My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 515: Copy making and transmission


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Hearing that the girls had such an advantage, Tang An couldn't help thinking, does that mean that Sang Yueye has accumulated a lot of aura in her body?

What Tang An didn’t ask Curator Jin was, does that mean that when Tang An and Sang Yueye’s situation become more frequent in the future, since the amount of aura produced in the girl’s body will also increase, then it will not Will it grow to the level of becoming the "king" of the Southern Cat?

If Sang Yueye grows to that level, isn't it possible for Tang An to repair liàn "Void Zhan Jue Blast"?

Tang An is just thinking about it. If this is true, then the beast spirit empire does not need to establish such a code, and the Golden Tooth generals do not need to repair themselves. Hope is pinned on the king, just find someone who doesn't have so many auras, and just continue to cultivate to produce auras.

Based on this analysis, Tang An didn't ask Director Jin any more, after all, he should be a person who can think.

Tang An began to search for the beasts by himself, and took a closer look, and found that the distribution of these beasts was actually regular. For example, the golden shadows were all concentrated together, and the areas were divided by function. For example, the beasts with defensive function were located Together, the offensive functions are together, and the offensive and defensive functions are together.

Tang An picked and picked, and when he saw something suitable, he took it and put it in front of Curator Jin. Curator Jin also picked it up and ate it.

After Tang An finished the selection, Tang An found that Director Jin's chest had really shrunk. What was the reason? It's no wonder that Tang An didn't pay attention. It turned out to be two cups bigger than his own Mengmeng, but it's almost the same now.

"Stop!" Director Jin finished the last snack, but Hu raised his hand, "I have finished everything, so even if you choose again, I won't copy it for you!"

Tang An was stunned, and finally understood why Nan Mao asked him to take food. Not only did he condolences to Curator Jin, the emotional curator Jin did things only when he had food!

"Well, it's okay." Tang An actually didn't take a few copies.

Curator Jin stood on the pile of books, still bare feet, slender legs, and soft toes. The robe slipped from her body. In front of Tang An’s wide-open eyes, that thin tube top and The skirt also fell on the pile of books.

"General, the beasts you choose are very precious, so any copy made cannot be an entity that can appear directly in the outer space. Every copy must be transmitted by us in the realm of spiritual and physical integration. ."

Tang An was stunned and stammered: "What is the realm of spiritual and physical blending?"

"That's the state when you got spiritual power from your courtship xiàng? It's no different, but they give you spiritual power, and what I give you is a share of the beast." Curator Jin looked down. Tang An, because the pile of books she was standing was a bit high.

Tang An was looking up at her, and there did not seem to be the word "shy" in Director Jin's eyes, she just accepted Tang An's gaze.

Tang An understood, my goodness, why didn't Nan Mao tell him that it was such a way of making and transmitting copies!

Fortunately, the current Director Jin, as far as the figure is concerned, is completely in line with Tang An's aesthetics.

Tang An took a deep breath, and the curator Jin in front of him, his full name is Jinmao Que Shentun, is a cat spirit, a beast, and a young space beast... Is it possible that he is finally stepping towards the back of King Jinyao? NS? King Golden Tooth has ever been to the female of any kind of creature, but does he have a sutra like a space beast?

Curator Jin looked at Tang An, who was backing step by step, with the corners of his mouth slightly cocked. He suddenly jumped off the pile of beast jue books and flew into Tang An's arms.

After a long time, Tang An left the Beast Jue Hall. After floating in the darkness for a while, Tang An finally came back a little sober. What puzzled him was that he had already planned to leave the Beast Jue Hall first and asked first. Is there any other way for Nan Mao to copy the Beast Jue, but I don't know how to do it according to the method of Curator Jin.

The most important thing is that each transmission can only transmit the beast fight once. Tang An doesn’t know how many transmissions it is before and after. He has been in a dazed process, probably the realm of spiritual and physical fusion as mentioned by Director Jin. Bar.

In short, Tang An's mind now has all the information about the beast decision, and it was copied directly into his mind as Curator Jin said.

Tang An wasn't too entangled, anyway, it wasn't the first time that he had such a relationship without feelings. Moreover, it was also a necessary step to get a beastly decision. Just think of it as a dream.

Tang An did not float in the dark for too long, and felt that the endless darkness disappeared. He felt some light stimulation in his eyes, and his nose smelled a very familiar sweet and moving girly body scent, warm and warm. , And the unique touch of the stockings.

Tang An opened his eyes, quickly lowered his head, and quickly crawled out from under Nan Mao's skirt. At this moment, Nan Mao was already lying on the bed and fell asleep quietly.

What surprised Tang An was that outside the window was still the familiar night of Zhonghai, the color of the sky with light pollution, it seemed that it was still far away from dawn.

After looking at the time, it turned out that it was just past 12:30! Tang An was not sure what time he got under the Nanmao skirt, but he was pretty sure that it was eleven o'clock when he and Nanmao left the Internet cafe!

That is to say, I spent so long under the skirt of Nanmao, watched so many beasts, talked so much with Director Jin, and done so many times, and it took an hour to die!

I'm not that kind of real man in five seconds! Tang An thought incredulously, not to mention, not counting the time during which he and Director Jin were transmitting, it took several hours to pick and choose the beast.

That's weird! Tang An thinks that may be the reason for the time not being synchronized. After all, it is possible that the time scale is different for different time and space.

wonderful! Tang An felt that even though it was not what he wanted to do with the Golden Cat Cui Shen Tun, he still felt that the price paid was worthwhile to be able to have such a wonderful sense of time travel.

What's more, in fact, apart from feeling a little awkward, he didn't lose much.

Looking back at Nan Mao, Tang An didn't intend to disturb her anymore. When she wakes up tomorrow, she will ask her about the beast jue's Xiu Liàn.

Tang An intends to study the "General's Crazy Song" first.

So far, Tang An hasn't mastered the maddening Tian fù, and I don't know if he has mastered the general mad song, so he doesn't need to care if he can madness.

How can madness be comprehended? Tang An felt that if he were in the Beast Spirit Empire, in such a living environment, he would definitely be exposed to relevant knowledge, maybe he would have realized it, but now he didn’t realize that it must not be because his sky is not high enough, but there is no such environment. Well, after all, there is no relevant information at all, how can you grasp it without knowing it?

Forget it, I don't want to be crazy about things. Tang An looked back at the sleeping Nanmao, and when she watched her beautiful cheeks and her eyes closed tightly, she didn't have the cold and indifferent temperament, but she looked very cute.

Give her a kiss, she won't find it, will she? Such a thought suddenly popped out in his heart, and Tang An was startled, so he hurriedly stepped on the stairs and stepped down on the ground.

The black tiger forward downstairs was sitting on the sofa watching the cartoon, and seeing Tang An running down, he suddenly jumped over and stretched out his paw to pat Tang An's ****, but hòu ran back to his seat and sat down. NS.

What is it for? Tang An was inexplicable, but he remembered that some children would imitate what he saw the adults Tang An couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and then hòu came to the middle of the yard.

At this moment, in the dead of night, Tang An’s heart was full of passion, and his own liàn was finally about to officially begin, not fighting with brute force and natural suppression, but like a real strong, a real master, and a real master. The power of fist frightening the world, just like Sang Musashi.

General mad song, this beast decision, as the name suggests, is basically the top beast fight of Liàn only qualified by the golden teeth generals of the beast spirit empire.

Tang An took a deep breath, a line of beast jue in Chinese characters appeared in his mind, comprehending the meaning of it, and it took a long time before he started walking slowly in the yard.

If he first met Nan Mao, he had already entered a new world, but at this moment, Tang An felt that he had found a way in this new world, leading to the peak he was looking at.

General Madge needs to have aura in the body as a foundation. It is impossible for the general spirit race to have aura at all, or it is too thin and far from enough. However, Tang An obviously has no such restriction. As a result, he has the Nanmao to pass it. This is the only ritual that bestows the spiritual power named "Roewe", Yan Qingning, who is close to him, is a strong person above the diamond, and has occupied Hundred Island Lake for many years. Shui Jingyan extracted aura, and there was another Sang Yueye in the third time. She inherited Pan Jinhu's Tiger King armor, and she had a lot of background, and she could also give some aura.

With the basic aura, Tang An’s next first step is to absorb a lot of spiritual power to strengthen his body. This is naturally not a problem for the Golden Tooth generals living in the beast spirit empire, but for living in General Tang An on the earth, this is not so easy.

To absorb a lot of spiritual power on the earth, you first need a treasured geomantic land. Such a treasured geomantic land has long been divided up by the major clans. Where can Tang An find it?

Even if it still exists, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to find, not to mention that Tang An's level of cultivation liàn requires more than a little bit of spiritual power.

At least it had to be like last time, to find so many water essences in Baidao Lake at one time to have practical significance for Tang An.

But where can such a machine be readily available? (To be continued.)

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