My Infinite Monster Clone

Chapter 239: Beast Star 9th Theater

The next two hours.

   Su Yuan announced the phased strategic adjustments of the Beast Star Battlefield.

   changed from infrastructure and defense to offensive and resource development.

   At the same time, after the Federal Assembly deliberated and passed the plan for the formation of the Beast Star War Zone, the plan is to form the Beast Star War Zone on the basis of one or more base cities.

   eight directions, each direction is divided into a theater.

   As for why there is an extra theater, it is because the independent vanguard is defined as a theater level, which is also the ninth theater in name.

  The commander of the theater is generally the commander-in-chief of the base city.

   But the main operations and management is to select one of the deputy commanders under the base city. The purpose of this is to avoid bloated institutions. Otherwise, if the theater is independent of the base city, coordination will be a troublesome problem.

   has to re-create a large number of senior generals.

   This is something that countries simply don’t want to see.


   simply based on the original foundation.

  The theater is based on the base city. Theoretically, the theater and the base city are the same concept, but the meaning of the theater is to expand abroad, expand the mankind's territory on the beast star, and be responsible for combat, which represents a change in strategic direction.

  The combat establishment of each theater is 200,000, excluding the guards and staff of the city defense circle. These 200,000 people are all to be used as front-line advancing forces.


   The Independent Vanguard was expanded again.

   is going to make up 200,000 people.

   Regarding the expansion of the ninth theater, Su Yuan and the others are very interested. They are more interested than other theaters. That is the reason. Their military department in the ninth theater can be mobilized freely without being affected by the local base city.

   Lin Shan certainly has no opinion on this.

   60,000 animals are kept.

   It also releases 200,000 animals.

   There is no management difficulty for Lin Shan at all. There are nine theater plans in the previous life, the number is exactly the same as now, but there are some subtle differences in subordination.

   They have a month.

  Complete the components and running-in of each theater.

   One month later.

   Humans' conquest of the beast stars will officially begin.

  . . .

  The big meeting is over.

  As the Deputy Minister of the Military Department, Lin Shan held a small meeting at the headquarters for another afternoon. At the same time, he was assigned an office, which was very large and luxurious, but Lin Shan estimated that he would not come twice a year.

   Let Lin Shan serve as the deputy minister of the military department, and countries are also considering Lin Shan’s familiarity with the beast stars.

   The previous defense and construction were basically in place and nearby, and there were no variables, but if a grand strategy was to be formulated, Lin Shan’s opinions had to be considered, and even the most important reference.

   Linshan will not stay here in the future.

   But they have the right to know in advance and make suggestions for the military department’s combat plan.

   "There is a silver-iron ore here, and the reserves are not small, but I estimate that it is at least one billion tons. It is recommended as a key development and promotion direction."

"This mountain of more than 30 kilometers is easier to attract flying aliens. It is very difficult to build a mountaintop observation station, and it is vulnerable to flying aliens. Communication is also a problem. Although it can be used as a ground base station for wireless communication in the future, it will be short-term. Is not recommended as a target."

"There is a gorge more than 80 kilometers long and an average width of seven. Below it is an underground river that only flows under the gorge. The coming and going are unknown and it is impossible to build bridges. There are still many flying animals under the gorge. You need to be careful. ."


   tape recorder is recording on the side.

   And some technicians started to model according to scale on the map, so that Su Yuan and them could readjust their plans.

   Lin Shan pointed out some key points.

This is still a radius of 300 kilometers. No matter how far away, humans want to pass, it is estimated that one or two years later, plus preliminary discussions on the advancement plan, until dark, Linshan’s mission is over, and there is no need to come tomorrow. .

   just walked out of the headquarters building.

   Linshan saw Sun Wudao and Qin Wu.

   A military off-road vehicle was parked beside them.


   Qin Wu ran over happily.

   The epaulettes on her shoulder changed today, which made her excited all afternoon.

   As for why the two were waiting for Lin Shan here, it was because of her grandfather's invitation to take advantage of the completion of this mission and return to report on duty. Qin Hong wanted to invite Lin Shan and old friend Sun Wudao to have a meal.

   because they are going back tomorrow.

  The expansion task of independent pioneers is very heavy, plus there are many usual things, they can't leave for too long.

   I haven't seen my daughter for more than half a year, and even the phone call is once a month. Qin Hong misses his granddaughter very much. When Qin Wu said this yesterday, Lin Shan agreed.

   "Let's go." Lin Shan smiled.


   After finishing speaking, Lin Shan got into the car.

   was sitting in the back seat.

   Sun Wudao sits in the co-pilot.

   What he didn't expect was that the driver turned out to be Qin Wu.

   "Xiao Wu, where is the driver?" Lin Shan questioned.

Qin Wu turned his head and smiled and said, "I asked him to take a rest. During this period of time in Beast Star, I also drove various machinery and equipment. I was very skilled. I can control all the big cars, let alone this kind of hand. The self-contained car, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"I know that we will have nothing to do. With your physical fitness, it will be difficult to be hit to death. What I am afraid of is... Forget it, go ahead. With me, it is not easy for you to kill others." Lin Shan didn't say anything.

   I have myself.

   It's really not easy for Qin Wu to kill someone. Her mental power is not vegetarian.

   "Okay, let's go." Qin Wu didn't doubt Lin Shan's words, but she had seen Lin Shan's spiritual power many times. It was a real god-like ability, and there was no difficulty in protecting the safety of the surroundings.

   Ignition, forward gear.

   Qin Wu rushed out with a kick of the accelerator.

This kind of turbulence is unbearable to ordinary people, but they are all people who are used to playing in the forest and making sharp turns in the sky. Such small scenes are nothing. With Lin Shan in the back seat, Qin Wu dares to open like this, Sun Wudao~www It seems that I can't drive.


   The car left the Earth Federation headquarters after two inspections.

  This has completely become a military management zone.

   Several inspection procedures inside and outside.

   One is the office park, and the other is the martial law including the residential area.

   came to the street.

   The speed of the vehicle slowed down.

Fortunately, Qin Wu’s home is not in the city, so he doesn’t need to go to the city to feel the bad traffic conditions. Following the roads in the suburbs, Qin Wu stepped on the accelerator excitedly and was good at emergency braking, saying that she was on the road for the first time. Driver.

   kick the accelerator.

   Qin Wu overtook a police car, got in front of it, and then changed lanes illegally, pushing the yellow line to a reverse overtaking, looking at the forest mountain for a while, Qin Wu could drive, yes, but. . . It seems that I haven't learned any traffic laws.

   inside a police car.

   The two policemen watched Qin Wu's car jump in line to overtake, but they overtaken in front of them.

   This is too arrogant.

   Inside the car.

   "Captain, shall we stop it, it is too dangerous to drive like this." asked the young policeman who was driving.

   The middle-aged policeman on the side gave him a blank look: "What do you think?"

   "I understand." The young police officer immediately ‘knowledges’.


   kick the accelerator.


  . . . . . .

  PS: The subscription is a bit bleak. I hope that qualified readers can support it in genuine terms. Subscription results are the motivation for the author to write the book. Thank you.