My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 405: Treasure, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Lin Bing was also very interested in Wudu and Treasure House. When Chen Yang said she was going to see what happened, she immediately became excited. But Lin Bing was still a little uneasy, and said; "Is that okay?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, I mentioned this to the prince, and he said it's okay."

When Lin Bing saw Chen Yang say this, she relaxed.

Subsequently, Chen Yang took the two beauties out of the palace. As soon as she left, she ran into Shirayuki head-on.

Bai Xue looked heroic in a white tuxedo. She came to Chen Yang, hugged her **** and saluted, and said: "Your servants pay homage to your majesty!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Don't be polite."

Bai Xue said, "Thank you." After that, she presented the brocade box containing the ring tombs, and said: "Your Majesty, the ministers have assigned one ring to the blood kings, and the remaining six ring tombs. It's all inside, please check it."

Chen Yang then took the brocade box and put the brocade box directly into Jiesumiri.

He suddenly smiled and said, "I have thought of one more thing, my ring must be Mili and Ruilin Blood King's millions of euros." He paused, and said to Bai Xue: "Miss Bai Xue, you will wait a moment. Let Ruilin Blood King give me an account, and I will transfer the money to his account."

Bai Xue said immediately: "Your Majesty, you have your own financial rights in our clan, and your ministers will handle this matter for you."

This means that Chen Yang doesn't have to pay for it himself.

Chen Yang saw that Bai Xue said so, he stopped insisting.

He then said: "I'm going to visit the treasure house and the fog of the ancestors at this time, you go together."

Bai Xue said: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

She is absolutely obedient to Chen Yang.

Not to mention, this feeling is really good.

When you enter the first door of the treasure house, you need an eye code, and the key in Chen Yang's hand can also open it. He opened the door directly with the key. The keyhole was in a very secret place, and Bai Xue reminded it that Chen Yang found it.

After the door was opened, Bai Xue said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is already preparing to replace the password with your eye-scanning password, but this will take a while."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Afterwards, a crowd of people entered the white luxurious passage.

Before everyone was blocked at the door of the treasure house, but now, Elder Na Longtai has been invited away.

"Long Tai has been arrested by His Royal Highness and officially sent to the black jail." Bai Xue reported in due course.

Chen Yang nodded, but didn't ask too much. He then asked Shirayuki to take the key and open the door.

Bai Xue took the key and found the keyhole.

Not long after, the mysterious magnetic suspension door slowly slid open.

The door of the treasure house finally showed its true colors to everyone.

Chen Yang and the others were excited, and Bai Xue was also in the treasure house for the first time, and her heart was full of curiosity.

Chen Yang walked in first.

Everyone followed closely behind.

What imprinted in Chen Yang's eyes was a dazzling array of gold and silver jewelry.

It's like the cave of the Shenlong is full of wealth.

Everyone in Chen Yang was dazzled by the golden light in this treasure house, it is indeed a treasure house!

The treasure house is about 300 square meters, and the furnishings are very particular. Some are jewelry, some are gold, there are many Chinese cultural relics, as well as some swords, swords and so on!

On the other side there are also many quaint gadgets.

The wealth in this treasure vault is absolutely amazing.

Many lost famous paintings are here.

"This is the lost Buddha statue in the Old Summer Palace. I didn't expect it to be here." Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being surprised when he saw a weird Buddha statue. "And this, this is also a cultural relic of our China, this is the authentic multi-pagoda of Yan Zhenqing!"

Shen Mo Nong exclaimed again and again.

But Lin Bing's gaze was on a few simple secret books, she exclaimed: "My God, this is not the real copy of the Shaolin King Kong Great Wheel Seal? And this, the real copy of the iron sand palm, and this, this is a descendant. Head secret technique?"

Chen Yang and others are not interested in martial arts secrets. Their bodies have reached the Great Perfection, and the world martial arts and moves have become a whole in their hearts.

Chen Yang's gaze stayed on a common mouth.

He stepped forward and drew the long sword directly out of the scabbard.

The long sword was out of its sheath, and the blade was dark, but there was nothing surprising.

"Does this sword have any origin? Why is it in the treasure house?" Chen Yang asked Bai Xue somewhat curiously.

Bai Xue couldn't answer, she said: "My majesty, my ministers have never been in the treasure house, so I don't know much about it. But my ministers can find information here."

Chen Yang said: "Let's talk about it later, don't worry."

Shen Mo Nong looked over and said, "Is there anything surprising about this sword?"

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't seem to be surprising, but when I see this sword, I vaguely feel that it wants to drink blood."

"So weird?" Shen Mo Nong also looked at this sword. She looked carefully, and suddenly a strange color flashed in her eyes. She also felt the thought of this sword to drink blood.

"There are mental fluctuations on this sword, it really wants to drink blood." Shen Mo Nong said.

Lin Bing took a look and said, "That means that this sword is a spiritual weapon, and it is not surprising that it has its own spirituality." She paused, and said: "There are four kinds of magic weapons. The first is spiritual. The second is a treasure, the third is a fairy, and the fourth is a sacred weapon. Spirit tools are the lowest order, like my master’s sound killing magic knife is a treasure."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he said to Shen Mo Nong, "Aren't you lacking magic weapons? Can this work?"

Shen Mo Nong became interested, and she asked Bai Xue subconsciously, and said, "Can you?"

Bai Xue immediately said respectfully: "Your Majesty decides everything!"

Shen Mo Nong also let go of her heart, and she focused slightly, and then cut a small hole in her palm with her nails.

Then, Yin Hong's blood dripped on the sword.

The blood dripped in, and instantly entered the sword, disappearing.

Shen Mo Nong dripped twenty drops of blood continuously.

Then, there was a buzzing sound from the sword.

Then, the rust on the sword faded away like snake skin.

This scene is very magical.

After a short while, a gleaming sword appeared in front of everyone.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help being overjoyed. She said: "I felt its heartbeat and its emotions. It is very cheerful. It turned out to be called Yingxuejian!"

Lin Bing paled slightly and said, "It can actually convey emotions?"

"Yes!" Shen Mo Nong said confidently.

Lin Bing said: "Then Mo Nong, you are really lucky. The spirit weapon can simply integrate with your mana. Only the treasure can convey emotions. If the treasure is moisturized by the elixir, it is possible to be promoted. It’s a fairy."

Shen Mo Nong was extremely happy.

With the treasure, her combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. Then she looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, can this sword really be given to me?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Of course I can give it to you, don't worry, I won't make unspoken rules for you."

"Go die!" Shen Mo-nong's face flushed, and then he took Yingxue Jian into Jie Xumi.

Chen Yang is quite generous. He said to Bai Xue and Lin Bing: "Let's take a look, if you have anything you want, just take it."

Bai Xue said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Although she thanked, she didn't look for anything to get it.

In fact, Shen Mo Nong knew that it was not good to take things like this. But the temptation of the treasure to her is too great.

She had no choice but to come here once cheeky.

Lin Bing's Imperial Wind Sword is just a spiritual weapon, so Lin Bing is a little envious of Shen Mo Nong at this moment. She also wanted to look for it to see if she could find the treasure. It's a pity that Lin Bing didn't find the treasure, not even the spirit weapon, no matter how to find it.

Chen Yang didn't like anything. He now had dragon-binding gloves and didn't need to rely on other weapons. Anyway, these hands are the most powerful weapons.

After visiting the treasure house, Chen Yang said to Bai Xue: “There are some cultural relics belonging to Huaxia. Although I am the majesty of our clan, I am also from Huaxia. So, you click and put these cultural relics belonging to Huaxia. Collect it, then give it to Mo Nong, who will finally bring it back to Huaxia, which can be regarded as the original owner."

Bai Xue said: "Yes, Your Majesty! Your minister will do this as soon as possible."

Chen Yang nodded.

It's almost the same in the treasure chest.

Chen Yang actually wanted to find some pill in the treasure house, but unfortunately he didn't find it.

Although the wealth in that treasury was amazing, Chen Yang didn't feel much about it.

After that, everyone went out of the treasure house.

This trip to the treasure house was a great benefit for Shen Mo Nong.

Afterwards, everyone went to Wudu.

The fog is right next to the treasure house.

The door of the Wudu City was closed tightly. Chen Yang stepped forward and pushed hard, and the door opened immediately.

The gate of Wudu had no organs. When the old ancestor was there, the old ancestor built a magic barrier inside, and no one could enter. Now that the old ancestor is gone, the magic barrier has also disappeared.

There was darkness in the fog.

As soon as I entered, I felt a cold breath.

It feels like a central air conditioner is turned on inside, which is completely different from the feeling of being in a treasure house.

But the cold in the fog is not the kind of uncomfortable cold.

Moreover, in the fog, the dense fog is filled, and it is almost impossible to see the person in front of him.

The name of Wudu is indeed well-deserved.

However, the few people present are all highly cultivated, and their eyesight is absolutely strong.

Speaking of it, Chen Yangxiu is the weakest.

If you look closely, the place where the ancestors were practicing is actually the center of the entire fog.

The ground is a huge gossip array!

Standing inside, you can feel the air flowing.

This is the feeling brought by the magic circle.

Chen Yang was thinking of another thing. When the ancestor said that he was in danger, he fled to the fog.

Could it be that the enemy dare not come in if he escaped here?

It can't be that simple, right?

There must be other institutions in it.

Chen Yang began to look around.

Shen Mo Nong and the others also watched and were amazed. What is strange to them is that the mist inside is condensed and it lasts for a long time.

Shen Mo Nong wanted to sit on the throne of ancestors' cultivation.

But she just thought about it, and didn't dare to go there really rashly.