My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3891: Multiverse, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and said, "Multiple universes?"

He has heard many false statements about the existence of parallel universes and multiple universes between the universes. But he always felt that those things didn't have much basis. Because the people who said those words were ordinary humans, and the immortals hadn't studied them. So, how do ordinary humans think?

But now, Emperor Fuxi said that he had seen multiple universes from Luoshu, and Chen Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

Emperor Fuxi said: "This emperor has been immersed in it all these years, as if the past, present, and future, the origin of the universe are all in this Luoshu. It seems that I can understand it, but I don't quite understand it. In the faint, the whole person is like a madman. Normal. In the end, the mana in the emperor's body began to rush, and a lot of miscellaneous qi was derived. The miscellaneous qi rushes into the body, over time, it becomes what it is now.

Chen Yang said: "So that's it! Then why do you control the power of heaven again?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's what my sister came to remind me to do. I took control of the space and heaven, laid the barrier, and then started studying Luoshu again."

"Hand in hand?" Chen Yang was speechless.

Emperor Fuxi said: "When you have mastered the pi of pi, you understand the possibilities of the multiverse. You know the mystery of space... And at this time, Hongmeng Ziqi has revealed the divine power of the heavens, which represents space. This emperor wants to control it, It’s just a matter of effort."

Chen Yang said: "That's it!"

Then he said: "Then what is your current physical condition?"

The Great Emperor Fuxi sighed and said: "The miscellaneous qi in this emperor's body is full of devil. After all, this emperor has mastered that π, more than anyone knows, but in fact, it will never be possible to master this π. . Just like the emperor knows the multiverse, but can never understand the multiverse, nor can we study the relationship between our universe and the multiverse. This emperor just has more than all of you. Therefore, the emperor can easily control the space and heaven, but he is trapped by the heart demon. In this way, the powerful force makes the emperor weak."

"I understand, nothing can be made up!" Chen Yang said immediately.

The tonic is too strong and the body is weak, so there is a problem.

Originally, Emperor Fuxi's body was very strong and his strength was even. But afterwards there was too much knowledge to absorb, but this world and even the universe is like this, the less you know, the more fearless you are. The more you know, the more puzzles and doubts.

Therefore, Emperor Fuxi later absorbed too much knowledge, but he was more confused.

Knowledge and power began to mismatch, so the mana became stronger, the body became weaker, and the mind became thicker!

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!" Then, he said again: "Although the emperor is weaker now, it is not difficult to kill you."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I understand!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I have said everything that the emperor should have said."

Chen Yang said: "That's the case, then I should go."

Emperor Fuxi looked at Princess Longji, and said to Chen Yang: "Don't hurt Xiaolong'er, otherwise, the Emperor will not let you go no matter whether it is Tianya or Haijiao!"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, no one wants to have an enemy like you."

Emperor Fuxi said: "You know it!"

Princess Longji said to Emperor Fuxi in tears: "Emperor, I harmed you."

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said: "Don't be silly, I'm fine." After a pause, he said: "Take care of yourself and don't think too much!"

Then, Chen Yang took Princess Longji out of the stone room.

After leaving the stone room, he quickly entered the corridor and left the spatial corridor.

As soon as he went outside, he encountered the old man with black beard, the old man with white beard, and the three people blocking him.

"Hurry up and let go of Your Royal Highness!" Old Man Blackbeard shouted.

"Xuanyuantai, you are really a beast!" The white-bearded old man shouted angrily: "The great emperor treats you as a mountain, and our heavenly court treats you very well. You colluded with outsiders to harm the emperor and the princess? Right now you are making a big mistake. Not yet finished, I advise you to immediately put down your Royal Highness and catch it!"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "You are afraid that you are sick, I have reached this point, and you are still arrested? Nothing before, Nuwa will kill me according to the rules of the sky. Now I can't break my body into pieces? I? To tell you, I have no retreat now, and you will not force me in the end. Long Jinai is the person that both the emperor and Nuwa care about. After I entered, the emperor let me go. If you stop it with all your heart, you will kill the princess. Your Highness, the consequences are not something you can bear."

When everyone heard the words, they really did not let the rats go!

The true king of Beidou said: "Did you really meet the emperor?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, you can ask Long Ji if you don't believe it!"

Everyone looked at Princess Longji. Princess Longji nodded and said with tears: "He did see the emperor, but right now, I order you to leave me alone and kill this culprit!"

The old man with black beard asked immediately: "His Royal Highness, what happened to the emperor?"

Princess Longji said: "Everything is fine, the emperor is still in retreat, it takes time. You killed this culprit!"

Everyone immediately had Mingwu in their hearts, and the emperor didn't even kill this Xuanyuantai. How dare they kill the princess regardless of her life?

Elder Blackbeard said to Chen Yang: "Don't hurt Her Royal Highness!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense. The emperor has agreed to me and allowed me to leave. I also promised the emperor that he will not hurt Long Ji!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then gave up a way!

Chen Yang took Princess Longji to the sky and flew towards the outside world.

The enchantment of Zhong Lingshan has long been unable to stop Chen Yang. After Chen Yang took the jade card, he thoroughly studied the enchantment, so even though he didn't have the jade card right now, he could still come and go freely.

After leaving Zhongling Mountain, Chen Yang fainted Princess Longji and threw it into the magic treasure bag. After doing all this, the jade slip was sealed again.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that Yuan Sheng was very cautious. At that time, you may search for your memory, and you will not reveal your flaws. But at the same time, Yuan Sheng might also search for the memory of Princess Longji.

So now, princess Longji fainted and put it into the magic treasure bag. In this way, Princess Longji's memory will not be a problem. Yuan Sheng will not have a problem with the investigation, because he is running for his life, he can't always pinch Princess Longji in his handprints, right?

After doing this, Chen Yang turned around and entered the enchantment of Zhong Lingshan.

Back in Zhongling Mountain...

His speed is very fast, and he comes and goes without a trace.

Moreover, he was familiar with enchantment and did not alarm the people in Zhong Lingshan. Only those who don't understand enchantment, after entering, rushing indiscriminately, will alarm the masters in Zhong Lingshan.

Elder Blackbeard and his party did not chase Chen Yang, knowing that it would be useless to chase them, so they didn't know that Chen Yang had gone and returned.

Chen Yang went to Houshan smoothly, entered the Hetu Cave again, and then came outside the previous stone room.

Soon, a door to the void appeared in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang entered the gate of the void and came to the front of Emperor Fuxi again.

When Emperor Fuxi saw Chen Yang, he couldn't help being stunned, and said, "Why are you back again?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said: "Great Emperor, you have counted all the time, have you not counted my identity and true purpose?"

Emperor Fuxi stared at Chen Yang and said after a long time: "I can indeed calculate a lot of things, but for you, I can't calculate them at all. I can feel that you are different from the Xuanyuantai I knew before. ."

Chen Yang was taken aback and said, "Can you recognize the difference?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Are you really not Xuanyuantai?"

Chen Yang knelt on one knee and said, "Junior Chen Yang!"

At the same time, the body began to change, and finally the body was transformed.

"Chen Yang?" Fuxi the Great stunned slightly, and then said: "I heard my sister say that there has been a war of spirits on the earth. I also heard the ancestor of Bliss occasionally report that it is the king of the earth's destiny called Chen Yang. Are you... Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Yes, it's a junior!"

Emperor Fuxi was puzzled and said, "What is the situation with you?"

Chen Yang was about to speak, then he thought of something, and said, "You haven't signed the Heavenly Law Agreement, have you?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "What heaven and law covenant?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Then you listen to me and tell you everything the same!"

Emperor Fuxi nodded with doubts, and said, "Okay, say it!"

Chen Yang talked about the war of spirits on the earth in advance, and then talked about how the old man in the red dust entered the earth. Followed me through the gate of eternal life to come here... How about encountering Xuanyuantai outside and killing Xuanyuantai?

All the things that followed when he came to the immortal realm, I talked to the Great Emperor Fuxi.

Including why he came here now, etc., all told to Fuxi the Great.

After hearing this, Emperor Fuxi said: "Unexpectedly, so many things have happened. Now it seems that, as a breaker, it is God's will to be an undercover under the hands of De Yuansheng."

Chen Yang said, "By the way, the Great, you said earlier that you could tell me that I was different from the previous Xuanyuantai?"

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I can detect it because I am familiar with the original Xuanyuantai. Moreover, the former Xuanyuantai would never dare to be so presumptuous in front of me."

Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said, "I have also been worried about whether Yuansheng will see through me."

Emperor Fuxi said: "You don't have to worry at all. Because if he finds you, he will directly kill you. There is no need to lie to you and take so many risks. Killing the breaker is the best solution. He knows Your true identity should be killed directly when your cultivation base is weak."

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "You go and come back, just want to tell me the truth? Or do you want me to take care of my sister and let you make a living?"

Chen Yang said: "Yuan Sheng is extremely shrewd. If my escape is out of logic, it will arouse his suspicion. So I don't need you to take care of Empress Nuwa. If it is really impossible to escape, it will not be too late for me to confess with Empress. I’m returning this time, just to be careful of Yuansheng. In addition, I want to see if there is any way to help you recover from your physical injury. Because now Yuansheng must think you are vulnerable. If your injury is good, you can become A surprise soldier!"