My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1170

Fur... squeak!

The black saloon slammed head-on against the ripples of my shadow, never going any further.

Facing the person who suddenly appeared in the middle of the road but did not slow down, the driver reluctantly found that although the wheels were still spinning fast, the whole car seemed to be immobilized, and now he could not even back up.

"Tsk! Enemy? Ability?"

Flanda, whose tongue had finally recovered from Mikoto's electric shock paralysis, raised her eyebrows, her vicious and vicious thoughts immediately turned, and Takitsubo on the other side of the back seat opened the door first and got out of the car, then frowned in surprise.

"It's not an ability person... That person, there is no fluctuation of the AIM diffusion force field."


Flanda looked at me, who was standing leisurely in front of the car, suspiciously, and decided to trust Takitsubo's "expert opinion", "It turns out that the enemy is the enemy, right? Hey, it's you! To do such a thing, is to Against our 'Item'? Blow you up!"

If it were normal, Flanda, who looked innocent and cute, but was actually cruel and ruthless, would have thrown bombs without saying a word, but in the previous battle with Mikoto, she had almost used up the weapon reserves she was carrying, so it is only now that she seems to have used up. A little cautious.

After all, she is from Anbu. Flanda is not only a cute guy who can stop a speeding car unscathed in a strange way. It is impossible for an ordinary person to be an ordinary person, and Takitsubo's ability is an auxiliary support type. Do you want this off-line girl to rush over to steal the peaches from the monkey, and crush the enemy's **** with the strength she can hold the doorknob of the entrance... um, maybe this is actually a good idea?

As for the force value of Mr. Driver, who belongs to the subordinate organization of "Item"... It was obviously ignored by Frenda.

Well, although Flanda treats the enemy as ruthless and ruthless as the harsh winter, she is different from Mai Ye, in the situation where her own life is not threatened, she still can't do the bad behavior of throwing her companions out to test poison and minesweeper.

"Ha ha……"

With a funny expression on Flanda's fangs and claws like a kitten with a raised tail, I deliberately raised my hand and snapped my fingers.

"Time is precious, and I just hope you can make wise choices."

When I raised my hand, the two well-trained teenage girls were already in a guarded posture, and the driver with the glove got out of the car, took out a pistol of unknown style and aimed it at me.

However, all precautions are meaningless in the face of the difference in absolute power.


Dozens of crystal-colored chains appeared out of thin air, restricting the mobility of the three targets during their breaths.

Eternal bondage!

bang bang bang...

The driver fired.

Since he was in the aiming position, he pulled the trigger immediately and decisively when the chain tried to separate his arms.

There is no doubt that this kind of attack will never work against me, not to mention that there are shadow ripples ahead, and circles of gray nihilistic ripples block all the bullets solidly.

"Oh? As a trick, your consciousness is not bad. As a reward, please come and get a lunch."

The voice fell, and the crystal chain that entangled the driver instantly returned to the original black color, and the barbs grew out.

Curious Fate Chains!

Before he even had time to make a scream, Mr. Long Tao turned into a corpse on the ground.


Flanda just frowned slightly. She often used all kinds of explosives to smash the enemy to pieces, and her face remained unchanged. Takitsubo didn't seem to adapt, but she didn't spit it out on the spot, and her psychological quality was still qualified.

"Who exactly are you?"

It was still Flanda who spoke up, but she was forced to remain calm because she couldn't get a weapon to fight. As long as you were careful, you could hear the sternness in it.

" are really cute, especially when you look closely, Miss Frenda?? Severon."

I didn't mean to answer the other party's question, but ignored the stinking corpse, dodged ghostly, approached Flanda, raised my hand and touched her face.

Well, the skin is delicate and feels good.

"Huh? You... what are you doing?"

I didn't expect Flanda to panic, I thought she should be saying that she didn't particularly care about "that aspect".

" need to recognize your situation, Miss Severon."

I narrowed my eyes deliberately, and glanced at the girl's petite body with eyes that emitted danger signs.

"Now you are my captives, of course I can do whatever I want!"

Saying that, I ran my fingers across Flanda's slender neck and drilled into the neckline of her white shirt.

"Wow, ah! Cesium wolf! Overwhelmed! Hurry up and stop! Or I'll blow you up!"

Flanda struggled violently, but this level of resistance was obviously meaningless, the beautiful crystal-colored chains still bound her limbs dutifully, even though the remaining bombs were still hidden in her clothes, right now It is also impossible to get it out.

This is the dividing line.

PS: The air conditioner in the office is broken, Alexander...

Chapter 1046 Really relaxed and happy

"Huh? So that's the case..."

I gave full play to my acting skills, raised my eyebrows, and stopped moving.

"Do you care more about your chastity than your life? Then, I respect your wishes."

After that, the chain that bound Flanda suddenly turned black.

Of course, in order to give the other party enough time to react, I did not immediately let the chain grow sharp barbs...

"Hey! Wait, wait, wait!"

As I expected, Flanda, who was full of anger a few seconds ago, changed her face instantly when she saw this. The scene of Mr. Driver turning into a bulk meat sauce on the spot was vivid in her mind. The extreme fear even brought tears to the corners of her eyes.

Although walking in the shadows, Anbu has never been an iron-blooded soldier, nor is he an assassin who succeeded in success, and Flanda is the most typical representative of greed for life and fear of death, even if Anbu's discipline is harsher than military discipline, However, it is always good to live a little longer.

"Huh? Do you have any last words? Don't worry, I will describe to your leader in detail how unyielding and unyielding you look upon death."

As I spoke, I turned my head and seemed to have given up on Flanda, and was about to walk towards Takitsubo, and in order to deepen Flanda's fear, I even strengthened the chain's involvement, as if I was about to take her away. Torn apart. ...

"No! Don't kill me! I can do whatever you want! Please don't kill me!"

Yeah, it's really fun.

Hold on, there seems to be a bad smell...

what! She leaked urine, this little girl.