My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 729: Tongtian Cave, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang was shocked, and then immediately displayed the good fortune swordsmanship!

In an instant, a thousand swords shot out, strangling with the ten thunder lights. But soon, Ten Lightning Lights broke through the Good Fortune Sword Art and once again attacked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang had calmed his mind at this time and was no longer flustered. In the crisis, his feet suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang turned quickly. Quickly set up a formation under his feet, and at the same time, he used mana to draw the ten thunder lights.

Dry three consecutive days, Kun Liu breaks, shakes up the bowl, Gen covers the bowl, Lizhong is empty, the ridge is full, Duan is missing, Sunda is broken. Chen Yang followed the gossip pattern one by one, and the ten thunder lights and lightning slashed them. They were originally incredibly powerful, but they didn't know why, but suddenly they weakened.

Chen Yangfei quickly walked away, and the ground was quickly drawn by his foot force into a huge gossip array.

Although the gossip array was drawn by Chen Yang with his feet, it also contained Chen Yang's spiritual significance! This gossip array is no longer an ordinary gossip array!

The diameter of this gossip array has reached ten meters.

Later, when Chen Yang stood in the center of the gossip array, the ten rays of thunder shot Chen Yang. But in an instant, ten rays of lightning passed through Chen Yang's body and smashed directly into the ground.

Chen Yang himself did nothing.

All of the lightning damage was absorbed by the gossip array, and in an instant, the gossip array exuded more powerful masculinity.

Gossip is originally a representative of masculinity!

The reason why Chen Yang thought of using the Eight Diagrams Array to resolve the ten thunder lights was also because Wen Tianzhun had explained before. The reason why the ten rays of thunder light suddenly weakened was because Chen Yang walked in a gossip array, so the ten rays of thunder light seemed to be moved forward by Chen Yang.

Finally, Chen Yang successfully introduced the power of ten thunder lights into the Eight Diagrams array.

Master Miekong saw that her ten thunder lights were actually broken by Chen Yang, and she couldn't help but pale slightly.

Na Ji Yun and other women immediately discovered the power of the gossip array, and Ji Yun shouted: "Everyone will destroy this fanatic's gossip array with me!"

Once Ji Yun finished speaking, she immediately started.

Mi Hua and the two daughters of Mei Lan got the order, and immediately culminated in Chen Yang's gossip formation, in order to destroy the gossip formation left by Chen Yang.

A cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and he said sharply: "You will stop immediately. I just want to grab the sword and don't want to kill. You don't force me to kill." After he finished speaking, he leaned his palm down. Suddenly, the power of the ten thunder lights was gathered by him.

Master Annihilation saw the electric cave in Chen Yang's hand, thunder blasted!

This power is absolutely terrifying!

"Stop!" Master Miekong was also startled, she was afraid that these female disciples would really have an accident.

The three daughters of Ji Yun could not listen to Chen Yang, but they had to listen to Master. So in desperation, his figure flashed and he withdrew from Chen Yang's gossip array!

Only then did Chen Yang dissipate the thunder light in his hand, and all the power of the ten thunder light was poured into the big gossip array.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said to Master Miekong: "Master, no matter how powerful you are, all of you will now become the nourishment of my gossip array. I advise you to hand over this bitter Weiyang sword, otherwise At that time, everyone's faces will not look good."

Master Exterminator sneered too and said: "You are right, my lightning attack will indeed become the nourishment of your gossip array. However, the poor nun can choose not to fight. If you have the ability, you will be out of your big array! After she finished speaking, she shouted to the women: "Help Jingning, and enter the cave as a teacher!"

This is indeed a cruel move.

Chen Yang's gossip array is great, but people can't break it but they can choose not to play with you.

Master Exterminator brought the four major disciples into the cave mansion too soon. Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and he also felt a little tricky.

Because he knew that if he followed the cave, he might not be an opponent of Master Miekong. There isn't such a big space inside to show myself gossip again. Moreover, Master Exterminator already knew how powerful her gossip array was, and she would not give herself a chance to deploy it again.

What can I do now?

Chen Yang was in trouble for a while.

Chen Yang stood in the gossip array and pondered. Am I going to wait for them to come out? That won't work, time is running out, so where is this much time spent? And they are all cultivators. If they can't figure it out, they will stay in there for ten and a half days without any problems. But after ten days and a half months, is the day lily really cold?

Chen Yang then thought of another way of damaging the female disciples. But Chen Yang quickly rejected this idea. If he really did this, then he would really become a despicable villain.

Chen Yang has his own principles in doing things. Even if it came to grab the sword, it would be an upright grab, and it would never use three indiscriminate methods.

Just when Chen Yang was thinking hard but couldn't do anything about it, at this moment, there was a slight noise in the woods.

"A master is coming." Chen Yang was very alert. He felt that a master was coming, and these masters were also aimed at the Lixieweiyang sword in Master Tai's hands.

I have to say that Chen Yang's intuition is very clever. Chen Yang felt that there was an opportunity in front of him, so he flashed away and hid behind a big tree on the other side. At the same time, Chen Yang held his breath and kept the masters from noticing his presence.

Soon, Chen Yang saw the comer clearly.

Two old men in black came here. The two old men in black had very long hair, and at first glance they knew they were not in the red.

Moreover, the cultivation of the two old men in black is also unfathomable. It seems that in this short period of time, all hidden masters are gradually emerging.

Really has reached the point where there are so many masters as dogs.

This is not surprising, because Chen Yang used to be in the red dust, and the level he touched couldn't even touch the master of today. This is also right now that Chen Yang's cultivation base has risen, and his level has risen, so he can meet these many masters.

Chen Yang also couldn't tell at a glance how powerful the cultivation of the two old men in black was. But Chen Yang knew that this was a great opportunity. Because the snipe and the clam are always profitable.

Chen Yang quietly observed the two old men in black.

I saw the black-clothed old man on the left was thin, and his eyes flashed sharply. He raised his voice and said, "Master Miekong, please come out and see you!"

As soon as the black-clothed old man's voice fell, the Master Mudak inside also spoke. She said: "What wind is it that shocked the two Jedi elders of Tongtian Cave Mansion. Your Excellency must be Elder Mosha among Jedi elders, right?"

The black-clothed old man said: "The Master Annihilation is so knowledgeable that he can guess the identity of the old man only by his voice. Yes, the old man is Mosha. And this one next to me is my junior, Mo air."

"The two elders came, why?" Master Miekong said: "Tongtian Cave Mansion has always been hidden in the Miao Territory. Are you now going to the muddy water of killing and robbery?"

Before Elder Mosha spoke, Elder Mokong said: "Now that our Gu King has been born, Tongtian Cave Mansion no longer needs to live in seclusion in the Miao Territory. This world is in full swing. Master Tai has mixed in, isn't it? Allow us to have a share of Tongtian Cave Mansion?"

Master Xiekong couldn't help being taken aback, and said, "What did you say? King Gu was born?"

Elder Mo Sha said: "Yes, King Gu has been born. Now, we all obey King Gu's orders."

"Then why didn't your Gu King come today?" Master Miekong said: "What does he want to send you here?"

Elder Mo Sha said: "Why is the teacher pretending to be confused? You have captured the sacred weapon like the Lixue Weiyang sword, do you think you can hide it from our eyes and ears?"

Master Xiekong frowned and said, "When I captured the Lixue Weiyang Sword, no outsider knew about it. Why did you all know?"

Elder Mosha and Elder Mokong couldn't help being surprised when they heard Master Miekong's words. Elder Mo Kong said: "Does anyone else know?"

Master Annihilation said, "That's not it." She paused, and said, "The two seem to have not been out of the river for a long time, and their sensitivity has also decreased a lot. There has been a young man hidden behind the big tree on the left. Don’t you feel it at this moment?"

As soon as Master Xiekong said this, Chen Yang secretly cried out, and said that Master Xiekong was really bad enough. Lao Tzu still wants to see you killing each other. Now it seems that you want to see Lao Tzu and these two elders killing each other?

Chen Yang's thoughts turned instantly, and at the same time he was secretly surprised, Gu King, Tongtian Cave Mansion, who are these people? This Gu King was born and surprised Master Exterminator too much, and that seemed to be an extraordinary character.

As soon as Master Miekong's words fell silent, Elder Mosha immediately looked at Chen Yang.

"Where is the rat being sneaky, don't you get out immediately?" The voice of the elder Mo Killing was chilly, killing intently.

Chen Yang couldn't hide, so he came out immediately. He looked at Mo Sha and Mo Kong, then smiled again, and said, "The two elders are here to get the Weiyang sword, right? Then I won't bother you, you are busy." He said and wiped the soles of his feet. You quickly escaped with the force of a void shuttle.

Chen Yang wasn't afraid of these two people, but he just felt that he was hitting Master Miekong's plan by fighting them now. Why should I be so stupid to do such thankless things.

Therefore, walking is the best policy.

Anyway, the main goal of these two people is not themselves.

"Want to escape?" Elder Mo Kong's eyes were cold, he wanted to catch up.

Elder Mo Sha immediately said: "Junior Brother, don't chase the poor. Our goal is not him!"

"But this kid also came for the purpose of draining the Weiyang sword. He made it clear that he was taking advantage of the fisherman's profit." Elder Mo Kong said.

Elder Mokilling said: "But don't forget, if we fight with him, then the Master Exterminator is too much to take advantage of the fisherman's profit. Don't forget the King Gu's explanation.

Mo Kong was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt that what Elder Mosha had said made sense.

Master Exterminator frowned too. She didn't expect Chen Yang to be so clever, not fooled at all, and so careless, that he changed hands and fled directly.