My House of Horrors

Chapter 973: What Zhang Ya wants

This old house is some years old. The ground is covered with mottled stones, the walls are made of blue bricks, and yellow rune paper is stuck in the gaps between the bricks.

The house is very ordinary, there is nothing special, but it always feels uncomfortable to look at it, probably because of those runes.

The vermilion door was pushed open, and the thick musty smell wafted out of the courtyard wall. Yellow paper money was sprinkled on the ground. The pillars were covered with white inverted blessings, and the roof was covered with paper figures.

Go inside and enter the main hall. There is a bronze mirror in the center of the lobby, with sacrifices written on the mirror, pigs, sheep and cows' heads in front of the mirror, and a copper stove with three broken incense sticks.

"The pigs, sheep, and cattle are all real guys?"

Before approaching, Chen Ge smelled the strange smell from the sacrifices, and the things were smelly, but the park did not seem to change it.

"I didn't expect that I could see such a traditional scene in Virtual Future Park."

Avoiding the bronze mirror, Chen Ge looked around. Twenty-four pictures of evil spirits were hung on the wall of the main hall. Each of the evil spirits in the painting lacked a part, some lacked an eye, and some lacked a leg. .

"Why are all evil spirits incomplete? Are you afraid that the painting is complete, and evil spirits will run out of the painting?"

The paintings on the walls look very old-fashioned and do not look like imitations.

Chen Ge walked to the portrait of the evil ghost, and the more I saw it, the more I became familiar with it: "It is very similar to the evil ghost carved on the door of my haunted house by Dr. Gao. A similar image of evil spirits is also imprinted on it. The difference is that the evil spirit images that Dr. Gao and Chang Wenyu have produced are complete, and the evil spirit images here are all incomplete and lack the charm. "

Holding up the head of the headless female ghost, Chen Ge asked the other party if she could perceive anything from the painting. The headless female ghost looked for a long time and even touched the picture with bloodshot blood, and found nothing abnormal.

"The whole old house is filled with a very uncomfortable atmosphere. I don't know much about the words in the sacrifices, but they don't feel like they are asking for peace."

Chen Ge wanted to study for a while, but there was a sound of something knocked down in the lobby.

Lifting the chainsaw, Chen Ge pushed open the door of the lobby. Blood stains remained on the ground, and the red-dyed paper money clung to the ground.

When entering the room, Chen Ge felt uncomfortable, as if his body was wrapped in something, and breathing became difficult.

"Not quite right." Instead of continuing to move forward, he stood at the door.

After a while, he faintly heard the voice of the glasses man.

"Hurry up, that guy may be here soon."

"I know, the point is that I don't seem to have the key to this door."

"Don't you say that you can open the door inside all the scenes?" The glasses man twisted his throat, seeming to be anxious, but did not dare to speak loudly.

"Before we came in, I remembered the treatment of all the scenes, but I didn't have any impression of this scene! Really, I regretted it just after coming in. I have no information about this scene at all." The smallest boy's voice was shaking.

"Is this scene not documented?"

"Yeah, you just let me open the door, I don't even have the corresponding key, how can I open it for you?"

"Impossible! Is the information missing?"

"Baibu Regrets the information that I personally gave me the day before I went to the Xijiao Haunted House. Do you think there will be any problems?"

"With the character of Team Leader Bai, that would definitely not be wrong." The glasses man was a little confused. "So why do you say that?"

"When our haunted house was just built, some of the scenes were responsible by Qingming and Director Jiang Jiu. This scene may have been added by them secretly." The youngest boy whispered, "The director of Jiang Jiu is mysterious, he estimates It had long been known that our haunted house would be evil one day, and now we can be pitted. "

"Jiang Jiu? I remember, I heard that Virtual Future Paradise was not going to build a haunted house. He had to insist on doing so, and finally agreed to it."

"Yes, that's him. This guy is not bad at all."

The two whispered, their voices coming from outside the lobby.

"They don't have the key to this scene? The scene of the house is not in the records of the haunted house?" Chen Ge didn't follow directly. He had ghost ears. At this time, besides the voices of two "tourists" in the house, Xu Yin could also be heard The sound and the sound of singing ancient songs.

"Xu Yin doesn't like talking so much that he can speak, indicating that he has encountered a strong enemy." Chen Ge almost dared not imagine that he is now in a park that is open for business, with enthusiastic crowds outside, and tens of thousands of tourists are still visiting. In this case, you can still encounter a red suit that rivals Xu Yin.

"The two tourists were trapped in the courtyard. Xu Yin and the costume red should be outside the courtyard wall." Chen Ge couldn't help sighing. "The two tourists' luck is really good. If they have the key, open it. When you go out, you may see the three red suits that are fighting each other, but then it will not be as simple as being stimulated. I am afraid that the world view will be directly subverted. "

Through the conversation between two tourists, Chen Ge knew that what he was looking for was this scene. He no longer needed a tour guide.

When the stench in the back came, Chen Ge, accompanied by the two in red, opened the door to the side hall.

At this moment, the spectacled man was squatting by the wall, and the youngest boy was stepping on his shoulder. He seemed to be going through the gap between the wall and the roof.

The two kept this posture and saw Chen Ge coming in, followed by the headless female ghost and the stench of obesity.


The glasses man shook the young boys down, Chen Ge ignored them, raised a big saw and smashed the locked wooden door of the small courtyard. He felt like he was being chased.

The courtyard door opened, Chen Ge ran out, the glasses man and the young boy lay on the ground, and looked at each other silently.

Chen Ge didn't care about the screams behind him. After he ran out of the courtyard, he saw the chainsaw in front of him and stood against the wall.

After making sure that he would not be attacked, Chen Ge used the pupil to look around.

The costume red was sieged by Xu Yin and red high heels, and her breath was weak. She was already at a disadvantage. She was not willing to dodge in the face of the attack.

"What does she seem to be guarding?"

At a different angle, Chen Ge found that there was a deity behind the costume red shirt. The appearance of the deity was exactly the same as that of the house of the curse. The difference was that a decapitated mud statue was placed in the deity.

The mud statue was covered with black and red blood stains. The most important thing was that Chen Ge was written on the mud statue.

"Why does my name appear there ?!"

Chen Ge hadn't calmed down from surprise yet, his heart suddenly began to beat violently, and the shadow silhouette behind him slowly changed. There seemed to be a voice deep in his consciousness to get him closer to the shrine and take the mud statue.