My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3284: Feng Man Lou, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang thought of many methods, but they were difficult to implement. Including catching Lingzun civilians, etc...It is not difficult to catch Lingzun civilians. Scratching silently, I can barely manage some. But if there are too many large-scale catches, it will definitely not work.

What is even more difficult is that it cannot be used to threaten the upper echelons of the spirit.

Because Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen couldn't break through each other's domain. Really threatening, the other party must be overjoyed. First, cover them with the cave sky, and then deal with them...For the death of those civilians, they are completely acceptable. Afterwards, we can mournfully condemn the cruelty of mankind and arouse greater resentment of the same enemy.

"I have a way." Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up while thinking hard.

He told Hei Suzhen: "Tian Qingge has been monitoring me all the time. As long as I am in his sight, other small movements are hard for him to spot. Let's find a chance and wait for Tian Qingge to announce me. Go catch those civilians. But you leave one person in each house. At the same time, for the sake of safety, you use my Dapudu golden light to tame them and let them do things. Let’s create public opinion..."

Hei Suzhen was also overjoyed after hearing this, and said, "This method is feasible."

Chen Yang said: "It's still dangerous, but finally there is a chance to win."

Suzhen in black responded.

Chen Yang had taught Black Suzhen the Great Leiyin Pudu Fa. However, Suzhen in black is rarely used, and now this Da Lei Yin Purdue method is very tasteless. It is not useful for experts, but those with a low cultivation base are not necessary to use it.

Chen Yang didn't expect that at this time, Da Lei Yin Pu Du Fa would actually be effective.

On the second day, Suzhen in black quietly left Chen Yang's body.

Even if the guards in this chalk world are extremely strict, but Suzhen Black has turned into a thunder light and is quietly hidden in the body of the guards of the spirits, and the masters of Tian Qingge can't find it.

Once concealed in the body of the guard, Suzhen in black robbed it with the Da Lei Yin Pudu method to make it obedient.

After that, Suzhen in black found a group of handymen who were leaving the Grand Palace through the guards. That handyman is responsible for transporting vegetables and meat, there are ten handymen in all!

Ten handymen were still being searched when they left the Grand Palace. Among the searched spirits, there are no lack of masters of the heavenly realm.

The rigorous guarding of Lingzun's Great Palace is simply abnormal!

Moreover, the Grand Palace has a formation guard.

This is also the reason why Suzhen in Black didn't turn into Lei Guang to leave directly. Once she forcibly broke through the formation, she would alarm the high level of the Grand Palace.

Black Suzhen's hiding is not perfect, mainly because her cultivation base is too high.

On that day, the Realm Spiritual Venerable only needed a little inspection to discover something wrong.

Fortunately, Suzhen in black tamed several guards of the spirits. At this time, the guards of the spirits came up and told that something suspicious had been found somewhere.

The master was attracted to the past, and released a few handyman humans in a hurry.

After all, these checks are done every day.

There was no problem every time, so he didn't care much.

Suzhen in black went out of the Great Palace smoothly, and then she escaped into a bird in the sky. Then drive the flying birds to fly out of the sky...

What to do here, definitely cannot be done in Tiandu.

The whole sky was also shrouded in formations, and you had to break the formations when you went out...In this day, even a bird could not fly out, nor could it fly in.

Suzhen in black was also discovered by flying to the edge of the formation.

In desperation, Suzhen in black had to go to the exit of Tiandu again.

There are also masters checking the past spirits one by one.

Fortunately, most of the people who leave the city are spirits.

There are also some noble ladies.

Hei Suzhen glanced around and found a luxury car with a few noble ladies in it, but the cultivation base was very low, not in the virtual fairyland.

The spirit respects the people, the whole people practice the law.

But it is impossible to be a master of mana.

Hei Suzhen sneaked in, transformed them once, and then smoothly left Tiandu.

The action had already begun, and Suzhen Hei knew in her heart that she would definitely be aware of her rushing out.

However, she left quietly like this, not breaking the formation would delay their discovery.

This time is an opportunity.

The guards of Tiandu and the guards of the Grand Palace write work diaries every day, and record any differences.

There are some differences every day, and they are trivial things.

Tian Qingge is shrewd, it is not easy to find something wrong.

After Black Suzhen smoothly left Tiandu, she started to capture Lingzun. According to Chen Yang's instructions, every family did not finish the arrest, leaving a degree of existence. Then he asked this person to go to the neighbor's house to stop by, and to stop by is to open the door for Suzhen Black.

After opening the door, Suzhen in black grabbed again.

This night, Suzhen Hei did not stay.

Moreover, Black Suzhen was not only caught in one city, but caught all over the world.

In this way, the senior spirits who want to block public opinion will not be able to block it.

If only in one city, they can cover a city.

Hei Suzhen's efficiency is extremely high, and Chen Yang's black hole spar is in his hand. The grasped spirits were all put into the large space of the black hole spar.

She was happily caught, and caught about one hundred thousand spirits overnight.

After doing all this, Suzhen Hei quickly returned to Tiandu.

She has asked the ladies to wait outside the capital.

He was in the body of the noblewoman again, and entered the capital smoothly.

It is impossible for the searched spirits to search carefully on the ladies, and these ladies have some cultivation skills, so they are not so easy to be found by the other party.

After entering Tiandu, he returned to the Grand Palace.

At this time, the sky had broken, but the gate of the Grand Palace was closed.

Hei Yi Suzhen really had no way to go in, unless it was a force break.

She was a little anxious because she was worried that Chen Yang would encounter an accident.

Even if she is anxious, she can't force it.

After waiting for an hour, the sky was bright, and a red sun rose from the east.

This time is the turn of summer and autumn, and the morning weather is very comfortable.

The morning light shines, and the trees on both sides of the palace are lush.

At this time, more than a hundred human handymen brought in vegetables, meat and fruits.

In the chalk world, the situation of human monks is not that great.

The situation of ordinary humans is even worse. They do all the rough, dirty, and hard work.

The deities are to enjoy, to enjoy all the beauty.

Even so, they still want to abuse human beings.

The masters in the Grand Palace naturally don't need to eat these ordinary vegetables, meat and fruits, but many human monks, who have poor cultivation skills, want to eat them. Then there are so many pills for them to eat?

There will be more handymen in the morning, and the handymen who leave at night do some finishing work.

There were four Lingzun masters inspected this morning, and they strictly inspected every handyman.

In fact, transporting vegetables, meat and fruits could have been simple, just open a door to the void. But in the Grand Palace, the use of mana was extremely strictly controlled. The Void Gate has strict regulations and can only be used by higher-ups.

Under the rules, no master below the creation realm could open the door of the void.

This is also to prevent humans or people with unpredictable minds from making small moves.

This time it was difficult for Suzhen Hei to hide.

Those masters of Lingzun are very strict in the inspection of the handyman. Seeing this goes on, Suzhen Black will be discovered...

The master Lingzun stroked the head of the handyman with his hand, and when he was about to check, Suzhen in black suddenly sprinted... from the palm of the opponent's hand into her body, and drove straight into his internal organs.

The faint thunder and lightning bloomed with infinite coercion!

That spiritual master is called Sha Tianming, and Sha Tianming is the cultivation base of the heavenly realm.

Although his cultivation is not much, how can he withstand Suzhen in black?

Hei Suzhen is an existence that can break his wrist with Fang Xieyang.

Sha Tianming looked stiff.

The remaining masters asked, "What's wrong?"

Hei Suzhen warned: "If you don't want to die, just pretend that nothing happened."

How could Sha Tianming not be afraid of death? He forcibly calmed down and said to the other colleagues: "It's okay!"

Those colleagues didn't take it seriously.

After that, Suzhen Hei planted a lightning mark in Sha Tianming's brain to warn Sha Tianming to be obedient.

After that, Suzhen in black found a guard, hid her body, and left the gate of the Grand Palace.

Everything is done silently.

She didn't let Sha Tianming leave the sight of the other masters, so as not to make them suspicious.

Black Suzhen returned to the villa where Chen Yang lived and successfully merged with Chen Yang.

After a night of work, the plan that seemed impossible was actually completed by Suzhen in black.

But don't look at Suzhen in black, who seems to be impulsive and self-willed. It's like having no brains... In fact, when she really wants to work, especially when life and death are at stake, her mind is extremely delicate.

Chen Yang saw the spirits in the black hole spar, and he was relieved.

After understanding all the events, Chen Yang said: "At the moment, the last step is to catch the sky Qingge. In this way, we have a stronger bargaining chip, so we can simply take back the other half of Senior Ling's body."

Black Suzhen said: "This, I'm afraid they will not do it."

Chen Yang said: "After we are exposed, even if they let us leave. Then they will try to kill the other half of Senior Ling's body. I can't let Senior Ling take this risk."

Hei Suzhen said: "Okay, I hope our plan is useful. If it is really useless, we can only do our own things and obey the destiny. This matter, we must complete it as soon as possible. Because it will be done soon. I will find it wrong."

Chen Yang said, "I know."

Black Suzhen said again: "By the way, what happened to you this night I walked?"

Chen Yang said: "One thing happened, something very strange."

Suzhen in black said: "Oh?"

Chen Yang said: "Tian Qingge accidentally revealed something to me. He said that they found that there was a tower in the Tianzhong Pagoda that could heal injuries. Nowadays, Long Wei Gong, Shen Robe, and Chu Shan are all healing there."

Suzhen in black was taken aback and said, "He is testing you. If you run over, you are Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said: "Yes. But what I am most puzzled is that such a stupid plan, does he think I will be fooled?"

Hei Suzhen said, "It's probably still watching your reaction. His suspicion probably made him unable to sleep anymore."