seems to be a bit too talkative, and it's too easy to let him go... what's the matter? Tang An thought for a while, he was also a scumbag, so she didn't have to cry without tears to feel normal.

Nan Mao washes his face by himself. I don’t know what happened just now. Tang An’s fingers touched his ears, and he actually felt the same as his body being electrified. The ears were soft and soft, and it felt more powerful than the galvanized cat. It's bigger.

Although I was a little uncomfortable with touching Tang An's body in the past, it doesn't seem to be as strong as it is now. What's going on? Nan Mao thought for a while, it must be that the disorder of spiritual power in the body has not been resolved.

After getting up and changing clothes, Nan Mao cautiously raised his hat and put it on his head. Wearing the crown, she would never forget that she was the king of the Beast Spirit Empire. When she came to this world, she belonged to the Beast Spirit Empire. Wang, will rule this world, Nan Mao thought while looking at Dingshan Lake outside the window.

Twisting the black tiger forward who had just woke up, Nan Mao came to the living room and saw Tang An actually placed a large and a small bottle of milk. Nan Mao quickly sat down, holding a large bottle of milk and drank it.

Heihu forward climbed up from the feet of Nanmao and looked at the Nanmao. Tang An gave the small bottle of milk to the black tiger forward. She also sat on the floor and drank like the Nanmao.

Looking at the two cats, the big and the small, Tang An felt satisfied. The black tiger forward wore the suit of the mechanical combat cat actually more like a cat head puppet suit, and the Nan Mao stared at a tiger hat on his head. Who would have thought that both of them are actually very good?

"Why did the Black Tiger striker come here?" The doorbell rang, and the waiter brought breakfast. Tang An brought breakfast in. The breakfast was also equipped with milk to meet the needs of two cats.

"Dingshan Lake has a lot of spiritual resources. I was slow to absorb it, so I asked her to come and **** it together." Nan Mao's milk sizzled, and then looked at Dingshan Lake and imagined with bright eyes, "If Dingshan Lake All of the lake water has turned into milk, that would be great!"

"Then you need a giant cow like a cat belly." Tang An actually doesn't know how big a cat belly is, but the guy who can eat the northwest corner of the beast spirit empire into his stomach will definitely not It's the little guy.

Nanmao seemed to be inspired and began to think about the problem seriously.

"I said, I will buy you as much milk as you want. Don't really make such a big cow!" Tang An suddenly panicked.

As soon as Nan Mao thought about it, Tang An became nervous.

"Such a cow is so big!" Nanmao finally figured out. A cow that is about the same size as Dingshan Lake is not too big, but the milk to be squeezed is the size of Dingshan Lake. It is more than the size of Dingshan Lake.

Such a behemoth is very rare in the Beast Spirit Empire, and it seems unrealistic to make it on Earth.

Tang An breathed a sigh of relief, Nan Mao thought for a while, and temporarily gave up the idea, but the related ideas still haven't been lost from his mind.

"This pool looks good, Tang An, you can get one!" Nan Mao pointed to the lagoon pool and said, "It's very fun. I can put a lot of cat toys in it to swim around."

After eating breakfast, Tang An and Nan Mao were about to leave. They stood by the lagoon pool connected to the lake.

"It's not realistic..." Tang An shook his head, "This swimming pool has a separate water purification and heating system. How much electricity does this require? Moreover, this water is circulated, and there is also a circulation system... If you want the water to flow out If so, how much water is needed!"

"Idiot, spiritual power can replace all energy." Nan Mao waved indifferently, "Go home."

Go home... Tang An suddenly laughed. It feels good to go home. He finally brought Nan Mao back to his home. For so long, I always feel that Nan Mao is also indispensable in his home. of.

Because of Yan Qingning’s call in the morning, Tang An decided not to leave the hotel, but jumped into Dingshan Lake with Nanmao and Heihu forward. The mechanical cat battle suit on the black tiger forward swelled under the water. , Forming a submarine the size of a car, Tang An and Nan Mao got in.

The black tiger forward controlled the mechanical cat combat suit to drain the water, and then jumped into the bottom of the submarine and slid his limbs desperately, allowing the submarine to advance quickly under the water, like a rain of arrows.

"It's amazing..." Tang An admired the various magical props of the Southern Cat, but seeing the black tiger forward's small body pressed against the bottom of the submarine and still paddling desperately, Tang An couldn't bear it again. Feeling that the Black Tiger striker fell into the hands of the Nancats, it was really a bumpy fate.

"Your sympathy is only limited to the appearance of the other person. Such sympathy is cheap and hypocritical. If there is a water ghost sliding there now, I am afraid you will be content." Nan Mao said to Tang. Ann showed intolerance and dismissed it.

Indeed, Tang An still said unconvincedly, "You only said that sympathy is cheap, but it doesn't mean that compassion itself is cheap. I love small animals."

"Black Tiger striker is not a small animal, look!" Nan Mao shouted: "Change, change, become bigger, become bigger and bigger!"

Is this a spell? After Nan Mao yelled, Tang An saw through the transparent bottom of the submarine that the black tiger forward had become so huge, as big as a rhinoceros, but this small submarine was not so big.

Looking at it this way, the submarine’s burden on the Black Tiger striker was minimal. Tang An sighed. With Nan Mao, he was wrong to have even a little sympathy, and everything was subverted.

Soon after they came to the shore, Tang An and Nan Mao jumped ashore. The black tiger forward climbed to the shore and shrank with the submarine. It turned into its original appearance, with a kitten wearing a doll costume.

"Doraemon! Doraemon!"

At this moment, a naked little boy in shorts jumped out from behind a big rock, but at the age of seven or eight, he ran over with excitement, standing five or six meters away from Tang An and Nan Mao, staring at him. Eyes widened, looking incredulously.

It's broken, and it's been seen by others. Nan Mao won't kill people, right? Tang An looked at Nan Mao anxiously.

Nan Mao didn't say a word, but looked at the weak human with a blank face.

The little boy walked over slowly, and when Tang An and Nan Mao didn't speak, he slowly approached the Black Tiger striker.

To Tang An’s surprise, the little boy suddenly bent down, rushed over with a sprint, picked up the Black Tiger striker, turned around and ran quickly, without a doubt that he was planning to take the Black Tiger striker for himself. Have.

Tang An is not only dumbfounded, but this is a typical bear kid who doesn't know how to write dead words!

"Quick! Wind! Thunder! Electricity! Cat!"

Nan Mao paused, and a lightning bolt instantly condensed on the tip of her Tang An had no time to stop it, this lightning hit the child, and immediately knocked the child down. Into the lake.

To Tang An's surprise, the child fell into the lake, but jumped up again, and ran out of the lake yelling, crying that his parents turned and ran in the other direction.

Tang An relaxed, Nan Mao didn't kill the little boy directly... Although even Tang An felt that this little boy who didn't know what he was afraid of was really a little bit dead.

"To conquer a dog, we must first understand this dog. The same is true for conquering the world." Nan Mao said calmly, "I changed some concepts. To conquer this world, we must first fully understand it. There are too many humans in this world. Now, like locusts everywhere... It is a particularly troublesome thing to kill these children. I don't want to cause trouble for the time being."

Tang An sighed with mixed emotions, Nan Mao has not only grown bigger, it seems that it has really grown up a bit. What she said was not wrong, a child corpse in the wild, this kind of thing caused much attention far beyond the comparison of ordinary murders.

Tang An looked at the crying and disappearing figure in the distance, thinking that it was really a lucky bear kid, but he must have gone home and said that he had encountered a Doraemon and was struck by lightning, and no one would believe him.