My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4043: The army is in danger, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi didn't dare to say anything when they saw this. They were also extremely anxious. Asking themselves, they themselves would not be able to make a decision calmly when faced with such a multiple-choice question.

After a long time, Ye Qingming looked at Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi and said, "I am willing to give it a try."

Emperor Fuxi was slightly startled and said: "Miss Ye, don't be impulsive. I think it's better for you to think carefully before making a decision. No matter what decision you make, no one has the right to blame you."

Taishang Daozu said: "Miss Ye, Pindao really hopes that you can go in. But Pindao also knows what it means to go in. You don't have to sacrifice yourself for others. No matter what, you have to think deeply. So, Pindao will give you three days, and you will give your reply after three days."

Emperor Fuxi also stood up and said, "Let's take our leave first."

The two of them quickly left Qingming Palace.

After they left, Ye Qingming collapsed on the ground as if all his strength had been drained away.

For a long, long time, she couldn't say a word.

Once upon a time, she had been trapped in the boundless darkness, unable to see the light of day or hope.

Later, by chance, she finally came out of the darkness and saw this beautiful world of mortals.

Of course she doesn't want to go back to that place again...

At night, Ye Qingming called Mo Yu.

There were only two masters and apprentices in the room...

"Master..." Mo Yu shouted respectfully.

Ye Qingming smiled slightly and said: "Sit!"

Mo Yu sat down doubtfully. Ye Qingming said: "There is a problem now, and it is related to Chen Yang."

"What's wrong with him?" Mo Yu was suddenly surprised.

Ye Qingming said: "Don't worry, he is safe now."

Mo Yu was slightly relieved. Ye Qingming then talked about all the current situations, and finally asked Mo Yu: "What do you think a teacher should do?"

Mo Yu fell silent.

After a long time, she said: "In other words, if you don't go, there is a high possibility that the black corpse will be resurrected, and then it will be difficult for him and his family to survive, right?"

Ye Qingming said: "Yes! It seems that there is a half chance that the black corpse cannot come out, but with the help of Yuan Yunzhong, it is very likely that the black corpse will come out. Once it comes out, it will be a 100% disaster."

Mo Yu said: "I really hope I can do it, so that everyone can get what they want!"

Ye Qingming understood his disciple's mood, sighed and said: "There are so many beauties in this world, but you are always so persistent and refuse to let go of yourself. You still have too little experience and do not understand the vastness of the world."

Mo Yu raised his head and said, "I hope you can go! Master, please forgive me for being unfilial!"

After saying that, he knelt down and kowtowed several times.

Ye Qingming hurriedly helped Mo Yu up and said: "Little girl, don't be like this, and don't blame yourself. I called you here to say goodbye to you, not to make you feel guilty. I understand your thoughts, as long as you If you can die for my master, you will never hesitate." After a pause, he added: "Actually, I have already made a decision."

Mo Yu said: "You want to go?"

Ye Qingming stood up, took a few steps forward, and said: "The world of mortals has died, but he still has that fearless spirit before he reaches that point. Chen Yang has risked his life countless times for the sake of this fairy world. . Everyone has the spirit, but I, Ye Qingming, don’t have it? Besides, I still have a good chance of surviving here. Once, as that person said, I successfully devour the black corpse and walk out again, my cultivation will It will go to the next level. This is also an opportunity! So no matter what, I have no reason not to go."

Mo Yu said: "Thank you, Master! If you can't come back, I will go down to accompany you."

Ye Qingming immediately patted her head and said: "Nonsense, you can't accompany me even if you die. If you die, you will die. I always have a chance to come out of the world of death."

Mo Yu's eyes were red.

Ye Qingming suddenly asked Mo Yu again, "Xiaoyu, if you could go back to this life again, would you still like this kind of life? Would you like to meet Chen Yang again?"

Mo Yu was stunned for a moment.

Ye Qingming said: "If it's difficult to answer, forget it."

Mo Yu thought for a long time and said: "I wanted to say that I didn't want to meet him like before, but if it hadn't been for that experience, I wouldn't have felt attached to him. There's nothing wrong with him, everything is fine. It’s just me to blame.”

Ye Qingming said: "You silly girl, you will only suffer yourself."

The next day, Ye Qingming went back to Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi and made it clear that he was willing to re-enter the world of death.

Seeing her firm attitude, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi had nothing to say.

After that, Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi communicated with Xuan Zhenghao again. Xuan Zhenghao said that he had made all preparations in the world of death. After Ye Qingming entered, he could find his mark by following the information.

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi told Ye Qingming all the information. After everything was ready, Taishang Daozu summoned all the saints.

Bai Qing also came over. Her eyes were red and swollen, but she never spoke.

Ye Qingming sat down and passed away under the gaze of all the saints.

When all the saints saw that Ye Qingming, a saint of his generation, was really willing to take such a big risk of life and death, they were filled with admiration in their hearts.

Let's say that after Ye Qingming used the magic power in her body to destroy her brain, her soul quickly shattered and turned into countless fragments.

She was extremely familiar with the world of death. At this time, the world of death naturally absorbed her fragments, and she entered the world of death.

The world of death is vast and boundless.

It's like a vast and empty universe, filled with various debris, dust, black mist, and various whirlpools similar to black holes.

Boundless, endless!

After Ye Qingming entered the time of death, the soul fragments naturally came together.

After other people die, all nothingness and fragments will float in the world of death, and then be eaten by those natural death particles, or be sucked into the death hole...

The world of death is pure and boundless.

The world of death absorbs the death energy of all living creatures. After being purified by the death hole, this death energy will eventually turn into various spiritual energies to nourish the entire universe. This is an ecological recycling system…

Ye Qingming was very familiar with the world of death. After entering, the death aura of the world of death also enveloped her fragments. Instead of attacking, those death particles protected her.

Under such protection, after three days, Ye Qingming's soul was finally successfully reorganized.

Ye Qingming immediately scanned himself and his surroundings...

She was surrounded by the world of death that she was familiar with, but her body was completely different from before she left. She stayed in this world of death for a long time and finally became conscious. It is already powerful when it generates consciousness... It is precisely because it is powerful that it generates consciousness, not because it becomes powerful because of its consciousness.

Now that the soul has returned, the body is not as strong as before. But don't be afraid, she needs to gather slowly. After a while, she will be able to get used to the whole world of death and become stronger.

However, it was very difficult for her to get out again.

This was her second time shaping up, and it was much more difficult than the first time.

Black Corpse is now in shape for the first time...

Both Ye Qingming and Black Corpse possess the Heavenly Way of Death. When Black Corpse dies, the Heavenly Law of Death will be controlled by Yuan Sheng. After Ye Qingming dies, her death will return to the world of death.

Because of the existence of Yuan Sheng, the Heavenly Way of Death will never dissipate. Once they are successfully shaped, they can still continue to control the Heavenly Way of Death. Reclaiming their own destiny...

Although Yuan Sheng has great magical powers, he cannot deprive Ye Qingming of the way of death. Death is a part of life, but at the same time, death is also a unique part.

Once the rest of the saints die, their power of heaven will dissipate.

The reason why Ye Qingming and Black Corpse's Heavenly Path of Death persist is because the real link to the Heavenly Path of Death is still in the hands of Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng's Heavenly Way of Life includes the Heavenly Way of Death. If the Heavenly Way of Life does not disperse, neither will the Heavenly Path of Death.

Ye Qingming didn't have time to pay attention to anything else and began to cross his legs to absorb the death essence around him.

She was formed from a death crystal that absorbed the energy of death day and night.

Now, her soul composed of soul fragments is the death crystal!

Within the Yuan Realm, in the temple palace, Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian continue to monitor the world of death...

The world of death is too vast and vast...

Therefore, it is difficult for Yuan Sheng to discover Ye Qingming's whereabouts. However, when Ye Qingming passed away, Yuan Sheng had already discovered it immediately.

"Master, what's wrong?" Yuan Yuxian noticed that the master's expression was not right and asked immediately.

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "Ye Qingming is dead."

"Dead?" Yuan Yuxian was shocked and said, "How is this possible?"

Yuan Sheng said: "She died on her own initiative."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Does she want to enter the world of death to kill Brother Black Corpse? This... is too desperate. Even if she can successfully kill Brother Black Corpse, can she come out again?"

Yuan Sheng said: "With her own power, it is impossible to reshape her body twice. But if she swallows the soul fragments of your brother Black Corpse, her strength will be greatly increased. When the time comes, she will not only be able to come out, but also cultivate herself." It can still increase significantly.”

Yuan Yuxian couldn't help but be horrified and said: "What should we do?"

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "They are so courageous that they can even think of such a strange move. This kind of strange move cannot be thought up by the Taishang Dao Ancestors. They don't have the courage. It must be Chen Yang and the person next to him came up with it. Since they dare to think of this method, they must have made a fuss in the world of death. If we don't intervene, your brother Black Corpse will probably die."

Yuan Yuxian said: "How should we intervene?"

Yuan Sheng said: "My master must find your senior brother Black Corpse as soon as possible, and then join forces with him to wait for Ye Qingming. If your senior brother Black Corpse successfully swallows Ye Qingming's soul fragments..."