My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4217: cause and effect, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chapter 4217 Cause and Effect

The Moon Ant Queen has no choice but to compromise!

The longer people live, the more reluctant they are to die! It is said that the Moon Ant Queen has lived for tens of millions of years, so naturally she doesn't want to die.

Right now, as long as there is a chance of living, she will never give up! At that moment, she took a deep breath and said, "I can tell you something first, which will subvert many of your perceptions."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became interested. Chen Yang said, "Oh, what's the matter?"

Chuanyue Ant Queen did not give up and continued: "The universe we are in is not the only universe. There are countless universes outside this universe.

How many there are, I don't know.

Other universes may be completely different from ours.

But there is another possibility, that is, other universes are exactly like ours.

Maybe, I in other universes are facing the same situation right now. "

Chen Yang and others suddenly looked strange.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, the Chuan Yue Ant Queen said, "Why, you don't believe it?"

Chen Yang laughed dumbly and said: "I completely believe what you said, and I can tell you clearly that there are indeed many universes outside our universe.

This number is not countless, but three thousand! Three Thousand Universes The universe we have here is the main universe.

Other universes are our parallel universes. Many directions have changed between the parallel universes and our universe.

Maybe, you in other universes are still trapped by the senior lords. "

Chuanyue Ant Queen suddenly lost her composure and said, "How could you know so clearly?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Because we have already been to other universes."

"This is impossible!"

Chuanyue Ant Queen couldn't believe it.

Chen Yang said: "What's impossible about this?

I have the power of Chaos.

There is a Chaos Gate in the chaotic world, and the Chaos Gate can lead to any universe. "

Chuanyue Ant Queen said: "Have you really been to other universes?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't need to lie to you."

Chuanyue Ant Queen said: "Then what is the situation in other universes?

How did you get there? "

Chen Yang was full of curiosity about the multiverse, so he lost his patience and told the Chuanyue Ant Queen about the general situation of his trip to the multiverse.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "We wanted to avoid the Hongmeng Taoist, so we moved.

I think that in other universes, as long as I didn't encounter Taoist Hongmeng, I wouldn't want to move.

I estimate that among the three thousand universes, we just met you, and you are the unluckiest one! "

After hearing this, Queen Chuanyue was speechless and felt that she was extremely unlucky!

Chen Yang continued: "I have a question for you. How did you discover that there are other universes outside our universe?"

The Moon Ant Queen said: "The years I have experienced are too long. We travel in the universe, and most of the time we are in the ethereal space.

Once, I stayed in trance for ten thousand years."

"a thousand years?"

Chen Yang and others couldn't help but be surprised.

Ten thousand years is really too long for them.

The Moon Ant Queen said: "During those ten thousand years, my mind has been exploring a deep dimension.

This feeling is very strange, like flying across the entire universe.

When leaping, it seems to be in the river of time, and also seems to be in the confusion of space.

Sometimes, I go very far and finally see the edge of the universe. "

Everyone listened attentively, and no one interrupted her with questions.

She continued: "The edge looks transparent, and it still feels like we are in boundless space.

But when I walked over, I found that there seemed to be a barrier.

Somehow, we felt like the barrier was suppressing us inside.

Sometimes, the barrier disappeared again, so I continued walking. Finally, I discovered that the entire universe seemed to be a round sphere! In other words, if we keep flying forward, it is very likely that we will return to the starting point.

But you never know where the end is, just like you ordinary people on earth, you can never reach the end! "

"After my mind has entered deep concentration, I can gradually feel some clues of the universe! It was also at that time that I discovered that there seemed to be a universe outside the universe.

Of course, this is just a feeling.

I can't find out exactly what it is! "

Chen Yang thought about the words of Queen Chuan Yue.

Of course he knew that what a person with the Chuan Yue Ant Queen's level of cultivation would perceive after entering samadhi would never be just illusory dreams like ordinary people.

Those things must make sense and have outlines!

At least some of the things she said about the multiverse have not been proven to be real.

Heiyi Suzhen murmured: "The universe is also a round sphere. This seems to confirm why the universe is boundless. It can also explain the starting point and end point of time."

Qin Lin said: "Time is an indescribable existence, and observation can only exist! If we don't observe, time may collapse! Although I understand time very well, sometimes I feel that I know nothing about time. "

After Chuan Yue Ant Queen glanced at everyone, she added: "Combining my experience with the Time Lord's life experience, I discovered one more thing."

Everyone looked at Chuanyue Ant Queen again.

The Moon Ant Queen said: "The Time Lord is a thing in the origin of time, and he" pointed at Qin Lin and said: "It seems to have the same origin as the copper coin he used.

What is the origin of time?

It should be from the moment the universe was created! But this time is only a small time, similar to how you build a magic circle. The time in the magic circle is set and controlled by you.

The same should be true for the time of the universe! There is a greater time outside the universe.

But how exactly, I can’t figure out! "

Chen Yang sighed and said: "We people seem to be very powerful, but in fact, we are still too small compared to the universe.

Therefore, many things are destined to be unclear. "

On the contrary, he didn't want to explore those messy things.

The Moon Ant Queen ignored Chen Yang's words and continued: "There is a place in the dark that controls all timelines.

I once felt that place while I was in trance. It was a magnificent place, wrapped in a purple time lock with four ancient characters on it.

I didn’t recognize those words, but those words told me that they were called the Temple of Time! "

"Temple of Time?"

This is not the first time Chen Yang has heard these four words.

Empress Nuwa once said about the Temple of Time, and the second brother also said before that the lord is the sacred object in the Temple of Time, the Scepter of Time!

From this point of view, the Temple of Time does indeed exist.

But I don’t know where the Temple of Time is at this time.

Qin Lin couldn't help but ask the Moon Ant Queen, "Do you know where the Temple of Time is?"

The Moon Ant Queen said: "I don't know, but it is conceivable that the Temple of Time must be deep in time.

It is difficult for anyone with great magical powers to touch that place. Only those with the magical power of time can reach the Temple of Time! "

Qin Lin is thoughtful!

He has a very deep connection with time, so he is also very interested in time.

In this world, if there really was a Temple of Time, he would certainly want to go there.

Then, the Moon Ant Queen talked about some other things about the universe.

Chen Yang got a lot of useful information from her, and also improved some of his conjectures about the multiverse and so on!

After a long time, Chuan Yue Ant Queen said: "That's pretty much what I want to say.

Can my information save my life?

I can swear that from now on, I will hide in the universe and never see you again, let alone do any harm to the earth! After experiencing this life-and-death danger, I have understood everything.

Nothing is more important than living.”

Everyone was silent.

Then, Chen Yang took the lead and said, "Everyone is mortal, so sorry!"

After a pause, he said to Qin Lin: "Second brother, should you do it or should I?"

Qin Lin's eyes were solemn and he said, "I'll do it!"

When the Chuanyue Queen Ant saw this, she couldn't help but be horrified, and then became furious, saying: "You shameless Earthlings, I already knew I shouldn't trust you.


She couldn't help but curse loudly!

But Qin Lin didn't give her another chance to scold her. He raised his hand and struck her head with a palm!


This time, the Moon Ant Queen's head and even body were completely shattered!

Suddenly, energy and body fragments burst out together, forming quite an explosion.

But such an explosion is nothing more than drizzle to Chen Yang and others.

It is said that the body fragments of the moon ant queen are scattered one after another

Chen Yang took all the fragments in his hands.

Luo Feng was slightly startled and said: "Third brother, you don't want to swallow these fragments, do you?"

The fragments of the Moon Ant Queen are undoubtedly the best supplements. Once swallowed, the energy is extraordinary!

However, swallowing other people's body fragments like this must have a huge cause and effect.

Back then, Heiyi Suzhen also swallowed many master fragments, but later the cause and effect backfired and she almost died!

Although the Moon Ant Queen is dead, once her fragments are swallowed, evil will be sown!

This cause usually does not appear.

At critical moments, it can be fatal!

Of course Chen Yang would not swallow it, he smiled slightly and said: "Of course not, I am just afraid of any accidents, so I have to completely refine these fragments into pieces."

Then he said to Luo Feng: "Brother, don't you want to swallow it?"

If it were the former Luo Feng, he would definitely devour it.

Because he is fearless

But now, he very much believes in cause and effect.

So he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Absolutely not!"