My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 467: Infinite swallow, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang slept soundly all this time. By the time he slept at six o'clock in the morning, his spirit was fully restored.

The bed was very warm, but in fact the whole tent was very warm. Anyway, there are a lot of fire symbols, so I don’t need money. Chen Yang came to this lost continent for more than a month. This night was the most peaceful and comfortable night for him to sleep. Moreover, he is still holding Yoona.

Yoona is also asleep. Chen Yang could smell the delicate fragrance of her snow-white neck.

At this time, Chen Yang felt a little hot, and obvious male impulses were also highlighted. The beauty is in her arms, and she really wants to be impulsive, and then she will rectify the Fa on the spot.

But Chen Yang is not such a ridiculous person after all, there is still Dorrence here.

Yoona is such a shy person again.

Besides, even if Yooner is willing, she can't be so light-hearted.

So Chen Yang watched his nose, and fell asleep. But this guy wasn't really that honest, his hand got into Yoona's neckline naturally, and then he held the soft plumpness. Afterwards, he went to sleep contentedly.

Yoona actually woke up after being so frivolous by Chen Yang. This is a very sensitive place in her daughter's house. Why would she not wake up? But Yoona thought that Chen Yang had acted unintentionally while sleeping. Although she blushed, she didn't say a word.

In fact, in her heart, she felt very happy to have such a friendship with Brother Chen.

In this lost continent, although everything is desolate, but this world seems to be only her, Brother Chen, and Brother Dorrence. This made her feel very satisfied.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang quietly retracted his hand. Yoona slept for a while and then got up. She was responsible for making breakfast for the two.

When Yoona moved, Dorrance woke up too.

Dorrance immediately shouted to Chen Yang and said: "Get up and start a fire, you lazy pig!" Chen Yang slackens, sat up, he laughed, and said: "Dorrens, you are not a saint. Is the knight awesome? You make a fire yourself!"

Dorrance rolled his eyes, an expression that didn't want to pay attention to Chen Yang.

Of course Chen Yang was also joking, and he immediately helped Yoona light a fire. Afterwards, Chen Yang stood up. He shuddered and said, "I should treat you again today. It should be almost the same." He paused and said, "After breakfast, we will start on our way."

Dorrance nodded and said, "Okay!"

After that, Yoona started cooking. Chen Yang came to Dorrens, he first used water spirit, and then used holy light to heal Dorrens. Today Chen Yang is even more downplaying.

After some treatment, Dorrance's injury finally healed completely.

It seems that this magical healing technique is indeed magical.

Even Dorrance's serious internal injury can be cured. However, in reality, few magicians use water spirit and holy light at the same time.

Moreover, these two treatments are delicate tasks.

On the Lost Continent, few magicians really have the ability to cure Dorrens.

At this time, Yoona's food is also ready. In fact, it's quite simple. They are all ready-made meals, just heat them up. Everyone ate white rice with mutton soup. Although the food is rough, it is really delicious in this ice world!

Especially add some chili powder to the mutton soup. It's spicy. Drinking it in the stomach is a joy!

After the meal, the three of them were in a state of fierce and fierce dragons. Although Chen Yang wanted to find a chance to swallow the elements, the powerful brain photosphere. But he felt it was not safe to stay here for a long time.

The three quickly left the magic palace.

As for the dragon egg, it was put into the storage ring.

After leaving the magic palace, the outside world is still snowy.

When I first came to see it, I still felt that the scenery here has something special. But after a long time, this eternal whiteness makes people want to break it.

The three headed towards Tianling. According to Dorrance, it is more than two thousand miles to Tianling.

Chen Yang couldn't help but rushed to Dan Pain. For more than two thousand miles, it would take seven hours to take the special high-speed rail. All three are walking on their legs. How slow is this?

Even worse, walking in the snow is even slower!

"The journey of two thousand miles, even if there is no accident on the way, we will have to take at least ten days!" Chen Yang said to Dorrance as he walked, "I rely on, Dorrence, your heart is so wide, unexpectedly Dare to say that we can stay in the magic palace for three days?"

"What's wrong?" Dorrance was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "You are a fool as the god, she will come here to culminate us in the Demon Palace? The pig will not stay where, waiting for her to kill!"

Dorrens couldn't help but sighed, and said: "You mean, can teach the gods to guess that we are going to Tianling?"

Chen Yang said, "Isn't this nonsense? Tianling is our only way out. Moreover, the gods must know that she can't go to Tianling. Therefore, with her hatred of us now, she will definitely not let it go. We live into the Tianling Tomb."

Dorrance immediately realized that he had made things simpler. He asked, "Then what do you think would teach God to do?"

Chen Yang's greatest advantage is that he never despises the enemy. In this case, he will think of himself as the **** of teaching and then judge what the **** of teaching is going to do. Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "From here to Tianling, the area is vast. We are in it like a fish entering the sea. Although the **** is invincible, she can't find us directly. Therefore, this time, she was furious. The gods of the gods will definitely launch the gods of the gods to hunt us down. I guess these masters will definitely be put on surveillance charms by the gods. As long as any masters find us, the gods of the gods will definitely chase us quickly."

Chen Yang continued: "It is indeed difficult for us to be chased by the gods from here to Tianling, but as we get closer to Tianling, our route will become narrower. At that time, we may face countless Set up the surveillance magic circle and so on. Maybe we will be unconsciously watched by the gods without knowing it. At that time, without knowing it, we will really have no place to bury."

The hairs on the backs of Dorrens and Yoona were standing upright, and they realized the horror of teaching.

Dorrance couldn't admire Chen Yang. He said: "You are indeed much smarter than me. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that we would have passed so blindly and would have been dead for a long time.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm all surprised, why is it so difficult for the idiots of Elder Muse to chase you? I don't think you are too smart!"

Dorrance laughed and cursed: "You don't hurt me for a day, so you just itch your bones, right?"

Chen Yang laughed.

Dorrance said: "Since you have guessed the means to teach God, what do you think we should do now?"

Chen Yang said: "First of all, we have to make sure that the first thing is that we have absolutely no power to fight back against the **** of teaching. A puppet spirit of the **** of teaching is already so terrible, let alone her visit. incredible."

Dorrance agrees with this. He said: "The gods control the gods and are invincible to lose the continent. I absolutely believe that she wants to kill us as simple as pinching an ant."

Chen Yang said: "So, we definitely can't go head-to-head." He paused, and said, "Since we can't head-to-head, then the first thing we have to do is to change our costumes. As for how to change, now I don't know how to change, we have to go first. Find the living and change clothes with them."

Dorrance's eyes lit up and said, "This is a good way."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "The magical powers of teaching gods are great. She will definitely show our faces to her hands by magic to find them. And those subordinates will remember our previous appearances in their minds. Once we It's hard for them to come back to their senses after changing their appearance."

Dorrance said: "Wonderful!"

After making up his mind, he went all the way east.

It was very peaceful when I walked over this day, and I didn't meet anyone.

In the evening, the three continued to set up a tent to rest.

Yoona was cooking in the tent. After eating, the three of them were warm.

Afterwards, Chen Yang let Dorrens and Yoona go to bed first. He began to practice magic.

Yoona and Dorrance slept separately, and the tent was warm as spring. Chen Yang sat cross-legged, he could feel the rotation of the photosphere in his brain as soon as he closed his eyes.

Close your eyes, the brain domain photosphere is composed of billions of ontological elements.

The surrounding infinite elements are like countless planets in the universe galaxy.

Rotation and revolution have their own rules. But the body elements can emit infinite suction. As long as Chen Yang's mind moves, those elements in the surrounding air will immediately surge into Chen Yang's brain light ball.

Chen Yang thought instantly, and ten trillion water elements poured in.

In this snowy area, the most is the water element.

The body water element immediately swallowed the water element greedily.

After the ten trillion water element was swallowed, Chen Yang clearly felt that the water element in the brain's photosphere became stronger. As long as you think, even if the water element is a hundred meters away, it will immediately come here.

Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, if he kept swallowing it like this. The body element is strong to a certain extent, even if it is a kilometer away, the water element 10,000 meters away can also be mobilized.

The reason why those forbidden curses are forbidden curses is that they can mobilize a large area of ​​elemental power.

If my thoughts move, the heavens and the earth will move in all directions, what a majesty it is!

At this time, although Chen Yang's body water element swallowed ten trillion water elements, the body element was not enough at all. They were very hungry like cells. Once swallowed and absorbed, they will evolve and become more powerful.

But at this time, Chen Yang did not continue to practice the water element. Because he felt a little pain in his head, the light ball of the brain became wobbly.

Chen Yang immediately understood that the power of the elements in the brain photosphere is about balance!

Now the body water element has swallowed the excess water element, it can no longer drink other elements to balance it.

So at this time, Chen Yang had to absorb the power of other elements to keep the brain photosphere in a balanced state.

This is also the distress of many magicians. Although they are paid by several people, they also have to do several people's work by themselves!