My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 542: Set off


   Ye Xiaonai is the weakest. Both Ye Yiyu and Ye Huacai let her choose first. In fact, the weapons that can be used in the golden stage are the most, and Ye Xiaonai is a little bit picky.

   "Choose slowly, don't you worry?" Ye Yiyu asked Nan Mao.

   Nanmao nodded, and then raised his hand, a little flying cat the size of a rice grain, with wings and a golden body flew into Sang Mengmeng’s room.

   "What are you doing?" Tang An asked quickly.

"Let Sang Mengmeng sleep peacefully, lest she wake up early tomorrow morning and look for you everywhere." Nan Mao sneered and said, "Human emotions are really ridiculous. Once you fall in love, it seems that individuals no longer exist independently. Generally, I just want to stick to my love partner."

   The four girls all glanced at Nan Mao. Isn’t this a matter of course? Of course, Sang Yueye quickly looked away, Ye Huacai just thought that there was nothing wrong with this, although she felt that she would definitely not be like this.

Tang An was relieved. Now he can really pick it slowly. Otherwise, Sang Mengmeng would always get up at six or seven in the morning. It is almost twelve o’clock and he hasn’t started exploring yet. Tang An feels that it’s dawn. It may not have been possible to end the spy on this treasured geomancy place before. After all, when the Southern Cat surveyed it, it felt that this place was very large, and the basin underneath might not be smaller than Baidao Lake.

   "Can I ask for this?" Ye Xiaonai found the weapon she wanted.

Tang An leaned over and took a look, and found that it was an umbrella-like weapon. He couldn't help but looked at Ye Xiaonai. Ye Xiaonai happened to look at him too. The two of them looked at each other and laughed, but Ye Xiaonai was a little shy and very shy. She turned her head quickly, because Tang An knew why she chose this weapon.

   Tang An played with Ye Xiaonai, Ye Xiaonai’s nanny role, the school is Tianxiang, and the weapon of this school is the umbrella.

   Tang An felt that Ye Xiaonai chose the umbrella as a weapon for granted.

   Ye Xiaomao chose umbrella weapons. Ye Yiyu and Ye Huacai didn't continue to look at them, but first paid attention to Ye Xiaomai's weapons. As an older sister, of course, it is customary to look after her choice.

"Golden weapon, eight-fold umbrella, with powerful defensive attributes, able to resist a full blow from the full-level platinum power, injecting spiritual power to open eight-fold gate skills, with range defense capabilities, and range defense capabilities are weaker than single defense capabilities. Possess attack skills." Ye Huacai exclaimed as she read the introduction, "It feels very powerful, but she doesn't have attack skills."

"Small milk is weaker and needs self-protection ability. I think it's good." Ye Yiyu is also very satisfied. "In fact, we should all choose this type of weapon. I don't think we need to attack many times, right? At least this is the case for this expedition."

   "Ye Yiyu has a much smarter brain than Tang An." It is not unusual for Nan Mao to praise other people besides Tang An.

   Ye Yiyu gave Tang An a little embarrassed, and when he saw that he didn't care, he was thinking that Tang An was not a prudent person at all? He is so strong, even if Nan Mao says about him, he won't care. The real strong should look like this, but it makes people feel more at ease.

   Nanmao shook her skirt, took out a silky Tang Umbrella exuding pink and tender air, and handed it to Ye Xiaonai.

   Except for Sang Yueye, who was not interested in anything, even Tang An had seen Nan Mao take out these weapons for the first time, and they all came over to watch.

The eight-fold umbrella as a whole presents an elegant pink color that everyone is beautiful. The handle of the umbrella is thick vermilion lacquer. Ye Xiaomao pushes the umbrella curiously. The leaves of the umbrella depict a round porch. If you count carefully, there are eight doors, like a courtyard. , There are pieces of unknown petals falling.

   "Little milk, enter your spiritual power, and I will try its protective ability." Ye Huacai said eagerly.

   So Ye Xiaonai opened the umbrella and stood in front of her. Ye Huacai gathered her energy and hit the umbrella with a punch.

   "Are you fighting?" Ye Xiaonai asked, poking her head out behind the umbrella.

   "I hit it." Ye Huacai said embarrassingly. She did not use all her strength just now, but she didn't expect to hit it with a punch, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any movement.

   Everyone only saw a few petals on the umbrella surface trembling, other than that there was no movement, so that Ye Xiaonai behind the umbrella didn't know anything at all.

"It's just a golden weapon, and it can resist attacks from all-level platinum-powered players. Shouldn't it be a golden weapon against the golden-powered players? Such cross-level confrontation capabilities seem to be different from the level of personal strength confrontation." Tang Ann said with a bit of incomprehension. According to Nanmao, the level of gold is not an opponent of platinum level at all, but the weapons are different. The weapons of gold can actually fight against the powerhouses of platinum level.

   "If the weapon can't enhance the user's ability, then everyone should use their fists. What kind of weapon?" Sang Yueye took it for granted. Although she was not very curious about these weapons, she also saw the situation just now.

   "That's true." Tang An suddenly realized that he smiled at Sang Yueye, "You are still smart."

   Sang Yueye always felt that he was pleased not because she was reasonable, but because of something that happened to him and her, so Sang Yueye snorted and turned her head away, not wanting to pay attention to him.

   "Sisters, you guys should choose too soon." Ye Xiaonai was very satisfied with her umbrella, remembering that in the game, she used to take a picture of an umbrella with Tang An, but she was always struggling.

   Ye Cauliflower and Ye Yiyu have to choose platinum weapons. In comparison, platinum weapons are less, but they are also dazzling enough to choose.

Ye Hua Cai originally wanted to choose a double knife, but considering that Ye Yiyu also said that everyone should choose a protective one, Ye Hua Cai simply chose a huge shield, one person tall, and the whole shield appears black and blue, with a very heavy feeling. However, Ye Huacai can lift it up easily after inputting spiritual power.

Unlike Ye Xiaonai’s golden weapon, Cauliflower’s platinum shield cannot stop all attacks from the diamond powerhouse, but can only withstand it once. If it is attacked by the diamond powerhouse too many times, it will be damaged. It is also able to withstand the attacks of all-level platinum powerhouses.

   After all, the strong above the diamond is the real strong, and compared with platinum, it has an essential leap.

Ye Yiyu chose a fan. This fan is both offensive and defensive. It can create a wind wall. It is difficult to resist attacks from sharp and substantial weapons such as swords. However, it has strong blessings against attacks such as lightning, wind, fire, and poison. .

  Nanmao gave Ye Yiyu and Ye Huacai weapons, but did not let Tang An and Sang Yueye choose weapons. Obviously, she felt that the combination of the two was the most suitable way of fighting.

   "Your choice is very suitable." Nanmao finally concluded, "It depends on the situation to choose the right defense method, understand?"


   Maybe because of the neatly dressed attire, the three sisters Ye Yiyu felt very disciplined, and said in unison.

   In comparison, Tang An and Sang Yueye are a lot lazy, especially Sang Yueye is still wearing short skirts, it is not like preparing to fight at all.

   Sang Yueye didn't care much about things like going out, anyway, there were four girls here, and the only boy was Tang An.

   No matter how I emphasized that the relationship with Tang An is not a lover, but subconsciously it is impossible for Sang Yueye to mind Tang An seeing the scene under her skirt.

   "Let's go." Nan Mao waved his hand.

   The black tiger forward jumped onto the fence first, and then disappeared into the night.

   The others followed Nan Mao, jumped over the wall, came to the side of the canal, and saw a blue boat floating on the water.

   The night is quiet. Although there is still a feeling of dim lights on both sides of the canal, there are not many people around Wutong Lane after all, and a group of people jumped on the boat and it was not noticeable.

   "Why is there a cat on the bottom of the boat?" Ye Xiaonai looked at a part of the transparent bottom of the boat curiously.

   "This is the battle suit of the black tiger striker, which can be transformed." When Tang An and Nan Mao left from Dingshan Lake, they were on a boat transformed from the battle suit of the black tiger striker.

   All the people got on the boat, a transparent cover appeared above, and then the whole boat began to sink underwater.

   "It's amazing!" Ye Yiyu was so excited, but also a little worried, he couldn't help but grabbed Tang An next to him.

   Sang Yueye glanced at Ye Yiyu's hand, leaned forward, took a look outside, and said, "Is this sinking all the time?"

Ye Yiyu let go of Tang An's arm, leaned against Ye Huacai, and glanced at Sang Yueye, wondering if she had thought about it too much. As a girl, she was always more sensitive to the little movements of other girls. .

   "We are sinking now, the canal is only a few meters deep, after sinking to the bottom, we will look for the entrance." Nan Mao said.

   "This is a submarine, we are underwater!" Looking at the water rippling outside the transparent cover, Ye Xiaonai also stared wide-eyed and looked around.

   "Should the canal and the underground river not be connected?" Tang An also asked.

   "There is a cave in the middle, and the underground river is under the cave." Nan Mao looked forward and directed the direction of the black tiger forward.

   "This is completely different from the feeling of swimming and diving." Ye Yiyu said, looking at the water plants outside and the swimming fish who was occasionally taken away.

At this time, the diving boat sank sharply, and several girls shouted. Fortunately, the boat’s vibration was not strong, and it quickly stabilized. After a while, it felt ascending, and soon the transparent cover was opened. Everyone realized that they had come to a cave.

"There is such a big cave in Zhonghai Underground?" Tang An was surprised to know that a big city like Zhonghai is densely covered with various pipelines and cables, as well as a densely dense drainage system. Such a big cave is actually below the city. , It is really shocking.

"The underground river connected by the entire cave is directly below the canal. The canal is the object of protection. Therefore, the canal will not be destroyed by modern human urban construction activities. This geomantic treasure land is still intact." Nanmao looked at it. He walked around, and then he found out a little flying cat and threw it into the air.

   The little flying cat flew into the air, and then suddenly exploded, radiating radiance, and instantly illuminating the surrounding area.

   With this short-lived Guangliang, the group looked around for a moment, and they were suddenly dumbfounded.

This is an incomparably huge cave, empty like a giant closed stadium, forty to fifty meters high, and the distance is deep without borders, the calm water surface is like a lake, and the place where a few people stand is just the most On a large stone in the corner, it looks very small in comparison.

   "There is still such a place under Zhonghai..." Sang Yueye also exclaimed. Nan Mao has already explained it, and it still makes people feel that Zhonghai's true face has subverted his own impression.

   "In this feels like a monster will appear at any Yiyu is a little scared, too calm and dark water always makes people have terrible associations.

"Yes, when we came across the waterway just now, we encountered an unknown underwater creature about ten meters long and passed us by." Southern Cat said indifferently, "The scales on its body are filled with dense holes. , Small, whitish worms came out of the holes. I suspect it should be dead and rotted clean, leaving only the alien creatures driving its torso."

   Hearing Nan Mao’s description, even Sang Yueye’s face turned pale, and Ye Yiyu felt a little nauseous. With the water in front of him, almost no one was willing to cross back.

   "Can we take another route when we go back?" Even Ye Huacai felt goose bumps all over her body.

   "I don't know at the moment." Nan Mao shook his head, "But why not take this route?"

   "Why didn't we see this creature just now?" Tang An just felt sick, but was not afraid, and he had been looking around just now, not seeing the creature described by Nan Mao at all.

   "Because it is under the boat, you didn't look at the soles of your feet." Nan Mao frowned slightly, "Don't you want to look at it again? This peculiar way of existence and state of residence is rare to see."

   "I don't want to!" everyone said in unison.

The boat disappeared, and the Black Tiger forward climbed onto the shore and wagged his tail. Everyone could not help but realize that they were all in the diving boat in which the Black Tiger Forward’s battle suit was deformed. Probably the only one who directly faced this disgusting creature was. Black Tiger striker!

   Black Tiger striker is really great!