My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1133

" step up, black wife-kun, I..."

Shao Neody muttered to herself, and the frosty eyes of the summer of the lens faintly showed the sparkling light of the kitchen, but her horns faithfully reflected the request of the reviewer, and tilted to both sides with a strange smile.

Heng, Yuan Lai is like this, although he answered "with his own steps", but after all, hasn't he completely lost his reasoning?

Step by step, so far, Ma Shang will let you completely forget that "black wife"!

His mind flashed, and before Gufa's tears were completely condensed, Jin Jikai began to have a cold spell.

"Hungry actinium...?!"

In the summer of sudden steps and precautions, the tears of Neodymium have not been able to drip down all over the "scattering" - the structure of the human question is wonderful!

This is the only step, Shen Yinsheng, who is not in the sedan chair, has nothing to do with it, and even Gufa himself is surprised, why did he make such a bad voice as the kitchen...

Because the strange man in front of her is not the person she loves Actinium!

"Is mine the first test?"

Looking at the face of Gufa's sedan chair with shame and death, Jin deliberately subdued her nerves with words.

"I see that you look like you are chasing the nobles - Mango Yizhi is guarding the shuttle, and I have my uncle!"

"I...that must be your ability to stand as a crutch..."

Even though he said that, Shao Neody already greeted the man's sadness, Shuang Shou hugged each other's shoulders, and Shuang Tui also crossed his ankles to live on the other side's forehead.

"Hengheng, it's a bad habit to attribute the responsibility to other people's votes!"

Jin was holding Gufa Fengruan's troop, and suddenly he was saddened.

"Let me go, let me hear what you have to say!"


In an instant, Da Nao, who was young, was blank, and the wolf's nest rushed to take her thinking away in waves.

"It's obviously the first time for Actinium to be Huhe, but such an uncle, Yamuzhen, is Uncle Hao! I'll go to Limen to get rid of it, and I want to show you Henan...!"


Eternal magic? Boda crystal even!

Jin specially extended the freezing process of this magical skill, so that the solid method can slowly adapt to the stalking of the foreign body, so as to get more stalks.

The more and more vinegar-like glutinous rice is warmly mixed and arrogantly presented to the tender swimming island. Since this is an asymptotic process, Gufa did not arrive at Bushi, but Shenyin got better and better. The more she is, the more imprinted she becomes. With the rhythm of "singing" to the 85e's Bao Ru, she is still in the summer. The beautiful and beautiful Ru Jian is enough to attract Jin's eyes, which is truly pitiful.

"I'm like anthracene, I'm gone..."

"Oh, then, let me help you stand by my arm!"

After all, Jin Fu tried to cast a low vote, Zhang Hao grabbed the tenacity of Gufa, Zuo Hung, Gao Feng Shang, and was quite jealous. , so that the volume of Shenyin was raised again.

"Yawu! I've become a strange abductee...!"

The mango biscuits, which have been lost beyond measure, have continued to move more and more, and the buttons of the house have tamely accepted the briefness of the Holy Robbery. The omen of peak Feng.

"Student Gufa is just terrifying the chef in Liman!"

As a continuous apricot magic skill, "Boda Jingchen" has long been established, and Jin even pays attention to controlling the level of the amount of cooking, so as not to exceed the limit that human beings can bear, which may lead to possible impact Unexpected requests to follow-up plans.

"Actinium walk..."

In the summer, Li Xing, who was young, was almost completely lost temporarily, with a happy smile on the frozen sedan chair area, fully enjoying Xing Ai's appointment, and after the last step, Yi Si's reason still prompted her to resist Zhong. kitchen options.

"Walking anthracene and actinide can deter Limen!"

"However, being so mediocrely at home by Shuang Tui, a classmate of Gufa, is a step ahead in the kitchen!"

Since Xia Xiang was still slaughtering Shao Neody's neck, Jin was calculating the advance, and Da Pao's hair in the world was counting down the clock.

————This is the dividing line————.

ps: "Xiling Empire" is really a masterpiece of zhaiwen, the only regret is that the protagonist is a good person...

Chapter 1013 The stronger the fortress, the easier it is to break through from the inside

"Actinium~Buxing Buxing~Anthracite Clam~Knowing Huaiyun~Clam~Buxing's Teeth~...!"

Despite her desperate denial, Bu Guofa’s actions ran counter to her words, and the fourth step was more permanent to the Nanren who lived in Shenqian, and even the expression on her face became strange. A chaotic combination of the fear of Huaiyun and the chaotic rush that made her extremely eager to receive Jing's wickedness, made her Shen Tien more and more popular, and the block rush that could be picked up doubled. increase……

"It's already time for you, Xinhuai rush to pick up Xia!",

"Bu Yao~ Bu Xing~...!"

There was still a negative tone, but Shao Neodymium's expression was completely occupied by the "joy" thread, and the fear of the micro-stepped footsteps disappeared in an instant when he decided to reach Lai.

"Tooth actinium actinium actinium~!"

Well, in the final analysis, Jin is just for "fun" and "frost blocks", and he has absolutely no plans to let the other party Huaiyun. After all, the few beautiful young neodymiums who have been with him for the longest time have not had children... …

This kind of wonderful thing, please, may make the "normal-level wings" or "collectibles" qualify for the first attempt. ""Look

Person's dividing line.

"Let's go out~ Limen was deceived by the things that were provoked~..."

Yu Yunliang walked away for a long time, Gufa seemed to be talking to himself, with a deceitful smile on his face, Lens Xia's eyes did not lose their luster and became broken and out of focus, but the bright color was in essence a step change. known changes.

The disciplinary committee member, Gufa Meiwei, is already an apricot at my command.

Remember when I said "too far beyond the limits of what humans can bear"? That's right, as long as the step is "too much", it's really a skill to control that "amount" just enough for the opponent to be captured by Yue Le's trap!

Of course, it is said that it is "Xingxu", in fact, I will also be too much to know about her in the future. Among my many wings, there are very few that I really regard as "crossbow".

So, in fact, I'm just greedy for convenience. Anyway, I don't have the time or opportunity to train with the solid method of the sweetheart, so Suo Xing will cut the mess with a knife, and there will be no way to do it overnight.

At this moment, I am too lazy to withdraw Chu Shaoxing's application, but while confirming whether there are any omissions in the terms of the "eternal contract", I instruct her to cooperate to change the position, and prepare for the plum blossom with "someone behind". Second degree.

"Let's do more of Lei's work, please, Meiwei."

In a completely fallen state, it doesn't matter if you call him by his first name.

"Actin~Yes~Master~Please bring the master's Daqiang to my Zigongli~Deter Chu Tuo and hide from Jingye~!"

"Hahaha... I really know how to talk! Anth, I have a task for you tomorrow. I will explain it to you in detail later, so don't call me master in front of others!"

The dividing line of space-time.