My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1183

Although this process is not long, the so-called "an area" is naturally invisible, so it still took a while.

"Really, it's annoying to be long-winded."

Mai Ye Shenli complained with a displeased face, but this is not under the more obscure organization of the "Absolute Ability Evolution Project", so she can only complain.

"It's very close."

Takitsubo Rikou's speech immediately made the other three concentrate.

"The AIM diffusion force field of the two targets just now disappeared suddenly for some reason. Now the waveform of the space mobility person reappears and is actively approaching us."

Whether it is science or imitation, as long as it is moving in space, if the destination is wrong, it will definitely conflict with the object originally there. Therefore, even Shirai must be careful about unfamiliar places, otherwise it will be a little bit The distance, with her ability, she can already appear in front of Item to make a group ridicule.

Of course, it is impossible for Shirai, who had suffered a loss under Li Hou, to be stupid enough to take the initiative to make the same mistake again.

"Hey, in a place like this, you can't act recklessly, right?"

Therefore, Shirai resolutely decided to keep a certain distance to lure the enemy.

"Ah appeared!"

Flanda cried out in a fuss, while drawing her gun at Shirai at the end of the hallway at the corner.

"How can you come out on your own..."

Silk flag's favorite age is young, but his brain is not bad at all, but calmly analyzes the greatest possibility.

"Is it super bait?"

"Railgun is out, the problem is obvious..."

Mai Ye sneered like a frosty mask, ignoring Shirai who appeared and was "stoked away" by Flanda's gun.

"Even if you are not familiar with the terrain, the interior of the building is still too beneficial for those who can move in space. Takitsubo, where is the target fluctuation disappearing?"

"Core control room."

"So that's how it is! This is what the Heavenly Dynasty said, 'If you can run away from the temple, the monk can't run away from the temple'!"

"That's right, Takitsubo keeps an eye on the movements of those with space mobility... Let's move forward!"

Unfortunately, due to the reasons mentioned above, Mai Ye also couldn't directly hit a path like the last time, and could only honestly take the usual path.

dividing line of space.

"What an overly kind guy..."

Digits flowed in Nimf's blue eyes, and while working on the console in the air, she figured out how innocent the other party was through a brief exchange with Mikoto.

Assisting Mikoto in tampering with the "Evolution Plan for the Absolute Ability" was just an appetizer or a clever excuse for Nimf, and gathering more intelligence and technology was the main task I gave her.

Although my IQ is not much higher than that of ordinary people, I still know the importance of information, and it is enough to hand it over to the right people.

"Well, anyway, sooner or later you will..."

Nimf deliberately spoke only halfway, and then the luster in his eyes returned to normal, and he turned to look at Mikoto's eyes again.

"Okay, human, you can check it yourself."

"Human or something...Aren't you human?"

Mikoto stepped forward and connected the ready-made microcomputer data cable interface to the console.

"Have you ever seen a human with wings? Although it was made, I am still an 'angel'!"

Nimuf's subtle gaze made Mikoto feel uncomfortable, but Nimuf quickly turned around and started walking.

"Well, after all, my mission has been completed and there will be a deadline, Railgun, no, Misaka Mikoto, hee hee hee..."

Mikoto's strange sight disappeared in the air along with the other person's figure, and it was Nimf who activated her P-type camouflage system.

Although most people would probably lose Nimf's trail, Mikoto was the one who used VEL5's electric shock, and her strong induction of the electromagnetic field allowed her to roughly determine Nimf's position.

However, Mikoto is naturally not at ease to personally check the results of the tampering plan and finish the work, so she has no time to worry about the meaning of the "angel" who doesn't even know her name...


Shirai's anxious voice suddenly sounded, and her figure suddenly appeared behind Mikoto.

"Can't hold it! Let's go!"

This is the dividing line.

PS: Apprentice~! I decided to speed up the speed...probably

Chapter 1057 The Bee-eater Prayer (Part 1)

"You've left Takitsubo!"

The four of Item and his party appeared at the door button of the core control room in Xia Yisiao. Takitsubo Rihou followed with a cry from Shikari Muino, which caused Xia to freeze at full power and interfered with Shirai's AIM diffusion force field.

Fortunately, Misaka Mikoto has completed the final inspection and is ready to fight.

"Huhu, let's see what tricks you have this time..."

As soon as Flanda's sarcastic words came out, Mikoto took out a coin.

To put it simply, it's easy to accidentally injure the "important console" from Mai Ye's point of view, but from Mikoto's point of view...

The door button is blocked, then punch through the wall next to it and make a way!


dividing line of space.

Hum anthracene? This butterfly effect is really.... Right now, I am in the place where Misaka 9982 was brutally murdered by Accelerator, and it is also the place where Misaka 10032, who is about to "repeat" because of my "tampering" with fate, is still empty.

I am here only to collect souls.

A unique and worthy soul.

For example, Misaka No. 9982 of Shanghui and No. 10032 of Misaka this time, even if there is no Shangjo Toma, these two are still in communication with Misaka Mikoto. Mikoto and Shirai's safety, if there is really any emergency... the shadow score that is lurking must be quite useful.


I muttered to myself leisurely, watching Accelerator leave.

"It's time for Lord Neodymium to pick up Xialai again."