My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 567: Big fish

The golden cat Queshentun coldly looked at the girls in the yard who looked at her with expectant eyes, and did not answer Nan Mao's question.


   Nan Mao beckoned and called the Black Tiger forward who ran into the kitchen to find bones when he came back.


   The black tiger forward looked up at Jin Mao Que Shen Tun, wagging her tail, and turned into a little girl, and then stood with her back against the corner of the table with her arms outstretched, following the look of Jin Mao Que Shen Tun.


   "You'd better answer my question, otherwise I will let you be its pet." Nan Mao pointed to the black tiger forward and said to the golden cat.


  Golden Cat Tempering God Tun glared at Nan Mao, "I am a sacred animal! You let me be this stupid cat as a pet?"


Sang Yueye remembered the saying that Shi Ke should not be humiliated, especially those who take themselves seriously like to say this sentence, but think about it carefully, the golden cat quenching Shentun seems to be very powerful, if it is For myself, it is indeed too much to be a cat pet like the Black Tiger striker who behaves stupidly all the time.


   "If you lift the ban, I will tell you." Golden Cat Queshen Tun can persist in the face of any pain and irritation, but as a divine beast, she has dignity and cannot be a pet of this stupid cat in any case.


"Don't negotiate terms with me, and give you one last chance, otherwise you will become the black tiger forward's mount and pet." Nan Mao said indifferently, because the black tiger forward is currently the southern cat's mount and pet. Adding a pet to find a part-time pet for a mount can reflect the generosity and kindness of the owner.


  Golden Cat Queshen Tun once again glanced at the black tiger forward who opened his legs to pee. It was shameful, and my old lady's legs were wet. Do you think it was peeing? This thing can also be a cat spirit?


   "Tang An... Tang An is a fish." The golden cat gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth.


   "If he is a fish, then I am a milk fish...or a yogurt fish." Nan Mao coldly looked at the golden cat, "Don't think I can just prevaricate."


   "Then I'm a singing fish, a fish that can sing." Ye Yiyu couldn't help but laughed, because when he thinks of fish, Ye Yiyu thinks of the bubble-breathing fish, which is totally unrelated to Tang Andi's image.


   "If Tang An was a fish, would it be a mermaid?" Ye Xiaonai said whimsically.


   "Tang An is a male land, and mermaids are females, right? He is a dried fish at most." Ye Huacai laughed haha.


   "This is not the time to make a joke." Sang Yueye gave the three Ye Family sisters a white look, and said to the Golden Cat Quenching Shentun: "He is a Canine Clan, how could he be a Fish? There is no Fish Spirit Clan in the Beast Spirit Empire, right?"


   Nan Mao twisted the black tiger forward and shook in front of Jin Mao Que Shen Tun, "I want the most detailed answer, otherwise she is your future."


Said that the Southern Cat took a bone to the Black Tiger striker, the Black Tiger striker happily took the bone and ran away, forgetting to change back to the cat state, and fell down after running a few steps. Fortunately, he was agile. The tumbling, holding the bone on the belly, did not fall.


"Don't forget. I said Space Beast. Although I am not good at repairing space cracks, I am also a Space Beast. I know more about the void and alien creatures than you. How much do you know as a little milk cat?" Jin Mao Que Shen Tun said contemptuously. In her opinion, if it were not for the sealing power of the royal family, the young king of the beast spirit empire would not be taken by her at all.


   "What the **** do you want to say?" Nan Mao looked solemnly, looked around, hesitated for a moment, and didn't want to leave other people aside to keep secrets, after all, they all said that they belonged to General Jinya's mansion.


"In my time, there was a well-known Outland Race: Big Fish Beiming. They are a kind of behemoth that lives in the void. They shuttle through the space cracks in each space, swallowing the aura of each space, and can be said to be space beasts. A deadly enemy. If the big fish Beiming has swallowed the space of the spiritual energy, it will be dead, and even the space beasts that bred this space can do nothing, and can no longer bred new spaces." The golden cat quenched his heart and looked at it with lingering fear. Wearing Nan Mao's skirt, "Why do you think your skirt can seal me? It's because your skirt contains the power of the big fish and Beiming."


   Everyone else looked at Nan Mao’s skirt. Although Golden Cat Queshen Tun did not specifically depict the image and power of the big fish Bei Mingdi, it is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, a creature like a doomsday maker.


   The golden cat quenches the gods and says that Tang An is a fish, does it mean that Tang An is the big fish Bei Ming?


This is also incredible. Although Tang An is very strong and powerful, for girls, he is really a reassuring, gentle, and caring man. Such a sunny boy, how? Will it be associated with a terrifying creature like Big Fish Bei Ming?


"I remember that in the history of the empire, there was a record of Bei Mingyu invasion. At that time, the king sent General Golden Tooth to kill him. After Bei Mingyu died, it left behind huge bones, and it invaded the place where it descended. It was called Dayufang, but it was later destroyed by a disaster and caused some turmoil." Nan Mao recalled a little, she certainly knew the history of the beast spirit empire, "You have What evidence proves that Tang An is Dayu Beiming."


   "Dayufang is ruined..." Jinmao Queshentun was a little bit emotional. After all, she was sealed for too long, and the world has been vicissitudes of life, but she has no way to understand the changes in the outside world.


"Big Yu most of the time, it will shuttle in the void, looking for space cracks, and then enter other spaces. Generally speaking, if it is a world like the beast spirit empire, there are guardians. Protect, it will be killed. Some worlds..." The golden cat quenched God Tun and frowned, and looked at the sky above his head, "Basically it will be swallowed up and clean the aura... Just like this world, the aura is almost non-existent, right? ."


"According to your statement, then Tang An should swallow all the spiritual energy in this world, and then there is a dead silence, but we not only have various lives here, but also have spiritual power and aura!" Ye Xiaonai said unconvincedly , She didn't believe that Tang Anhui had any connection with Bei Mingyu.


   "Why is this happening? You should ask Tang An instead of letting me explain. I am not omniscient." Jin Mao Que Shen Tun didn't bother to question the little milk dog.


   Ask Tang An? What can Tang An know? Nan Mao remembered Tang An’s performance all the time, basically he believed everything she said, and knew almost nothing about the beast spirit empire and other things, but he seriously thought he was an ordinary human. Asking him to explain that is basically asking blindly.


Nan Mao thought of Tang An’s nightmare, or he should be asked what kind of nightmare he had, what Nan Mao felt Jin Mao had done, and what she said, as well as Tang An’s true identity, maybe It will be related to Tang An's nightmare.