My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3513: Chase Reeves, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang also found out many things about Wuyou Sect in the file.

The dossier mentioned many crimes of Wuyoujiao, but Chen Yang found out the truth by examining the things between the lines.

The formation of Wuyou Sect is because of injustice. The founder of Wuyou Sect came from the adjudication office.

He is the great priest of the adjudication office, called Gabriel.

Gabriel fell out with the verdict eight hundred years ago and ran away angrily. It is said that it was because the judgement wanted to punish a pregnant woman from the eternal tribe, and that pregnant woman was taken by the son of an elder in the judgement. Regardless of whether the other party is pregnant, **** him.

After that, the husband of the pregnant woman went to the court.

However, the elder's son quietly killed the husband. At the same time, he fabricated charges against the pregnant woman...

After that, the verdict decided to convict the pregnant woman.

Gabriel was unwilling to get along with the gang and could not bear it. He killed the elder's son in a rage, and then fled the court with the pregnant woman.

This incident angered the senior officials of the adjudication office, and issued the highest order to kill Gabriel in the universe!

Gabriel took the pregnant woman out of a **** road, and then fled to a place where he was nowhere to be found.

Many years later, when the rumors of Gabriel appeared in the universe, it was said that he was now the leader of Wuyou Sect.

The Worry-Free Church has absorbed many eternal tribesmen who have suffered injustice.

They want to create a fair, just, and equal world.

Over the years, the adjudication office and the court have been looking for the nest of Wuyoujiao, but they have been unsuccessful.

Worry-free religion has also become the home of many desperate people.

"Hmph, this dossier says that Gabriel had an affair with a pregnant woman, who was found out by the elder's son, so he killed them. Fortunately, I heard Xiao Taohong talk about it!"

Chen Yang secretly said: "The adjudication office has begun to rot more than 800 years ago. It is no wonder that they will do something to destroy the entire Tianhe Divine Kingdom. They have been high above for too long, and there can be room for others. Their slightest disobedience. The same is true for their kind, let alone the Tianhe Divine Kingdom is just a low-level creature in their eyes!"

After consulting the dossier, Chen Yang was not in a good mood.

He looked at the people of the eternal race, as if looking at an empire that was extremely rotten.

It's just a pity that in the world of human beings on earth, as long as you decay, someone will push you.

And in this place, the decadent high-level has already mastered absolute strength.

The people below have no such ability to overthrow.

But these are not Chen Yang's troubles, he is a human being on earth, what does the life and death of Eternal Star Territory have to do with him.

What he has to do now is, one, to find out if Xia is really Ziyi.

Second, let those who did evil to Tianhe Divine Kingdom pay a sufficient and painful price.

When Chen Yang hated before, he wanted to slaughter the entire eternal race to death.

However, people are not plants, who can be ruthless.

For so many years, the eternal clan like Luna, Ku Ziyu, Hua Jieyu and even Hou Jianfei have given him warmth. So he hadn't planned to slaughter the entire eternal race now.

His goal is to make the people who participated in the eradication of Tianhe Divine Kingdom pay the price.

The matter of Tianhe Divine Kingdom is not found in the database of the court, and there is no information.

That night, Chen Yang could not sleep for a long time in bed, and his mind was distressed.

It is not difficult for him to calm down. The cultivator still has this ability.

But this night, he let his thoughts fly.

"Sometimes, I already feel that my blood is starting to get cold. If it was before, I would have been angry when I saw the evil deeds in those databases. Today, I actually only felt heavy for a while. The road, along the way, is this the inevitable result? It’s not that we want to be too emotional, but because we have seen too many things, and finally become numb!"

Ten days later, knowing that Xia suddenly called Chen Yang: "There is something to do."

Chen Yang's spirits were shocked, and he was indeed a little bit painful during the past six months.

Knowing that Xia let Chen Yang go to Cang Hailan's Xilan Manor.

He quickly came to Xilan Manor and met Cang Hailan in the basement tea room of the villa.

Cang Hailan sat casually, still making tea.

Every time Chen Yang came, whether in the backyard or in the living room, Cang Hailan made tea.

The chief elder seemed to do nothing every day, just make tea.

Knowing that Xia had arrived first, she was sitting on her knees across the coffee table.

But seeing her dressed in white, beautiful and refined, spotless.

After Chen Yang came in, he bowed first and then knelt down beside Mingzhi Xia.

Cang Hailan smiled slightly and said: "Taste this tea, the new tea is cultivated in the cold peak tea garden on Ulan Star. It is cultivated with Zhoulidan water every day..."

After tasting it, Chen Yang patted Cang Hailan's rainbow fart again.

Cang Hailan would be very happy when he heard others praise his tea.

Afterwards, Cang Hailan said, "Zhixia, you can talk to Xiaohan about the situation."

Knowing that Xia faced Chen Yang, he said, "On the elliptical planet, something happened in the trial hotel. The tomb method of the tomb family has already reached the Eternal Profound Realm, and he has a grudge with the killing **** Reeves. Wess killed the members of the Tomb Law family seven or eighty-eight. After that, he wanted to kill Tomb Law Wind. Tomb Law Wind hid in the trial hotel. Reeves broke into the trial hotel and killed in front of the hotel butler. The tomb style."

"Reeves?" Chen Yang's heart trembled secretly, but he didn't show any expression on his face.

"Then the War God Division sent several groups to hunt down Reeves. But they were all counter-killed by Reeves." Mingzhi Xia continued, "The impact of this incident is very bad. The Presbyterian Church is sending people here. Go chasing Reeves. Our side is also going to participate... I'm going to chase Reeves. Master meant to take you and let you follow through."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Cang Hailan smiled slightly, and said, "Reeves's name of killing **** is well known throughout the star domain. If you can kill Reeves or capture it back. Then you will become famous in the star domain!"

Knowing that Xia saluted, "The disciples must do their best!"

Cang Hailan smiled and said, "Go, go!"

This time the mission came very urgent. Chen Yang and Mingzhi Xia set off directly after leaving the Xilan Manor.

There are several honeycomb passages in the Sky City.

They departed from the hive passage by a shuttle cloud machine.

Along the way, knowing that Xia did not speak to Chen Yang.

When I was on the shuttle cloud machine, I knew that Xia closed my eyes and rested.

When Chen Yang saw this, it was not easy to be boring.

Reeves has now left the elliptical star, fleeing between the stars.

According to reliable information, Reeves is in the vicinity of Phakstar.

There is no honeycomb passage near Fakerstar, so Chen Yang and the other positive star who Mingzhi Xia arrived first landed. Afterwards, he flew from Yangxing towards Faker...

The two did not take any transportation, but rely on their own flight.

Chen Yang didn't show off his skywheel, so knowing that Xia was a little disgusted with Chen Yang's speed, she finally let Chen Yang go into her storage bracelet.