My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 487: Quack children

Considering the danger that Nanmao’s gusty wind power cat might descend at any time, Tang An decided to implement Nanmao’s Golden Tooth General’s power expansion plan non-stop, first to recruit a group of stray dogs.

Tang An knew very well that even in Zhonghai, there were a lot of stray dogs, but all he knew was Ye Yiyu after all. Specifically, even the three sisters Ye Yiyu, Ye Huacai and Ye Xiaonai.

Ye Yiyu and Ye Huacai are sisters. As for Ye Xiaonai, they probably aren't. They are just one of the stray dogs who later took in, but the relationship seems to be very good.

Tang An thought of Ye Xiaonai. She was a serious misnomer. Although Ye Xiaonai looked a bit rebellious, it was strange that Tang An felt very good about her. She probably played the game. It was very touching at the time, and he can be called a good teammate in China.

Tang An contacted Ye Yiyu but didn’t make contact. This is not surprising. Although artists like Ye Yiyu are still less popular than Lin Yuling, they are considered to be super idols, and they don’t usually play with their mobile phones all the time. Yes, it's normal to be unable to contact for a long time while working.

Lin Yuling is very leisurely. Ye Yiyu seems to still have to seize the opportunity of National Day to work hard, and his mentality is very different from Lin Yuling.

Tang An didn't contact Sister Qin either. After all, he was not familiar with him, and he didn't think that the other party would be important to his contact needs, so he went to call Ye Huacai.

Ye Huacai is as laid back as Lin Yuling. At this moment, she is taking Ye Xiaonai to play games in the Internet cafe.

Tang An knew how to go to the Internet cafe last time. He didn’t need Ye Huacai to give the address, so he passed directly. I didn’t see those little gangsters who gave Nanmao gold in the Internet cafe, but only Ye Huacai and Ye Xiao. The milk sits together, the five places opposite them are empty, and there are still cigarette butts and instant noodles stacked on top. Tang An suspects that it is the five gangsters. After Ye Huacai knows that Tang An is coming, he will either send them away, or They were scared away.

Tang An naturally sat next to Ye Xiaonai, because he felt very enjoyable when he played the game last time, and of course he wanted to show a little bit of his affection for her.

Ye Xiaonai stared at the screen closely, her cheeks bulging, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she said nothing, as if she hadn't seen Tang An.

Generally speaking, if you sit in an Internet cafe for a long time, you will inevitably get the unpleasant smell in the Internet cafe, but Ye Xiaonai doesn’t have it. Tang An sits next to her, looking at her milky white skin as if she feels unpleasant. The scent of milk exuded, the t-shirt bulging tightly, once again made Tang An feel that she did not live up to her name.

"Something?" Ye Huacai greeted Tang An through Ye Xiaonai, "It's not like you're here to play games with us."

"I'm looking for Ye Yiyu." Tang An knows that Ye Yiyu is the boss of the stray dogs. Of course, he needs Ye Yiyu to talk about things. Ye Huacai must only look forward to Ye Yiyu's horse.

"What are you doing?" Ye Huacai asked casually.

Ye Xiaonai's neck turned stiffly, and then took off the earphones and rubbed her ears, as if it was only because of the ear pain of the earphone clip.

"Yan Heimao isn't there? Why did she go?" Tang An didn't answer directly. He suddenly remembered that when he sneaked into the Sang Family Manor for the first time at night, he met Yan Qingning and Yan Heimao. At that time, I noticed that the little girl who was with Yan Heimao seemed to be Ye Xiaonai.

The general armed forces are undoubtedly unwelcome to the formation of new forces for stray dogs. After all, the armed forces have so many resources, and one more force means more resources.

Although the power of stray dogs does not necessarily have any capital and big power to grab resources, it is ultimately an uncomfortable thing.

Yan Heimao, a guardian of supernatural status, would probably just be on the sidelines. After all, Yan Heimao is also a member of Yan Qingning and has no interest in the internal disputes of the Wu League.

Tang An thought for a while. It seemed that Yan Heimao would be interested. It seemed that there was nothing else. Playing games in Internet cafes counted as one thing, right?

"Are you still looking for her? I answered the phone in the afternoon and left, saying that there was a big event like aliens descending on the earth to be dealt with." Ye Huacai said dismissively, "A person who plays games in an Internet cafe all day. My mind is also broken."

Tang An felt that Ye Huacai and Ye Xiaonai probably knew that Yan Hei Mao was a very powerful guy, but they were not quite sure of how powerful they were.

Yan Heimao is also interesting. It is estimated that she left after receiving the news that Ximen Chuuxue released it. Even if she likes to play games in Internet cafes and encounters Wu Zun appearance, which is vital to Wumeng, she can't continue. After playing it, it’s a bit nonsense to say that the appearance of the Southern Cat is an alien coming to the earth.

... Actually, it's almost the same, and there is nothing wrong with this description.

"A very important thing has indeed happened, and I also want to tell you about the aliens coming to the earth." Tang An nodded seriously.

"Your brain is broken too." Ye Huacai said grimly, "Don't compare, come and play a game."

"Just talk about it." Ye Xiaonai spoke suddenly, but her tone was a little gentle.

Tang An sounded very comfortable. This kind of girl who is sometimes rebellious and sometimes gentle is often a true temperament and a very good friend.

"In fact, we are all stray dogs. Although we don’t have much to do with the Wumeng, we can’t say that something big happened in the Wumeng. What's more, what happened this time is very beneficial to the stray dogs. Opportunity." Tang An continued.

Ye Huacai frowned and became serious, knowing that Tang An was not joking, but that there was something to be done. I remembered that my sister had thought about wooing Tang An. I guess Tang An had also considered this factor, so I came to see my sister this time. What I said is really more important.

"Okay, let's play the game first." Ye Huacai still greeted Tang Anjin in the game, "She has an event to participate in this afternoon, and called us to eat in the evening. When she comes to the news, let's go there together."

"That's OK." Tang An nodded, and said to Ye Xiaonai, who hadn't entered the game yet, "Come on together, is your tuba unblocked?"

"No!" Ye Xiaonai said with her cheeks bulging, listening to his tone of anticipation, it seems that he likes playing games with her very much... It's such a slapstick.

"What are you doing?" Ye Huacai looked at Ye Xiaonai suspiciously, "Isn't your big size that..."

Ye Xiaonai rushed over and covered Ye Huacai's mouth, making Ye Huacai choppy and speechless.

"Damn, disgusting, you hold the mouse's hand!" Ye Huacai repeatedly puckered, "I don't understand what you are doing!"

Ye Huacai stood up and went to the bar to rinse her mouth with water.

Ye Xiaonai turned her head with wide-eyed eyes, and then realized that Tang An's eyes looked a little bit...wonderful and pleasant, but warm and excited. Anyway, it was weird. This made Ye Xiaonai feel numb and a little nervous on her scalp. The goose bumps are all up.

"Nanny?" Tang An asked tentatively.

"You... how do you know?" Ye Xiaonai blurted out, then blushed to deny, "No!"

"I just saw your game login record, the familiar QQ account, I can't admit it wrong." Tang An said with a smile, while looking at Ye Xiaonai. This is the first time he has met friends online in reality. When I met, I didn't expect it to be an unconscious coincidence, and then I first met in reality, and then confirmed that it was a friend on the Internet. It felt very strange.

Ye Xiaonai knew that when she was pushing with Ye Huacai just now, Tang An actually wisely chose to look at her account login record.

It was also because Ye Xiaonai kept saying that her account was blocked, but Ye Huacai said no, Tang An felt curious and a little confused, so she looked at it.

So Ye Xiaonai’s cheeks became redder and red, and she felt bulging and bulging, just like her **** with a special bust. Ye Xiaonai lowered her head, feeling that she could bury her face in her chest. .

"It turns out that you are really a girl. I always thought you were a man." Tang An said embarrassedly. After having known each other for so long, he has always regarded the idle nanny as an otaku, but he did not expect to be a man. Very beautiful and cute, a little girl with a small body but a very eye-catching figure.

"I told you a hundred times that I was a woman, but you never believed it!" Ye Xiaonai finally raised her head and stared at Tang An angrily.

"Look at you, keep your mouth shut, how can you believe it..." Tang An felt that he really misunderstood it for granted, "Never sell cute, open mouth and shut up are vulgar words, fighting and causing troubles are more active than anyone else, there is a little bit like a girl. "

"I am a son and daughter of Jianghu." Ye Xiaonai gritted her teeth and said, "Now, do you feel like it now?"

"It's really like girls." Tang An said with certainty, and he is used to joking with nanny in the game, so he said, "Full of milk."

"Do you want me to milk you?" Ye Xiaonai also blurted out, and then blushed again. In the game, "milk you" is just a pronoun for blood, but in reality, especially for such a childlike giant rabbit. The girl said so, but it seemed to be teasing.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, but it made Tang An want to laugh. The nanny in the game was Ye Xiaonai in reality. The role she played was quite in line with her image. It was really full of milk.

It happened that Ye Huacai came back, and bought three bottles of Red Bull back, "Come on, play the game!"

"Girls drink this, there seems to be male hormones." Tang An said suspiciously.

"Could it be possible to grow roots out!" Ye Huacai continued to dismissively.

Tang An was ashamed. Ye Xiaomao next to her raised her head sternly, Tang An should be able to understand, friends are like this, blurting out in the game is foul language, isn't it natural! (To be continued.)