My Infinite Monster Clone

Chapter 351: Standard textbook

Inside each dormitory.

The brains of the trainees are running fast.

Remember the information in the video.

Because whether you can come back alive in the future is closely related to this knowledge.

Pictures flashed by.

The narrator continued to explain.

"The six-legged beast, a single alien animal, has strong auditory discrimination capabilities, but is short-sighted, and the visible distance is less than 100 meters. The main attack methods are the mouth and sharp claws, and the weak point is from the lower jaw to the middle of the leg.

There is a convergence point of its nerve information. Once damaged, it will not be able to effectively transmit nerve information, and its limbs will lose control. The second weakness is its eyes. If it loses its eyes, it will also fall into a state of madness, but the attack is more difficult.

Only by destroying its four eyes can it achieve a greater damage effect. This method is not recommended for large-scale use. When encountering one, it should be surrounded in an arc as much as possible to make noise and disturb its auditory judgment, if encountered. . . . "


"The blue armored step beast, a group of strange beasts, moves quickly, the whole body is black, it is no more than one meter large, and the difficulty is low, but it belongs to the pyramid-like ethnic structure. Once it appears, the number may be millions, which is the most difficult to deal with. Group of exotic animals.

Once encountered, try to run as much as possible. It is best to enter the forest and stay away from its path. As long as it is not in direct contact, it has the same foraging level for animals and plants. As long as there are a lot of forest obstacles, its threat will be very low. "


"His, terrible."

"This is our future enemy?"

"I, I, I... Will we die?"


Looking at the picture books of alien animals.

Many people retreated, their teeth trembled constantly, and the chill rose from the bottom of their feet to the top of their heads. The instructors looked at all of this and didn't say much. Training and actual combat are different.

People will be different before and after.

It's right to be afraid now.


Under extreme conditions, it can also be transformed into fearlessness.

. . . . . .

Three days later.

After a few days of concentrated learning.

The soldiers of the frozen planet have a preliminary understanding of their enemies. They are terrifying, very terrifying, and they can feel a fierce air coming through through the screen.

Such an ugly creature.

When God created it, not only did he cover his eyes, he also covered his heart.

Just like the people on earth.

They can't accept the scene where such creatures eat themselves psychologically, although in the video commentary, these monsters seem to be very easy to kill, with many weaknesses.

But what will happen to them when they really meet, they don't know what they are. They only hope that for the first time in actual combat, they don't become food for alien animals, and that the survival knowledge in the video can really help them survive.

The basic knowledge points are finished.

Li Yan finally met Sun Wudao.

Just came.

There is no unnecessary nonsense.

Sun Wudao immediately ordered them to gather these high-ranking teachers together and open towards the door of space. The others were behind, through the huge projection screen on the school field, to conduct intensive teaching.

This time teaching.

It's not just live broadcast at the No. 6 frontline base.

Also broadcast live on the frontline bases of other frozen planets.


Just over half a month.

Sun Wudao is even better.

It is also impossible to teach so many people to complete actual combat simulation training. Leading some strong players to do actual combat training is the important training content of the third stage and the source of the word'simulation'.

In the next ten days, Sun Wudao led a group of ‘students’ to grow up.

The entire process will be recorded and made into standard teaching materials, not only for people on the frozen planet, but also for soldiers who are training at the Earth Federal Military University as teaching materials.

There is no way.

There are no alien beasts on earth.

This kind of textbook cannot be produced.

Although Beaststar can take pictures, it will be very troublesome to record. Old-fashioned film is far inferior to high-definition digital cameras in terms of image quality and other effects.

In addition to the Beast Star, the main attack method of the earth civilization is the heat weapon, and there is no need to fight against the alien beasts for the time being. Therefore, the teaching materials in this area have not been in a hurry.

just now.

Just chance.

A beginner textbook for using cold weapons against alien animals has been created.

On land.

I saw more than two hundred people wearing bright silver armors running fast.

Sun Wudao was also among them.

It's just that in addition to the original war knives, each of them carried fifty javelins on their backs, light alloy gun bodies, hard alloy gun tips, and every sharp silver gun tip exudes bursts. chill.

When I first saw these javelins.

Riyan and the others were excited, but when they learned that each of them was about to carry fifty javelins, their faces were immediately covered with awkwardness. This is not wood, but steel.

Each javelin is two meters long and weighs 30 kilograms.


One thousand and five hundred catties.

It is equivalent to the weight of seven or eight big men.

It's okay to lift up and walk, one or two tons is not a problem, but carrying and running is another matter.

Think about it all legs are soft.

But Sun Wudao's command, they dare not say half of the extra word, and Sun Wudao also said that their training will be broadcast live by more than one million soldiers, and more soldiers will watch it in the future.

If you are afraid at this time, you will lose your face.

For the sake of face.

They can only carry the javelin and run.

"Huh... Huh..." Li Yan kept breathing heavily.

Even though Li Yan is the body of a strong Tianyu, and running with such a heavy thing on his back, he still has to breathe, but compared to the high-level geographers who are a little weak in their footsteps, he and Kemp's performance is not bad.

Because you can use mental power to hold up part of the weight.

Seeing Sun Wudao running at the forefront.

More calm.

All take it for granted.

But what they didn't know was that Sun Wudao used the secret technique of qi and blood. If just like them, relying solely on physical strength and the simple way of using the power of qi and blood, he would have to be too tired.

Some high-level geographers are really a bit unbearable. It can be seen that others are running, not to be outdone. They roared, cheered up, endured the soreness of their feet, and ran with the team.

Run more than 20 kilometers.


"Stop, guard the formation."

Sun Wudao shouted loudly.

More than 200 people immediately stopped and formed a guard formation. Just now they buried their heads and ran, and now they looked up and found a strange beast appeared in the field of vision, and the strange beast was also seen Up them.


"Boom. Boom..."

After the strange beast finished roaring, he stepped on his thigh and rushed towards them like crazy. The distance between the two sides was less than 800 meters. With the size of the strange beast, it was more than ten meters high by sight.

The whole body was covered with irregular bumps.

They immediately recognized that it was a six-legged hand.

Six claws generate wind.

Even the ground trembled.

This is because the rock below is only two to three hundred meters, and further down is the mother sea. The transmission of the vibration is very obvious, and the vibration can be felt from a long distance, but unfortunately, it is not.

When you feel the vibration.

It's also when the alien beast ran towards you.