My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1135: War slave, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xu Bowang continued: “In quantum mechanics, there is a certain entanglement relationship between two microscopic particles with a common source. No matter how far they are separated, they always maintain an entanglement relationship. When one particle is disturbed, the other particle No matter how far away you are, you know immediately."

Chen Yang was not a fool, and he immediately understood the outline. He said: "Well, even if what you said is true. How can there be microscopic particles in this rune array that are the same as the star master?"

Xu Bowang said: "I don't know this very well. Maybe the star owner has reached the point where he has the same origin with all laws. Can he match all the microscopic particles in the world?"

Chen Yang couldn't help taking a cold breath, and said, "What you said is really sensational!"

Xu Bowang said: "I said, you can't just think that this world is such a big realm you haven't reached. This world, this universe, and the imagination of mankind's magic power may not even be imagined in your dreams."

In fact, it's like the farmer imagined that the emperor's life was endless oil cakes, countless firewood, no need to do anything, and sunshine every day.

The difference in the realm of each other will cause a huge difference in cognition.

There is a story about a little girl playing the piano. She puts her iPhone 6 on the piano stand. The little girl next to her said, huh, what's the show, isn't it just a mobile phone? It has to be placed in such a prominent position.

The little girl smiled when she heard it, and said: "I am playing the 800,000 yuan piano, but your eyes are on the 6,000 yuan mobile phone."

Chen Yang admitted that what Xu Bowang said was reasonable. He said: "I thought about it. The star master can change the rune array because the rune array is dead. But if he wants to change my microscopic particles, I will resist, so He can't succeed either, right?"

Xu Bowang said: "Theoretically, the star owner is too far away from you, and it may be difficult to change your microscopic particles. But if the distance is close, then you can't tell what will happen."

Chen Yang was slightly startled, he understood immediately, this was tantamount to a contest between two consciousnesses.

He also has a deep understanding of Xu Bowang's words, that is, although his current realm is considered good, it is still far behind someone like the star master. Therefore, there are many more areas for improvement.

Chen Yang then stopped paying attention to Xu Bowang, and he fell into deep thought again cross-legged.

"What exactly are microscopic particles?" Chen Yang thought to himself. "Is it as if the star master is the master of the brain domain, and his own and even spells are all cells in the brain domain? The star master may be like the origin of Buddha, and if all beings are Buddha, they all have Buddha nature. Then, although he is not the origin of all living beings, he has already cultivated to the point where all living beings originated. Therefore, in his mind, using mana to see all the worlds, just like me meditating to observe the operation of cells in the brain?"

"That's the truth!" Chen Yang thought of something, and suddenly opened his eyes, he asked Xu Bowang: "You just said that you haven't seen the star master, right?"

Xu Bowang didn't understand why Chen Yang asked again, but he still said, "Yes!"

"No self, no knowledge, no form, right?" Chen Yang asked slightly excitedly. He seemed to grasp some mystery.

"That's right!" Xu Bowang said.

"The hall where the star master is located is also called Star One Hall?" Chen Yang asked.

Xu Bowang said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang secretly said: "Life is two, two begets three, three begets everything, no self and no form, it really means the origin of all living beings. Huh, I understand."

"What do you know?" Xu Bowang asked.

Chen Yang said: "I found a way to prevent the star master from knowing where I exist."

"What way?" Xu Bowang asked subconsciously.

Chen Yang said: "Since he can see the world with microscopic particles, then I will create countless microscopic particles and let her find me well."

Xu Bowang couldn't help but stayed, and immediately understood what Chen Yang meant. He was startled, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He was surprised at the young man's reaction and intelligence.

Next, Chen Yang beat Xu Bowang to death with a palm. He followed Jie Xumi and walked behind Qiao Ning.

He suddenly appeared, and the Dapeng Golden Wings were too fast, so it was inevitable that his body would tilt. Subconsciously, he grabbed Qiao Ning's arm, and Qiao Ning was able to stabilize it. She naturally didn't care much about this physical contact, but just asked: "Why did you come out suddenly?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Let's not be busy going to West Kunlun, you take me to find the woods."

"Looking for the woods?" Qiao Ning was slightly strange, but although she was puzzled, she didn't ask much. She knew that Chen Yang did this, there must be his reason.

Afterwards, Qiao Ning and Chen Yang searched the lower bounds and found a dense forest.

The sky is still pitch black, the north wind is whistling, and the wind in this winter is extremely dry, blowing on people's faces like a knife is cutting.

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning landed, the Dapeng Golden Wing Yuanshen was also collected by Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang then said: "Catch the birds, the more you catch, the better." After he finished speaking, his body listened to all directions, and he could see six directions.

In the darkness, Chen Yang went up and down continuously, and he sensed everything in this forest. He knew where there were birds and rabbits.

Chen Yang used the magic power to grab it, and soon he caught forty or fifty birds and a dozen rabbits. He packed all of these into Jie Sumi. Just pretend to be with Xu Bowang.

Qiao Ning also caught forty or fifty birds, but she didn't catch rabbits.

"What are you going to do?" Qiao Ning couldn't help asking Chen Yang. She put all the birds into her ring Sumiri too.

Chen Yang said: "We lock the spiritual imprints into the bodies of these little birds, so that microscopic particles similar to ours will be formed."

"What micro particles?" Qiao Ning couldn't understand at all.

Chen Yang said: "That's it..." He then gave Qiao Ning an analysis of the principle and the star master's ability.

"In this way, whether it is the star master or their Qin Tiansi, when they check us again, many of us will appear in their analysis. They use subtle magic power to see the world. In them In our observations, the size of us and the birds are simply negligible. This is like microbes. We are all microbes. There is a difference in size, but we can’t feel it!"

Qiao Ning's eyes also lit up.

"In this way, not only this star master will have a headache when looking for us, but other similar masters will also have a headache when looking for us." Qiao Ning said.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said, "Xu Bowang also reminded me, otherwise, I haven't thought through this level yet."

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning both locked their spiritual imprints on the bird's body, some were locked together on the same bird, and some were separated. Anyway, it's true!

After this was done, all the birds and rabbits were released.

"Let's go find some fish now." Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning also felt that more is better, so he said, "Good!"

At the same time, Chen Yang shattered the amulet on his body into ashes. He was afraid that this amulet would also become a clue to the star master.

The two went directly to the sea. Anyway, with a flying machine, he can come and go quickly.

It took about an hour to get to the nearest sea. When they were on the surface, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were able to catch fish faster. On the surface of the sea, penetrated in with the supreme magic power.

After doing all this, about three hours have passed.

And in an hour, Xu Bowang will report to Qin Tiansi once. If he can't report, then Qin Tiansi will know that Xu Bowang has something wrong.

If Qin Tiansi knew that Xu Bowang had something wrong, he could rely on searching for Xu Bowang to find Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

In this way, everything that Chen Yang and Qiao Ning did would be meaningless.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning stayed on the shore, and they entered Jiesumiri.

Because there were birds and rabbits in the ring beards, there was an indescribable odor. Just because the rabbit and the bird belong to the rectum, eating and **** are frequent.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't help frowning. How to deal with Xu Bowang is indeed a problem!

"Kill!" Qiao Ning said first.

Chen Yang said: "Well, if there is no other way, then kill."

At this moment, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's killing aspirations came to a sudden. Probably this killing intent stimulated Xu Bowang, and Xu Bowang suddenly woke up.

When he saw the expressions of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, he knew what was going to happen without speaking. He also knew that Chen Yang and Qiao Ning must have done as planned. So now, they don't need to be afraid of being chased by the star master for the time being.

"Don't kill me!" Xu Bowang trembling, said in horror.

Chen Yang looked at Xu Bowang, and there was only one night pearl in this ring Xumi Li.

Under the dim light, Chen Yang said: "Xu Bowang, I don't want to kill you. But if I don't kill you, they can find me and Qiao Ning based on you. Moreover, taking you with you is a dangerous burden, because I don't know when you will suddenly hit me behind the scenes."

Xu Bowang looked desperate and said, "In other words, no matter what, I can't escape death?"

Chen Yang said: "That's not necessarily true. If you have a good solution, I can listen to it."

Qiao Ning said: "We don't have much time. I hope you don't say something fake or useless."

Chen Yang also said: "Although my mana and cultivation are not as good as you, my brain may not be as good as you. If you want to lie to me, it must be true enough, or if I detect a trap, I will kill you immediately."

Xu Bowang stayed on the spot, he didn't move or say a word.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning did not urge Xu Bowang either. They naturally knew that this was a very difficult choice for Xu Bowang.

After a long while, Xu Bowang said: "I can be your war slave."

"War slave, what war slave?" Chen Yang and Qiao Ning immediately became interested.