My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 45: Domineering

   Tang An quickly realized that it was not that the Nancats became taller, nor that the black tiger forwards had soared in size, but that his perspective had changed.

   Tang An lowered his head to look at himself, the first thing that caught his eye was the long dog nose!

Immediately afterwards, Tang An fell heavily to the ground, just thinking about getting up quickly, and then fell to the ground immediately. There was no way to control his body, as if his head was put into another body. .

   Tang An knows that Nan Mao has turned himself into a Wang!

   There was no time to pay attention to what he had become. Tang An hurriedly bit the obviously different tooth in his mouthpiece as the original Nanmao said.


   Tang An jumped up from the ground, and immediately looked at his hands and feet, returning to their original condition.

   "Okay, I'm afraid of you..." Tang An quickly stretched out his hand and stood in front of him and Nan Mao.

Tang An touched his heart, beating a bit fast... Although he realized that he could become a dog before, it was just a little imagination. The scene that came to his mind was a majestic and majestic liger. The beast is just running, and does not associate itself with ordinary dogs.

  Many things, it's one thing to be psychologically prepared, and it's another thing that really happened. Tang An was afraid that if he became a dog, he wouldn't be able to return, but he was thankful that the change would come.

   Nan Mao nodded slightly triumphantly, Tang An is not like the Black Tiger striker, he can control it as long as he uses King Overlord’s talents. For a high-level canine like Tang An, he still needs both kindness and strength.

"I'm not suspicious of you, I just want to know where Xiaobai's evil behavior is...Attention, this is a questioning tone, not a questioning tone." Tang An asked, although he is not Xiaobai's master, but Xiaobai I like myself so much, and I also think Xiaobai is so cute, so of course I have to try my best to protect him, and I can't let Nanmao abuse the dog.

Speaking of this topic, Nan Mao got serious, "I told you that the gift of the cat spirits is the king, and all creatures will be affected. When you see me, you should have an uncontrollable urge to bow down, just like you. ."

"When did I have an uncontrollable urge to bow down to you?" Tang An felt baffled, and he admitted that for a moment, there was a slight urge to kiss the Nan Mao’s instep, but this told Nan Mao. There is no relationship at all, it is not because of her domineering spirit at all.

   "When I saw you for the first time, you knelt before me." Nan Mao was angry and proud. The pride was because Tang An was inevitable, but Tang An was angry that Tang An actually forgot.

   "Where is it?" Tang An couldn't think of it. When I saw her for the first time, she was a big white cat. How could he kneel down and worship her? He is not a cat slave.

   Nan Mao's eyes widened, and he climbed onto the computer desk and stood, looking down at Tang An.

Tang An remembered, was about to say something, and then resisted, not arguing with her about it, it was not good for him... At that time, he was kneeling in front of his mother's grave, and the big white cat was squatting on the tombstone. She was actually taken as a sign that she was overwhelmed by her domineering power.

Tang An’s non-arguing attitude made Nanmao more satisfied, so he nodded, and then said, "Where’s Xiaobai? But the first time he saw me, when I deliberately exuded a domineering spirit to frighten him, he actually nodded. Turning a blind eye, this is the first dog that dared to look at each other with my eyes!"

   "So it's evil?" Tang An said inexplicably, the feeling is because the Southern Cat King glared at Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai ignored her, so Xiao Bai was an evil Wang.

   "Of course." Nan Mao nodded his head with conclusive evidence, and then shouted: "Black Tiger striker!"

   The Black Tiger striker raised his head. Nan Mao turned his head and glared at the Black Tiger striker. The Black Tiger striker immediately fell on the ground, leaving his tail wagging.

   "You see, normal cats and dogs react like this!" Nan Mao pointed to the black tiger forward and said.

   Tang An was taken aback, normal cats and dogs? No matter how you look at the Black Tiger striker, he doesn't look like a normal cat!

Think about it carefully. Nanmao shouldn't aim at Xiaobai for no reason, because in Nanmao's eyes, all cats, dogs and dogs on earth are her subjects. In the face of ordinary cats and dogs, Nanmao will only regard them as The object to be saved, not an evil animal.

Since she has a talent for "madness", Nan Mao's "king" talent should also be a reliable ability, with the ability to deter other races, but apparently Nan Mao found that her ability has no effect on Xiao Bai .

   "Any creature that doesn't regard me as a king is evil!" Nan Mao concluded.

Tang An looked up at the Southern Cat King who was just a little big standing on the table, with a small and slender body, and raised her fingers pretentiously. She only felt that she was more suitable to shrink in the arms of her parents to act like a baby by looking at her appearance. Not here to make remarks full of domineering spirit.

   "Then... next time I see Xiaobai, please pay attention to it for you and see why it is so evil." Tang An thought for a while and said, calming Nan Mao.

   "This is not the point of the problem!"

  The Nanmao jumped off the table. Tang An could see her skirt flying, revealing her white and slender legs. He quickly looked away, and felt like he looked away. Why? Obviously only saw the calf.

   Maybe it’s because the skirt is too long and the skin that is always covered, suddenly I can see it, and I feel a little trembling.

Nan Mao didn't notice Tang An's eyes, but pointed to the window. The Black Tiger forward jumped out of the window with one stride. Tang An was taken aback, and hurriedly came to the window and looked down. Sure enough, the Black Tiger forward thumped. As soon as he fell into the yard, Tang An asked unclearly, "Why did you let it jump off the building?"

   Nanmao’s cheeks are red, and he feels that his subordinates are embarrassed for himself, “Why did I let it jump off the building? I just let it squat by the window to guard it, it didn’t jump in a good position by itself.”

   Sure enough, Tang An saw the Black Tiger forward slowly climb up, shook his head, then climbed up under the wall and squatted honestly by the window.

   Tang An is stunned, no wonder that cats have nine lives!

   "I'm telling you... that white dog is not the point, the point is the woman who invaded the stronghold today!" Nan Mao said in a low voice.

"Sang Mengmeng? She is not an invasion stronghold... She rented a house here a long time ago, but only moved in today." Nan Mao went to trouble Xiaobai, but it was just a cat-dog battle. Tang An didn't want her to go. Trouble with Sang Mengmeng.

   "Why rent to her! No!" Nan Mao shouted, very angry, this is his stronghold!

   "Why not? If you don't rent it to her, you will have no money. How can you buy milk if you don't have money?" Tang An reasoned for Nanmao, and it was a killer-level reason.

   Nanmao stepped back and opened her mouth, revealing her white teeth and moist small tongue. It was difficult to look at Tang An with a choice, "Did you drive her away and you won't buy me milk?"

   Although it is very guilty to deceive the little girl with such an expression, Tang An still nodded his head expressionlessly, not to let the Southern Cat King destroy his livelihood and become terrible, so he still has to fill his stomach.

   "What should I do then?" Nan Mao sat down in frustration.

"In fact, doesn't matter. She just lives in that small building. We only need to divide the small building we live in as a stronghold." Tang An saw her crying. She quickly comforted: "Do we want to break away from the shackles of the wall? Even within the wall, we can divide the scope. It belongs to her over there, and the rest belongs to us."

   Nanmao looked at Tang An with determination, "In that case, I decided to stay here for a while... First, I want to investigate Xiaobai, and second, I want to investigate this woman."

"Investigate Sang Mengmeng?" Tang An said quickly, "Why do you want to investigate her, is she also evil? Then last time we went out to buy milk, so many people who saw you but didn't kneel down should be investigated. ."

"I'll show you something." Nan Mao looked out the window blankly. The stupidity of humans determined that they would be ruled by cats. Although Tang An has become a canine, there are still human remains on him. madness.

   Tang An looked at her expectantly, although he didn't think Sang Mengmeng had anything to investigate.

   Nan Mao came downstairs, Tang An followed her downstairs.

   Heihu striker followed downstairs, Nanmao grabbed the black tiger striker's tail and held it in front of him, muttering something, and then threw the black tiger striker out of the door.

   Immediately afterwards, Nan Mao turned on the TV proficiently, but what appeared on the TV was the scene of the small courtyard of Tang An's house. There was a feeling that the TV was connected to a moving camera.

   "What we see is what we can see through the black tiger forward." Nan Mao said, "We are going to monitor that woman. She will show her tail soon."

   Although I feel that this is improper, it is of great importance. If Sang Mengmeng is really suspicious, he must be monitored.