My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 77: Cat fishing

   Tang An is more willing to be frank and direct when talking about serious things with people who are not so familiar.

My mother said that treating people with sincerity, especially when interacting with people who are just starting out, makes casual jokes easy to feel frivolous, and roundabout words are even more unpleasant, and don’t make people feel mature or steady. A lot of sophistication and sleekness are unnecessary inferior qualities.

   Direct rejection may not make people happy, but it is easier to accept than Gu Zuoyan's perfunctory.

Just like Sang Mengmeng’s choice, if she told Tang An about her purpose at the beginning, Tang An would not be too repulsive... As for accepting or not accepting the request to become a substitute mother by her side, that’s another time. It's up.

"I want to observe you in secret." Sang Mengmeng looked at Tang An with a very ambivalent mood. It seems that he can only accept such reasons at the moment. If he really tells him more things, maybe he will be Frightened and fainted.

Sang Mengmeng’s reasons are very good. Despite the recommendation of her most trusted person, Tang Hu, as a mother, no matter how responsible she is to Sang Mengmeng, she will be a little biased when she treats her son. Maybe Tang An is in a certain way. Are these problems that Tang Lake can't discover?

   In the eyes of her mother, the son is always the best. Sang Mengmeng wants to observe Tang An secretly. Tang An can accept this and will not be dissatisfied.

"I'll talk about these things later. I'm just a freshman now, and I don't have the ability to be your assistant. I know the gap between me and my mother." Tang An stood up, now that he understands the truth of the matter, it's okay. .

   "Will you agree in the future?" Sang Mengmeng looked at Tang An with his eyes wide open.

   Sang Mengmeng is not the kind of person who is not good at taking advantage of girls to face boys' inherent advantages. There is a light of prayer in her big eyes, which makes it hard to refuse.

Tang An is very clear that this is just her appearance. She is not the kind of person who can only be influenced by emotions. Otherwise, she would not choose to observe him in secret. In a sense, Sang Mengmeng and Bai Yunxuan may be in Some aspects have similar qualities.

She sighed, the girls are really complicated. Tang An asked if she didn’t understand them... In comparison, it seems that the Southern Cat King is more cute. It is not that the Southern Cat King has no chests or is naive and simple, but the Southern Cat King is simple and simple. The single method made Tang An feel that he didn't need to bother.

   Turn you into a dog if you don't obey, Tang An is actually more able to accept the former like Sang Mengmeng who can't see the true emotions as a baby.

   "Let's talk about it." Tang An did not answer, nor refused directly. After all, this was the arrangement before the death of his mother... But why didn't his mother tell him?

   Maybe it’s just too late, Tang An's heart is slightly dim.

Seeing Tang An walking downstairs, Sang Mengmeng stood in front of the window without moving, and the night breeze with a summer atmosphere outside the window stroked her hair, a touch of gentleness, which reminded her of the feeling deep in her memory. Tang An's little hands gently stroked her soft belly.

Standing in the yard, Tang An could feel that Sang Mengmeng still seemed to be standing by the window. Tang Anping regained the emotions in his heart. He always felt that his mother was a little lonely. He did not expect that at least there are people like Sang Mengmeng who are close to his mother, or For the mother, the relationship between her and Sang Mengmeng is similar to that of a girlfriend, right?

This is also good. I always feel that my mother is always alone and does not have a rich social life like many beautiful women. Now knowing that at least one Sang Mengmeng may be with her mother many times, which gives Tang An some comfort. .

He knows that for women, girlfriends are often difficult to replace. In addition to family members, a woman should also have someone outside of the family who can let her confide and entrust her feelings. Of course... this person is definitely not a blue-faced confidant. Male girlfriends and the like ****.

What makes Tang An happy is that he finally knows these things about Sang Mengmeng. There is no need to have any suspicion. Tang An feels that it may be difficult for a girl like Sang Mengmeng to enter his heart, but as a friend, she can still accept her. He is a person and personality, and it is not a comfortable thing to get along with friends, especially those who meet every day, with knots and intractable doubts in their hearts.

   So Tang An looked back upstairs and Sang Mengmeng was also looking at him.

   Tang An beckoned to her and shouted: "Look at the window, there are mosquitoes!"

   Sang Mengmeng smiled slightly, curling her fingers around her hair, staring at Tang An, twisting her body a little, and closing the window smoothly.

   Tang An was about to go back, and then remembered the scene he had seen before. The neurotic neighbor seemed to have lost something into his yard.

   The black tiger forward did not lie down where he had been tanning, but leaned against the wall, staring at the top of the wall.

   Tang An walked over, followed the black tiger forward's gaze, and looked up at the wall above the fence with him.

   A fish, like a fresh fish, was tied by a rope and hung from the window on the second floor next door. It swayed and seemed to be seducing the black tiger forward.

   Is this cat fishing?

   "What are you doing?" The Black Tiger forward is the cat of the Southern Cat King and his colleague. When faced with this weird situation, the General Jinya must of course stand up and shout.

   The neighbor seemed to realize that Tang An was coming, and hurriedly pulled the rope up. At this time, the Black Tiger forward caught the fish in a charge.

   She also didn't want the fish, she gave away the rope, and gave the black tiger forward a fish for nothing.

   There was a sound of looking at the window, and she hurriedly closed the window again, as if worried that Tang An would see her.

   "Neurotic!" Tang An thought in his that it is necessary to negotiate with the neighbors. Anyone living with such a neighbor next door is uncomfortable.

Tang An walked out of the yard and came to the next door. Unlike the quaint padlock in his own yard, the yard next door was typically remodeled by modern and luxurious decoration. Tang An walked to the door, and there was a piece of charcoal-burning wood on the door. The area suddenly lit up, and Tang An's face was reflected, and several options were displayed next to it, whether there was an appointment, whether to notify the owner, and so on.

   Tang An chose the option of the doorbell, and then stood at the door waiting, watching the wind chimes of cats and dogs swaying next to him.

   After a while, the door did not open, but Tang An was patient and continued to ring the doorbell without hesitation.

   It is impolite to always ring the doorbell of someone else's house, of course, but thinking about the behavior of this neurotic neighbor, Tang An feels that when it is not polite now, he will keep pressing until someone comes out.

   "I'm not at home, I'm not at home..."

   At this time, the screen turned on, and a Crayon Shin-chan came out, singing and dancing, then turned around, took off his pants and twisted his hips.

   Tang An is funny and angry, this woman is really boring, right? Obviously she was afraid that he would come to him, but isn't this way more provocative?

People who live here must be rich and powerful, but Tang An doesn’t feel that he dare not find her to solve the problem. If he is rich and powerful, he can shoot people with a slingshot, and he can throw things into other people’s yards and hit other people’s houses. Cat's attention?

   Tang An continued to press the doorbell perseveringly. After waiting for a while, the screen finally turned off, the door opened, and the middle-aged woman walked out.

   The face of the middle-aged woman is a bit unsightly, or it's just because of the darkness, she's still a little helpless.