My Infinite Monster Clone

Chapter 241: Clear the way

Yang An couldn't make up his own logical brain for a while and he was convinced.

"Sorry, I need to call to confirm." Yang An gritted his teeth and decided to confirm. If these people are liars, they are definitely not small and cannot be let go. If it is true, just apologize.

"Okay." Qin Wu muttered.

Caught in violation of regulations.

It is really shameful to have to call to confirm his identity.

Yang An took out his mobile phone and logged onto the APP police platform. He found the 24-hour consultation telephone of the Earth Federation, which is a department dedicated to external liaison, and liaison personnel are assigned to civil and national departments.

The one he found was a consultation call that was only open to China Public Security. The authority was not low, and the consultation call open to the private sector could only ask some basic questions.

It is not easy to make this call.

Need to file.

Then apply.

Of course, the whole process can be completed in less than half a minute.

Yang An called, and after a beep, a beautiful female voice came over: "Hello, Officer Yang An, this is the China Public Security Advisory and Coordination Office of the Earth Federation Headquarters. What are your questions?"

Yang An was making this call for the first time, and he was a little nervous and said, "Hello, I stopped an Earth Federation vehicle on the road. When I checked the documents, I found a little doubt. I would like to consult with you to confirm the identity of the owner. information."

"What is his ID number?" the female voice asked.

"Let me see... The certificate number is... 72R73." Yang An lowered his head and thought of the certificate number.

Needless to say, the opposite immediately knew that this was the ID number of the generals of the Earth Federation. It was very short, and the tone became serious in an instant: "Sorry, you have no right to inquire about the information of senior generals of the Earth Federation. Please describe the problem correctly. We will provide a reply and coordinate processing. ."

Yang An was taken aback.

Explained quickly: "That's it. I saw that the car she drove was illegal, so I wanted to stop and remind me that the information on the document was not clear, and she was too young. I thought it was a forged document, so Call to check."

Yang An finished.

Busy over there.

Stopped for a minute.

The female voice asked: "Is the holder of the certificate a young woman and the license plate number is XXX."

"Yes." Yang An nodded.

The female voice said again: "That's right, the certificate information is correct. Because senior generals of the Earth Federation are involved, they are performing their missions and there is no traffic accident. We will apply to Huaxia's Public Security Headquarters to cancel the traffic violation punishment. Please cooperate."

They knew that Lin Shan was in the car, not to mention traffic violations, even if an accident occurs, Lin Shan's itinerary must not be delayed. It must be let go. Anyway, Lin Shan is not the owner of the car that caused the accident.

"Then it's okay, I just want to confirm, I will return the ID to her immediately, sorry to interrupt." Since the ID is true, Yang An immediately stated his position.

hang up the phone.

Yang An paid a salute to Qin Wu. This salute was for Qin Wu’s contribution to defending mankind on the beast star. He returned the certificate to Qin Wu with both hands, and said with a look of apologetic: "Sorry, Ms. Qin Wu, just now. Offended."

"It's okay, I have to leave quickly." Qin Wu took the certificate.

"If there is something urgent, we can help clear the way." Yang Kai recommended himself.

"Open the way? Not good." Qin Wu hesitated for a moment, but he was a little expectant.

"Your time is precious, and you are all making great contributions to the Beast Star. The interruption just now is our fault, and we should also help." Yang An has no doubts, and respect follows.

These people must be performing a dangerous mission in the Beast Star. It is estimated that it will only take a day or two to come back this time, and then they have to rush to the Beast Star, because the news said that in one month, the theater will be formed.

It's just a way to waste other people's time.

Qin Wu thinks it makes sense.

Then he said to Lin Shan, "Master, what should I do, they want to help clear the way."

Hearing this, Yang An realized that there was actually someone in the back seat, and Lin Shan was sitting behind the driver's seat. From Yang An's perspective, without bringing his head closer, he really couldn't see anyone behind him.


Yang An stretched his head over.

This look.

Almost a weak leg.

The two big stars on Lin Shan's shoulder filled his eyes.

Lieutenant General of the Earth Federation.

If Qin Wu was the deputy commander of the ninth theater, then Lin Shan. . . Deputy Minister of the Earth Federation Military Department? That is the mysterious commander of the ninth theater?

This guess made Yang An's heart beat wildly.

It's terrifying.

Wiped sweat.


Did not make any drastic actions just now.

"It's okay, it's getting late." Lin Shanben didn't want to be so enthusiastic, but with the police car, Qin Wu shouldn't drive so wildly, and is responsible for the safety of others' lives.

"Okay, then trouble the police officer." Qin Wu smiled.

Yang An quickly put his hands together and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's a small matter."


After inquiring about the destination, he didn't dare to say anything. He didn't even dare to say hello to Lin Shan in the back seat. He just saluted again, and told Xu Jiang, who looked excited, to get into the car.

"Xiao Xu, open the road in front of that car, go faster." Yang An said hurriedly.

"Yes, Captain, the young man just now was really..." Xu Jiang was not a fool either. When he saw the star on Lin Shan's shoulder, he had a guess that every commander in the war zone had two stars.

The Deputy Minister of the Earth Federal Military Department is also two stars.

And on the official website of the Earth Federation. Two stars are not so young. Thinking of online netizens’ speculation, the Earth Federation may have added a deputy military minister, and Xu Jiang immediately got in touch.

If the guess is correct.

Lin Shan is the newly added Deputy Minister of the Military Department.

But before Xu Jiang finished speaking, Yang An sternly reprimanded him: "Remember, what you see and hear today are all secrets. If it is leaked out, the prison is likely to be your middle-aged memory."

Neither the Earth Federation nor the countries have disclosed the identity of Lin that is really not the time, or for other reasons, if Xu Jiang talks rashly, it is really possible to go in and sing "Tears under the Bar."

Be so scolded.

Xu Jiang quickly closed his mouth.

He hasn't married yet, so he doesn't want to sing "Tears under the Bar".

Start the car quickly.

Sound the alarm.

Make way for the car Lin Shan is riding in.

"Wula Wula..." resounding across the street, looking at the car with the special license plate behind the police car, passers-by thought that something major happened, or there was some important person sitting behind, and they talked a lot.

As Lin Shan thought.

There is a police car to clear the way.

Qin Wu finally didn't feel so wild when he drove up.