My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 9: Old classmate in uniform

   successfully settled the tail and renting a house, Tang An was in a good mood, first went to delete the online posts, and then went to the kitchen downstairs to prepare lunch.

   From rushing out in the morning until now, Tang An hasn’t eaten anything, and he felt hungry when he came to the kitchen.

The two small buildings in the yard are connected in a semi-T shape. The first floor of the small building where Tang An lives is the living room and the kitchen. The kitchen area is much larger than that of the current ordinary housing design, and it is not too modern. The feeling of the kitchen, on the contrary, is that there is a large stove in the corner. Recently, Tang An plans to change this wood-burning stove to burn briquettes.

Of course, the most commonly used by Tang Anping is the gas stove. The antique charm of the house does not mean that modern daily necessities are completely rejected. On the contrary, even if it is a mother, she always carries it with her before changing back to home clothes. Laptops and mobile phones, etc., are no different from ordinary office workers.

Take the overnight meal out of the refrigerator, crush it bit by bit in the crisper, put it aside to dry, beat two more eggs, stir in the rice bowl for three minutes, and pour the even egg juice into the crisper Inside, shake the box until the egg juice wraps each grain of rice, then pour oil in the hot pot, pour the rice into the pot and stir fry, then add the chopped green onion, a pot of fragrant egg fried rice is out of the oven.

   Mom said that the best way for a person to treat others is to let him eat well, and the best way for a person to treat himself is to let himself eat well.

   My mother always let herself eat well before, but now Tang An also wants to let herself eat well, even if it is an egg fried rice, it will not be so-so.

   After cutting a few slices of red sausage, Tang An ate a big meal until his stomach felt full. The feeling of hunger caused by excessive physical exertion finally disappeared.

   Came into the yard, there was a shade of trees, and there was a hint of cool breeze. Although the sun was warm, the lounge chair under the tree was still a good place for a nap. Tang An walked around in the yard for a few times before lying down.

Not sleepy, Tang An opened his eyes, and the strange and inconceivable feeling in his heart once again filled his heart, especially the delicate and proud face of Nanmao was extremely clear, such a woman who came out of a beautiful CG animation. The child is so harmonious with her background from another world.

   There should be no such a clear girl in our world, it seems that there is no staleness at all, clean and detached.

But it still felt a bit interesting, not to say that it was completely unpopular, like a beautiful empty shell. Tang An remembered the way she drank milk and the reason for hiding in the cemetery pitifully, Tang An smiled , Decided to visit her again in two days.

   Tang An does not intend to disclose the existence of Nanmao or tell a second person, he must be the only person who knows the existence of Nanmao at the moment.

Nan Mao didn’t let him know rashly. She was probably examining him after she saw herself for the first time. For more than three months, every time she appeared in the cemetery, she would say something or talk to herself. , Or just told Nan Mao that she also understood and judged his character and xinxing in the same way, and finally appeared in front of him as a human with a slight taste of gambling.

   Tang An doesn't think she is really a cat. In Tang An's eyes, she is more like a mysterious magician who has the ability to become a cat...probably that's it.

She can turn into a cat, she can turn from a cat into a human, she can hide all the milk under her skirt, she can make him grow a tail, she can make his tail disappear... It’s amazing, The knowledge he has learned over the years seems inexplicable, and the science he believes is the truth seems to be shaken. Tang An can’t help thinking that according to certain theories, when a person’s worldview is subverted, his spiritual world will be broken. The whole person will go crazy.

   But such people are probably masters, great scientists, and the like. They only learn scientific theories in this way to cope with exams, and their own worldview and understanding of the world are also half-hearted, but they won't be affected like this.

   The big deal is that the theories he learned before are all narrow. Tang An thought with disapproval. He was itchy, and he wanted to know more magical things and more mysterious and unknown worlds through Nanmao.

Thinking about it, Tang An kicked and the rocking chair shook, and slowly Tang An fell asleep again, and the southern cat in his sleep once again entered his dreamland. The butt-to-the-bottom blue silk and the delicate face were clearly visible. She raised her palm again...

   Tang An woke up in shock, jumped down from the rocking chair, reached out his hand to touch his butt, and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't wake up again and the tail grew on his butt.

It seemed that the matter was really solved perfectly. Tang An stretched out contentedly, and then looked at the sky, watching the sun fall diagonally into the courtyard, the shadows of bamboo leaves falling on the ground, and the water in the patio. There was a faint golden light, and the scenery in front of him was still familiar and beautiful. Tang An was in a daze for a moment, as if that beautiful figure would still open the courtyard door at this time.

The relaxed eyebrows converged, Tang An’s mouth turned slightly, and he smiled barely. At this time, the phone rang. Tang An took out his phone and looked at it. It was Zhang Yuying, a high school classmate. Zhang Yuying was sitting in the front row of Tang An in the third year of high school. She has a good relationship with Tang Zhang Yuying is a very lively and enthusiastic girl, and she has good popularity in the class and age.

After graduating from high school, apart from filling out a volunteer and a classmate gathering, there were not many connections among high school classmates. Zhang Yuying would chat with Tang An from time to time. Zhang Yuying was also the most active in the class group and had several appointments with classmates. Party, but it turned out that Tang An had never been there.

   "Tang An, sing k for dinner tonight, let me treat you!" Zhang Yuying said straightforwardly.

   Tang An thought for a while, school is about to start, and it is estimated that everyone will be separated from each other from now on, and the party will have to wait until the winter and summer vacations, and the others will be ignored. Zhang Yuying still wants to meet, so she agreed.

   "Then let's meet at Huahai Plaza..." Zhang Yuying lowered her voice as she said, "You look cooler!"

   Tang An gave a "um", and then he realized, what does it mean to be more handsome in clothes? Isn't he usually not handsome? Tang An scratched his hair, took a shower, changed his clothes and went out.

In high school, Tang An belongs to the category of students with very good grades. He is also a top student in the eyes of the teacher. He has hoped to be admitted to a prestigious school. One month before the college entrance examination, the sudden death of his mother shocked Tang An, although he did not succeed in the next one. In the test, the score plummeted, but the teacher was still a little worried, and transferred the lively and enthusiastic Zhang Yuying to Tang An's front seat, hoping that she could drive Tang An's emotions and make him cheerful again.

Fortunately, Tang An didn’t get helpless. Her cheer had little to do with Zhang Yuying, but Tang An was still very grateful for Zhang Yuying’s efforts during that time, such as carefully avoiding topics involving family members, such as speaking intentionally or unintentionally. Some celebrity deeds gossip with soul chicken soup, such as doing things that make people laugh.