My Headphones Can Connect to the Future

Chapter 431: Unlucky Liu Huan

Ji Zhiguo didn't dare to neglect, and kept calling police officer Fang.

As the distance gets closer, Xu Fan is more certain that it is the sound of the phone vibrating.

The front was pitch black, and the three of them did not dare to turn on the flashlights, fearing to expose their position, so they could only move forward in the dark.

Even in the dark, I didn't see any figures.

Until the sound of the mobile phone vibrated to the feet, the three of them could see the scene on the ground.

Four police officers fell to the ground, all suffering from injuries of varying degrees and passed out into a coma!

"This!" Ji Zhiguo raised his brows and gripped the gun tighter.

Xu Fan also became vigilant. He had discovered that Liu Huan had disappeared from a while ago. He had been using the [Snooping] skill to listen to the surrounding sounds, but he had not heard any abnormal movement.

At least for now, Liu Huan has no intention of attacking the three.

Xu Fan suggested that he should simply take the tramp away and join the other police officers.

Ji Zhiguo nodded, and the three returned to the tent, but suddenly found that the tramp was gone!

"What's so special!" Ji Zhiguo cursed.

Xu Fan was stiff all over. The homeless man's head was injured, and he would disappear suddenly. This thing is too weird.

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. Let's go first, and wait until the big troops arrive." Xu Fan said.

After all, Ji Zhiguo and Liu Ting are both ordinary flesh and blood, and it will be over if anything goes wrong.

"But Officer Fang..." Ji Zhiguo gritted his teeth.

"The four of them, even if we are exhausted, we can't take them away. They have been knocked out now, and their breathing is still stable. There is nothing wrong with them. Let's hurry up and bring the big troops over!"

When Xu Fan said so, Ji Zhiguo had nothing to worry about.

He had no choice but to agree with what Xu Fan said, and the three hurried back.

As soon as he walked halfway, Xu Fan heard the sound of danger approaching.

He yelled, and dragged Ji Zhiguo and Liu Ting to the ground at the same time, and the bullet swept through their hair.

Then came the second shot!

Xu Fan turned on the Time Stop skill and moved the bullet that was shot out, so that he could not hit Ji Zhiguo and Liu Ting who were lying on the ground. By the way, he wanted to find Liu Huan's hiding place, but he didn't get any results.

He crawled back to the ground before the end of the time stop skill.

When the time stopped, he immediately dragged Ji Zhiguo and Liu Ting into a sheltered position!

Both Ji Zhiguo and Liu Ting were in a cold sweat, not only because of the sudden gunshots just now, but also because of Xu Fan's astonishing strength!

Even if Liu Ting is lighter, Ji Zhiguo still has 180 Jin! The two of them were just like two chicken cubs and Xu Fanti slipped up and took them behind the bunker.

All this happened like a dream!

But Ji Zhiguo didn't have time to think about what kind of monster Xu Fan was, because someone was staring at them in the dark, and they were very vicious.

"Let's contact the squadron again, Officer Discipline, we are hiding here for temporary safety." Xu Fan and Ji Zhiguo said.

Sure enough, hiding behind the bunker, the opponent fired another shot and then gave up. Ji Zhiguo also immediately contacted the large group.

Two minutes later, a group of people ran over in a hurry.

The flashlight in their hands instantly illuminates the surroundings.

After Ji Zhiguo handed Liu Ting to a colleague, he ran back with Xu Fan. Without Liu Ting, their worries were much less! Liu Huan is probably still around here! They must seize the time to catch Liu Huan!

Just when the two of them didn't know where to find Liu Huan, Xu Fan heard the sound of jet skis coming from the water.

"There is movement by the riverside!" Xu Fan speeded up and ran up after speaking.

On this journey, Ji Zhiguo was even more amazed by Xu Fan's physical fitness!

Ji Zhiguo is already considered a talented person with excellent physical abilities in the police force, but Xu Fan's explosive power tonight stunned him.

If two people run in a race, Xu Fantuo can put Ji Zhiguo down in a lap or so!

Before the two of them ran to the river, Ji Zhiguo also vaguely heard the sudden sound of the jet ski.

He said something bad, gritted his teeth and ran with all his strength!

Xu Fan and Ji Zhiguo finally came to the riverside, and Liu Huan and a stranger happened to get on a water bike to escape!

Ji Zhiguo raised his gun to the water bike for a few shots, but the opponent reacted quickly, and immediately drove the water bike away! None of these shots hit!

Xu Fan secretly yelled badly. He secretly controlled the water motorcycle so that it could not operate.

The water bike that was moving fast just now stopped instantly, because of inertia, Liu Huan and the stranger all fell into the water!

"What's going on?!" Ji Zhiguo just exclaimed when he saw Xu Fan had already jumped into the river very bravely!

He knew that Xu Fan was going to salvage those two guys, so he jumped in desperately!

After falling into the water, those two guys climbed on the water bike again and started to light up! go!

The water motorcycle just made two roars and was stopped by Xu Fan again.

"Made! What idea!" Liu Huan cursed, jumping into the water in a tacit understanding with the stranger.

The two swim separately, and it can be seen that both of them are very water-based!

When Xu Fan swam around the water bike, he jumped on the water bike, turned on the water bike, and turned on the headlights of the water bike, and then went straight to Liu Huan.

Liu Huan originally thought he could escape, but he was caught by Xu Fan after just swimming like that.

In order to prevent Liu Huan from struggling, Xu Fan directly punched Liu Huan, knocked Liu Huan out and placed him on the back seat, holding Liu Huan with one hand and holding the direction with the other, toward the other Liu. Huan's accomplices drive away!

Two minutes later, Xu Fan stopped the water bike beside the accomplice who was trying to escape, and pointed the gun at the man's head.

Then Ji Zhiguo also swam over.

Ten minutes later, the yacht supported by the police drove over and took Ji Zhiguo and the two suspects on the yacht. Xu Fan rode a water motorcycle back to the port.

As soon as he got off the water bike, Ji Zhiguo rushed up and held Xu Fan's hand very gratefully.

"Mr. Xu, thanks to you!" Ji Zhiguo was very excited, and he could see that he was already crying with excitement!

"No, Officer Ji, you are too polite, you have done more in this matter, and I am just helping!" Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will report to the above truthfully what you do, and I will reward you at that time!" Ji Zhiguo smiled naively.

Xu Fan shook his head again and again: "No no, Officer Ji, if you really want to be grateful to me, put the credit for today as much as possible to your own head."

"I'm just an ordinary person. The rewards the police give me don't give me anything, but it's different for you. You can get promoted and have more rights later, so you can better serve the people!"

"You are a good policeman, really, police officer, I hope you can keep your original intention to go down this road!"

I like my earphones to connect to the future, please collect it: ( My earphones can connect to the future. The literature is updated at the fastest speed.