My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 94: Men and women are equally mentally handi

   Tang An put down what was in his hand and looked at Sang Mengmeng's room.

I told Sang Mengmeng in school that I wanted to go out with my old classmates, so I didn’t go with Sang Mengmeng. It is reasonable to say that Sang Mengmeng should be back. However, there is nothing in Sang Mengmeng’s building. The shining appearance does not seem to come back.

   Tang An walked over, knocked on the door, and she was not there, but the courtyard door was not closed. He should have returned and left, and then forgot to close the courtyard door.

The public security in Wutong Lane is very good. In fact, there is no problem even if the courtyard is not closed. After all, there are several households who live here in addition to first-class security monitoring, as well as full-time bodyguards. These people have a very visionary vision. Poison, if there is a gangster or something wandering around, they will be driven away as soon as they show up.

   Tang An thought for a while, and still called Sang Mengmeng, as a landlord and friend, for a good reason.

   Tang An called Sang Mengmeng, and Sang Mengmeng answered the phone after ringing seven or eight times.

   "Ah... I am home today... Hmm... Tomorrow morning I will go directly to school... Yes, I am with my sister..."

   It turned out that Sang Mengmeng went back and hung up the phone. Tang An took two steps. He always felt that there was something to think about, but his intuition was ridiculous, so he gave up thinking about what he thought he could think about.

   Tang An found Nan Mao on the second floor. The room for two people was opposite, and it was convenient to stop by. The door of Nan Mao's room was not closed. Tang An knocked on the door and walked in.

   Nanmao is holding a bottle of lotion and looking at it over and over.

   "It said that the ingredients in it are milk!" Nan Mao told Tang An as if he found something extraordinary.

"This is to wipe the body after a shower to moisturize the skin... It's not milk, nor yogurt, let alone drink it!" Tang An took the lotion and put it in the kitchen. Some children smelled these things. The fragrant will drink, Nanmao may not... But maybe she will too!

   Nanmao was a little disappointed and angry, "Humans always invent extra things, and the waste of milk is simply unforgivable. One day, I will let all milk-based things in this world disappear."

   "The yogurt is also made of milk." Tang An reminded her.

   "I mean waste, milk is made into yogurt is the greatest advancement in human civilization and science, of course it is not a waste!" Nan Mao said naturally.

"In short, you know what the lotion is for... I will tell you what these things are for..." Tang An has a headache. Although Lin Xiaohui is not a young lady like Sang Mengmeng, she is a typical Zhong Hai The girl, like Zhang Yuying, had a lot of knowledge about makeup, maintenance, and beauty early on, so she would naturally choose a lot of things that Tang An was not familiar with for Nanmao.

Many men often ridicule women for not using some electrical appliances at home, and can’t read many home appliances, including the manuals of digital products... In fact, from the perspective of women, men can be mocked as well, except for those experienced in makeup and beauty industry. Man, it is completely impossible for a man to tell what the pile of cosmetics on the woman's counter are doing.

   Tang An stared at the big bag of toiletries and skin care products, feeling a little startled, took a bottle of shampoo and said, "Uh, this is for washing your hair."

   "You don't know it yourself." Nan Mao sneered and mocked.

"Men don’t know that it’s normal. I only need shampoo and shower gel. I don’t need anything else." Tang An doesn’t think he has to know these things, and he is not interested in being a makeup artist, beauty consultant, etc. Instinctively, he has no interest in understanding these things. In his feeling, men who know these things very well have basically distorted their sexual orientation in the end, otherwise they look too feminine.

"I can figure it out by myself." Nanmao has never used these things. It's just something that humans on earth know how to use. You either don't want it or you will definitely use it. Nanmao pointed to a towel and said: "There is a small towel on this towel. I like cats better."

   Tang An nodded. In Nanmao’s logic, the person who made this kind of kitten-patterned towel deserved to die, but it was an item that met her preferences.

   So Tang An soaked the towels and the like in boiling water for Nanmao, and then took them out and wrung them out one by one.

   Tang An was busy in the bathroom, Nan Mao looked at those things in the bedroom, but didn't tidy it up, because Tang An could do it, so Nan Mao didn't do it.

   Thinking of something, Nan Mao came to the bathroom and saw Tang An picking up a white...white...little **** with her hand.

There is a cat behind the panties. There is a small plush cat head above the front of the panties. Although it is a bit childish, it is quite cute. It was chosen by Nan Mao and Lin Xiaohui. Then Nan Mao just didn't remember this thing, after all, it was just How can a pair of small underwear make Nanmao especially remember?

"Are you a pervert?" Nan Mao took a deep breath, trying to make his tone as flat as possible, although his cheeks were slightly hot, because even Nan Mao thought that Tang An was a canine spirit, and he must be the king of the cat spirit. It’s impossible for him to have any connection with words such as "****", "reproduction", and "reproduction", but what Tang An holds in his hand is after all his personal clothing, and he is holding it now. Looking at it in his hand, the incomparably low-level and nasty look made Nan Mao feel that he should throw away this little underwear.

   "No... I just didn't notice the mixing..." Tang An explained flushedly.

"Many things can be forgiven the first time and unforgivable the second time." Nan Mao took a deep breath and found a reason to calm himself down. If Tang An has such a perverted performance for the second time, let Haifeng The electric cat came to make him a hot dog.

   " do it yourself..." Tang An put the **** back in his hand and stood up.

   "How could I come by myself!" Nan Mao said angrily, Tang An actually wanted to instruct Nan Mao King to do this kind of cleaning!

   "Did I come? You are angry again." Tang An pointed to the basin and said.

then what should we do? Nan Mao thought for a while, "You are blindfolded and wash with thick gloves, so you don't know what you are holding..."

   "Identified by weight." Tang An immediately found an inappropriate place.

  "Then you go Nan Mao said blankly.

   Of course, Tang An is obedient, and he is not the kind of person who is uncomfortable without doing housework.

   Nanmao closed the bathroom door, then pointed to the closet and said, "Clean up your closet first. I'm going to put out the clothes."

   "Aren't all your clothes put in the belly of the cat?" Tang An said curiously, "Isn't that more convenient?"

There was a trace of fatigue between Nan Mao’s brows, "I told you before that using spiritual arts in this world will consume a lot of spiritual power...including when I released the hurricane electric cat just now. It is necessary to maintain the cat’s size every day. Although the use of the belly consumes relatively weak spiritual power, it will not be a small consumption in the long run, so if you can save it, save it."

   Although I feel a little distressed about the fatigue between Nan Mao’s eyebrows, Tang An still feels a faint unevenness. It turns out that Nan Mao King still has the concept of saving! In Tang An's view, the numbers on the bank account are as precious as spiritual power!

   Tang An went downstairs to the kitchen and soaked a cup of hot milk for Nanmao.

   I don’t know if I can replenish spiritual power, but milk is obviously a good nutritional supplement for Nanmao. Tang An thinks that no matter what, she is still a developing little girl, and it’s always good to drink some milk.

Holding the warm milk, Nan Mao took a sip. It was slightly sweet and smoothly flowing into his throat. A flow of heat seemed to flow into the bottom of his heart. Nan Mao touched his belly, feeling warm, and couldn't help but look at it. Gave Tang An a glance.

   Hmph, this is what he should do, and Nan Mao doesn't thank him at all.

  As a king, it is reasonable for anyone to do anything for himself, but for the sake of the goodness of the milk, he can temporarily disregard his low-level performance as a historical evidence to settle accounts with him in the future.