My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1101

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows slightly when I heard the words, and as soon as I turned my face back, a crisp and tender voice flowed out of Kaos' mouth.


An illusory and pitch-black chain wrapped around my arm and disappeared immediately.

Hmm, it seems to be a little different from Icarus, but it doesn't matter, as soon as I get rid of her, the chains will disappear naturally.

"Master brother~!"

With a childish voice, Kaos jumped up and hugged my thigh with a smile on his face.

This... This name is quite new, but I always feel a little awkward. Why? Ah, by the way, it seems that only in the "literature" of the very gentleman, there is such a strange name?

Well, although it's a little uncomfortable, it doesn't feel bad, I'll get used to it after a while.

"Hahahaha... It's amazing, Nimf! Is this your gift? It's really good, but it saves me a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, I really can't think of anything to reward you!"

I instantly understood that Nimf had made subtle changes to Kaos's program through hacking. Although it was her own opinion, this was the expression of "autonomy", so I burst into laughter, and the second half of the sentence was Send it in the past.

"You are able to restrain your jealousy and do this for me. You really amaze me, Nimf! Well, I'll "accompany" you tonight, and you can follow me with anything you want. Say it!"

"Ah...that, it doesn't matter, I'm an artificial angel, the master's happiness is my happiness, and being able to feel happy with the master is the best reward!"

Nimf sent it back, and at the same time, the blush of joy on his face could also be described as "cute", but here it meant pity and love.

Ah... that's right, that's it, having subjective initiative and at the same time thinking of the master everywhere, this is the most perfect form of artificial angels!

"Master brother?"

Seeing that I didn't immediately respond to her, the little loli on her lap raised her head and looked up curiously.

"Hehe, sorry, sorry, but we can't neglect our new members!"

I smiled and bent down and hugged Kaos.

"Kaos, be a good boy!"

"Kaos? Me?"

Little Loli tilted her head strangely and winked at me blankly.

"But my name is ε?"

Uh, I almost forgot, the artificial angels used the model as their name at first, so Nimf used the model to call the sisters, and the name "Kaos" was obviously Minos in the Chaos (Khaos), who was given to her after making ε, attributed everything to chaos.

"ε is just the model, not the name. From now on, your name will be Kaos, remember it well!"

"Well, I see! Thank you, brother, master for giving me my name!"

It's no wonder that gentlemen like to play development games. After all, pollution starts from childhood... a sedan chair... Ahem, it is really a fulfilling thing to guide a little loli to grow in the direction you want.

Well... do you want to eat her quickly?

Forget it, tonight I agreed to accompany Nimf and leave Chaos for two days to test his physical function and see what the situation is.

However, there is still some time before the evening, so let me push down the "real Hiwa" first!

Omitted dividing line.

Although Hiyori is a very attractive and beautiful girl, from the fact that I have never found her doujinshi when I was an otaku, it fully shows that Hiyawa lacks the unique quality of "Pin".

Eh... If I have to say something, Hiyori, as a typical soft girl, really has a delicate appearance that can't bear Longwei when she is having sex. Even so, she tries her best to give out twelve points. Passionately responded to my offensive, showing a heart-warming cuteness.

In short, Zhongluo, the seemingly peaceful daily life has started again.

"Kim, there is a large-scale high-energy reaction in Xenapus, but it's only forming inside, not spreading out."

Song suddenly sent me a communication request reporting this noteworthy intelligence.

"This kind of thing..."

I frowned slightly, thinking for a moment.

"Okay, I get it, you continue to monitor Xenapus... I seem to have to speed up on my side too!"

Putting away the communication function of the wristbands, I tilted my head and glanced at Icarus, who was kneeling beside him in a standard posture.

By the way, this is of course my Sakurai Tomoki's bedroom, and the smart Nimf is dragging Astrea to go out to play, it seems that Icarus and I have a chance to be alone. on.

This is the dividing line.

ps: Oops, I've been busy with work recently, I hate it...m

Chapter 981 Icarus (Part 1)

Of course, being careful, I have no doubt assigned Shen to take Chu Yuan to find Kaos who is staying at home in Rihe. If there is no first-order concept, Kaos Keai's appearance will definitely be reserved for the majority of people. Next great impression.

Sakurai Residence, under the corridor.


I gently called a saint.

"Yes, Master, do you have any orders?"

Icarus responded immediately, as if no, not as if, but she was indeed waiting for my order every second and every moment.

The green eyes have shaken off the completely inorganic texture of the past, and shone with the radiance of apricots, but Icarus' face still rarely saw any expressive changes.

Well... there's nothing I can do, because I haven't abused myself to the point of "finding setbacks" for these artificial angels to grow.

"Icarus, do you know what 'the mountains and the rain are coming'?"

"Well, there is a note on this Chinese idiom in the database."


I'm a little bored, Suo Xingkai is straight to the point.

"There will be a serious crisis coming to me and yours soon. Although it's just a trivial issue for me, I don't really want Qin Zi to go out every time..."

"I will protect the Master...and with Astrea, we will destroy everything that threatens the Master."

"Hahahaha... Not bad! You've already learned to grab words? You've made great progress!"

Looking at the pure and beautiful face of Icarus, I couldn't help but slowly stretch out to guard her cheek.
