My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1068

"Now, my medicine confesses a secret to my sisters - please even look west, Buyao blinks, and tens of thousands of Buyao faints!"--Real Separation Technique.

"I know magic! Sister Axiang and Sister Rika."

"Actinium, actinium? I didn't drink actinium tonight?"

Rixiang widened his eyes, turned his head sharply, and grabbed Yaxiang's face.

"Hey bucket bucket—"

Hearing Dao Yaxiang's somewhat exaggerated grief, Rika calmly came to a conclusion.

"Oh, watching Lai Yebu is a dream..."

"Why are you holding on to your own actinium?"

"Can bucket."

"..."————This is the dividing line————PS: "Things Falling from the Sky" is far ahead, but I remind you again after a long time that my protagonist will not be as cute as Zhiye... Slam it, don't be soft!

Chapter 944 Suzhijiang Yaxiang & Suzhijiang Rika (Part 1)

Well, as the frosty twin sister of Lily who is glued together and occasionally lily under my inducement, Lika has not been able to do much in her affairs. In my eyes, the red marks on Yaxiang's cheeks have disappeared.

And then, I, who was a little bit keen on talking in a staggered manner, spoke up.



"Because you are all..."

"My biggest sister in this world."

"So, there will definitely be differential treatment."

"So, I will definitely leave you with regrets."

"Sa... are you ready?"

"Sister Yaxiang..."

"Miss Lixiang..."

"Blockle's journey is about to begin."

The two of us took a step back together and extended an invitation to the sisters with a smile.

"I will bring you eternal happiness."


Axiang and Rika looked at each other again as if they had a good heart, and then Shuangshuang showed a relaxed smile.

"There's nothing to hesitate or worry about now, Rika."

"Well, although it seems that the Kyuta is hiding something from us, I didn't expect such a wonderful thing, please... Magic? It's amazing!"

Immediately, the sisters threw off their pajamas at the fastest speed, showing the green and green beauty Dong, which also included the fun-filled clothes they secretly purchased online.

Eh... To put it simply, it's the kind of bad style that hollows out all the places that should be tightly covered, so that the man can directly "Kai-frozen".

They all chose black cesium actinium... Pfft, the "sisters" who pretend to be familiar are also in trouble!

"Kyu sauce..."


Axiang and Rika stared at me with more and more lost eyes, and Huxi slightly increased with the freezing heartbeat.

"Actinium, you are beautiful, Sister Yaxiang, Sister Lixiang."

My compliments are by no means perfunctory.

"Because the sisters have fair skin, they are intertwined with black cesium, which really complement each other!"

Having said that, I will hold the young neodymiums to the bed.

"Hey, Kyu-chan, I said just now, 'Just ask for it', right?"

Yaxiang suddenly came out of the sanctuary, and her star eyes gleamed.

"Actinium, did Yaxiang think about it with me?"

Li Xiang's holy voice still seemed calm, and when Bu Kuo looked at the excited eyes, it was obvious that his heart was swaying like a raging wave.

"Hee hee, does Li Xiang think so too? Well, how about we count one, two, three, and say it together?"

Yaxiang Niutou glanced at Rixiang who was in the same position while the trial, and a playful smile evoked the corners of his mouth.

"Well, let's talk together!"

"One, two, three - Kyu Sauce Kyuta, because I'm a sister, so I'm in Shangmian."

Hey, what kind of wind is this blowing? Why do I use the relatively pure and obstructing strategy of the United States young neodymium, often saying "Qi Chengwei is the favorite!" - like this?

Forget it, Da’s husband’s words are hard to follow. Anyway, what is Da’s work? What’s more, the wings of the “change the world” often have extremely high learning ability.

Therefore, after I told the two of them to stand against the wall, I allowed them to boast about my dignified retreat. ——Illusion Cloth Technique, revoke!

Yaxiang: "Wow! Is this also magic? The number is convenient for actinium!"

Rika: "Kyuta's cudgel... No. Crystal God."

"Hehe...because I also miss my sisters for a long time."

I was left behind by the talisman, who was obsessed with the light-talking of my twin sister Frost, and tasted the daring of my fellows—Rika was even more mediocre because of the heat and even learned taekwondo, while the relatively quiet Yaxiang Give me more courage to fight Ruan.

Looking up, the Hungarians of Yaxiang and Lixiang are obviously better than the original Zhong, which fully proves that my "secret" in the past few years is very effective... Well, it is said that the Ministry will let them drink my rich content every now and then. The special energy Jinghua also made a small contribution.

Of course, even if they have "reached a circle", the foundation and potential of these two in Hungarian are excellent, it seems that there is no way to reach the level of C Yishang anyway.

It doesn't matter, although some of my city points were formed by the Hungarian stars, but without any hesitation, I have succumbed to Shana, Eve, Kusano and other lolitas. The "ordinary" level of American young neodymium is just what I like, so I can still have fun.

As the saying goes, if you are used to eating Manchu and Han banquets, it is also wrong to occasionally come to a bowl of porridge and side dishes.

The same can be proved, I can always eat Japanese food, the world and even the other world is so vast, the delicacies of various countries and countless non-human delicacies are waiting for me to enjoy...

The number seems to be pulled away.