My Infinite Monster Clone

Chapter 199: Racial talent

Ten kilometers away from the Beast Star base, Lin Shan started the hurricane mode.


   The air waves churned.

   The night sky.

   Lin Shan flew quickly towards the floating deep valley. Just as he passed the space gates of other countries, Lin Shan also found that people from other countries were still busy, trying to catch up with China’s construction progress.

at this time.

   Hundreds of whiplash beasts have gathered above the floating deep valley, and the number is still increasing, more than the last time I saw them.

   Just when Linshan was three hundred kilometers away from the floating deep valley.


   One of the biggest whiplash beasts looked in the direction of Lin Shan.

   The other whiplash beasts also turned their heads together.

   Huge eyes looked here.

Lin Shan was taken aback. He didn't know if he found him or was looking at the door of space, but no matter which one it was, it was not a good thing for him, especially after a scream, these whiplash beasts were facing Lin Shan's direction. Flew suddenly.

   The pumice stones around were hit and flew around.

not good.

   Lin Shan cried secretly.

   also accelerated and rushed towards the whiplash beast.

   No matter what, the closer the battlefield is to the floating valley, the better, increasing the buffer space.

   Flew at full speed and flew more than two hundred kilometers.

   boom. .

   Lin Shan's figure stopped in vain.

   fixed in the air.

   A thought moved.

   Thirty-six pieces of the strongest cicada light soul soldiers guarded the surroundings.

   holds a mountain knife in his right hand.

   waiting for the arrival of the whiplash beast.

  The distance between the two sides is 20 kilometers, and the whiplash beast king has already seen the forest mountain in the distance. It has only one thought in its mind, kill the forest mountain, and then rush to the place where it summons itself at that moment. Any obstacles will be torn apart.



   A huge sound reverberated in the air, and even the air was trembling. The forest below was suppressed by the air wave and his head was lowered. The fragile branches on the tip were crushed by the air wave, making a click.

   The sleeping strange beasts in the forest fled one after another, and they dared not scream, lest they anger these heavenly rank strange beasts. This level of suppression is simply not something they can resist.

   In the air.

   Lin Shan watched these whiplash beasts quietly.

   looked at the floating deep valley distractedly, and found that there were still whiplash beasts coming out of it. If all of them came, it is estimated that there would be more than one hundred and fifty. If you add the following ones, then there will be no count.

   Lin Shan is a little worried.

do not care.

   Kill these guys first.

  咻咻咻. . .

   Thirty-six pieces of soul soldiers flew to the herd suddenly.

Lin Shan still didn’t know how destructive these heaven-ranked soul soldiers were against the alien beasts, and he didn’t hesitate. Lin Shan released all the heaven-rank soul soldiers in the space and let them attack freely, the most important of which was to rush to the front. The whip touches the Beastmaster.

   A body of more than 100 meters is the most conspicuous.

   The whip touched the Beastmaster's eyes and stared at the front.


   A feeling of danger came.

   That is a dense atmosphere of a strange beast.

   immediately cheered up.


   A scene that surprised Lin Shan happened.

   I saw the whiplash beast king's eyes flashed, instantly turning red, the whole body turned out to be a silver streamer, especially in the dark night, the other whiplash beasts seemed to be the same, and the whole body streamer flashed.

   What kind of "battle form" is this?

   The last battle took place during the day, and there was no such situation, Lin Shan could only guess like this.

   "Quack, quack..."

   The whip touched the Beastmaster with a long scream.

   Other whiplash beasts echoed.

   a moment.

   The group of beasts collided with the soul soldier.

  咻. .

   A line of heavenly rank soul soldiers pierced towards the head of the whiplash beast king.

But as soon as he touched the whiplash beast's head, a huge force came. Lin Shan knew that this was the whiplash beast's mental barrier. The huge speed and kinetic energy were directly blocked by the whiplash beast king's mental barrier. .

   Although the tip of the knife plunged into the head of the whiplash beast.

   But the whip touch beast is close to the sponge-like skin deformation limit. Such an attack is almost useless and does not break the defense at all. It seems that with the speed and kinetic energy of the heaven-ranked soul soldier, the armor cannot be broken.

   Heaven-level strange beast.

   really is not that simple.

   You have to do it yourself.

   Just when Lin Shan was about to join the battle group.


   A different kind of spiritual force struck Lin Shan.

   Lin Shan's face changed suddenly.

   This mental power definitely reached the level of the stars, and even faintly exceeded the strength of his mental power, which scared him almost unable to stop his body from falling. The mental power of the star realm was his biggest trump card.

   The figure quickly retreated, and the spiritual power of the star realm burst out instantly.


   With this force.

  The forest and mountains flew back a kilometer.

   Set your figure.

   looked up at the Heavenly Rank Soul Soldier that was in a group with the alien beast, the Whip Touch Beast completely focused its attention on the Soul Soldier, and did not chase it.

   Linshan found.

   Attacks from so many heavenly soul soldiers.

Unexpectedly, none of the whip-touch beasts was killed, only a few of them were pierced and got into their whip-touch, but the spiritual power of the star realm seemed to be everywhere, those heaven-ranked soul soldiers directly Was ripped out.

   One level higher mental power.

  Linshan's Heavenly Rank Soul Soldiers can't do much.

   is in trouble.

   Lin Shan frowned.

  Because of the special material of the weapon, it has been strengthened by the spirit space military training, even if the spiritual power of the star realm is to be destroyed, it is almost impossible. As for bludgeoning, hehe, it is even more ineffective.

  Because the Soul Soldier, strictly speaking, already has some biological attributes.

   When it is hard, it is indestructible, but when needed, it can be crumpled like a piece of paper. Even if it is cut off, it can be put back into the soul space, and it can spend a little species soul and gene blood pool for recovery.

   Fortunately, the situation in front of him did not reach the level of real incomprehension. Lin Shan was a bit surprised. The spiritual power of the star realm did not seem to be emitted by a whiplash beast.

Seems. . . Sent collectively.

   Lin Shan observed for a while and came to this conclusion.

   His mental power is constantly being tested.

   discovered that as more and more whip-touch beasts follow, this mental power becomes stronger. There is no fixed position. As long as you are around the group of beasts, you can control it at will. This discovery seems to make Lin Shan understand something.

   This may be the racial talent of Whiplash Beast.

   Through a special way of resonating mental power, it achieves a state of unity and forms a powerful spiritual power. This spiritual power does not exist in any alien beasts. Lin Shan does not know where it exists, but only knows that it has a wide range of effects.

   Race talent?


   "Quack, quack..."





  The Heaven-ranked Soul Soldiers and the beasts in Linshan kept contacting and probing.

  None of the two sides can do nothing.

This makes the whiplash beasts extremely irritable. These little things are unusually hard, and each has a strong attack power. If it weren’t for their racial talents and increased spiritual power, this time they might not be able to withstand the attacks of these little guys. .


   The whip touched the Beastmaster and roared.

   A whip flew a mountain knife.

   It wasn't that he was fast, but that he used a star-level mental power to slow down the mountain knife, and Lin Shan's Heavenly Rank Soul Soldier could not resist it.

   looked at the mountain knife that was bombed.

   Lin Shanyi waved.


   The blasted mountain knife crossed an arc and flew into Lin Shan's hands.

   Can't handle these whiplash beasts in a short time.

   He hit his idea on the whiplash beast that kept coming from behind, and the persimmon still had to pick a soft pinch. If the racial talent of these whiplash beasts is not curbed, he is likely to run away.

   This is no good.


Lin Shan's figure circled in a big circle and flew towards the floating deep valley. The whiplash beasts were fighting with the heaven-ranked soul soldiers at this time, and there was no extra thought to notice Lin Shan. Even if they did, they didn't have the energy to come. tube.

after all.

   Lin Shan is alone, but there are hundreds of soul soldiers exuding dangerous aura. If they are separated, the spiritual resonance is not strong enough, they are likely to be killed by these little guys.

   bypass the pile of whiplash beasts.

   Lin Shan looked at the two strange beasts flying over here.

   A thought moved.

   The cicada light from the peak of thirty-six earth steps appeared around.

   quickly approached two whiplash beasts.

   They also noticed Lin Shan.

   "Quack..." Called twice.

   rushed towards Lin Shan.

   Lin Shan didn't want to entangle with these whip touches too much, his body accelerated in vain. At a distance of one kilometer, powerful mental power was applied to the soul soldier, aiming at the fatal weakness of the whip touch beast, which is the brain core not far from the mouth.

   Among the huge head, there are not many brain structures elsewhere, and the real part that can kill a blow is under the head.


   The kinetic energy and speed exerted by the spiritual force of the star realm were so powerful that it once again exceeded the concealing limit of the ground-level soul soldier, and saw the mysterious blue lines on the blade body, exuding an already somewhat dazzling light.

   "Boom... boom..."

   The Soul Soldier was accelerated to the limit by Lin Shan.

   The two spirit beasts only felt an extremely dangerous breath coming from their mental power and whiplash wanted to resist, but unfortunately, this was not a level.

   "Stab it..."

   Pieces of soul soldiers penetrated the skin of the whiplash beast and penetrated into the flesh, "Stick..." After passing through, breaking through the first defense, seeing the opportunity, Lin Shan's mental power burst out again, accelerating twice.


   The huge kinetic energy caused the soul soldier to pass through its core brain directly, and the cry stopped abruptly.

   this one.


   Lin Shan's figure turned around.

   passed through between the two whiplash beasts.

   can't fly out a hundred meters.

   turned around sharply.

   Carrier Soul Soldier, the confidence-increasing forest mountain once again performed the same trick.


This whip-touch beast that has not yet reacted has stepped into the footsteps of the previous one. It was broken through by dozens of soul soldiers, its core brain was destroyed, and the control of its mental power was lost. The huge meat mountain was straight. Fall to the ground.



   The tree several hundred meters below was directly crushed.

   But these sturdy trees are not white, only the tip part is crushed or broken by the waist. No, one of the whiplash beasts was hung in the air. This shows how strong these trees are.

   Lin Shan stood above the two corpses for a full half a minute, before the two whiplash beasts were completely dead, and they lost their breath.

   was taken back to the soul space by Lin Shan.

   immediately ordered Derivative Will to resurrect them.