My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1208

Since the walls of the warehouse had been wiped out by Mikoto's furious blow, everyone could clearly see the appearance of the person who came.

"Senior Zuotian, Chuchun, Gufa—even Senior Liu Pu..."

The shocked Mikoto couldn't help but take a step back. As a result, her hot brain couldn't control her weak legs, and she knelt down on the ground.

Under Jin's absolute order, Saten Leiko and the others deliberately maintained their expressionless expressions, as if they were really being manipulated by the shortcut command of "psychological mastery".

"You... who are you?"

Mikoto showed a serious and nervous look, and tried her best to stand up staggeringly, but she couldn't care less about catching Shirai.

"Hum hum hum... Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully - tsk, this sentence seems to have been used before, but the classics are easy to use."

Jin put a special pose of "madscientist?? mad scientist - Phoenix Academy fierce" three-shot.

Well, although those movements don't seem to match up with equipment like a mask and cloak, it is precisely because no one's face will be seen that Jin can be reckless!

"All ears! I am the messenger of darkness, the incarnation of evil, who feeds on despair, entertains with mourning, overlooks the world under the night, hunts mortals in the shadows... eh?"

Swish... swoosh!

Snapped! clang clang clang clang...

The mask, shot down, bounced a few times on the ground, standing still in the dust.

Attacker - Kuroko Shirai.

Method - The space moves to the front of the golden body, and when it is stunned, it activates its ability again, and the building fragments held in its hands are continuously transferred at fixed points, and kinetic energy is generated after hitting each other.

In order to make the whole game more interesting, and in order not to let Shirai notice anything, her "power of evolution" is in a dormant state, which means that the "eternal contract" is blank, never thought...

"You guy..."

Even if he was a little surprised, Jin wouldn't be hurt by this little trick, it's just that the mask was not within the automatic protection range of the body's fighting instinct, so Shirai "succeeded" hum... It seems that Mikoto's electric shock awakened Shirai's "reasonableness" "Well - it's so unreasonable!

Unhappy, Jin naturally didn't care what other materials were prepared in the "script", and five black chains with sharp barbs shot out of thin air, rolling up Shirai's limbs and waist.

"Slightly ah--"

Shirai screamed, the pain made her completely unable to activate her ability, and she missed the opportunity to carry out a follow-up attack on Jin-of course, when she saw the true face of the "masked man" and was dazed, she had already lost all opportunities.

On the other hand, Mikoto's eyes widened in shock more than ever while shouting Shirai's name.

"What's with this ability? Is it a compound ability? No, the important thing is...why...why... Mr. Hasegawa did such a thing? Are you Gufa-senpai's boyfriend?"

Mikoto roared and trembled hoarsely, sparks crackling all over her body uncontrollably.

"Ah? Oh, yes, there is still this setting."

Jin smacked his lips, and then a flash of color flashed on his body, and the blue windbreaker and cape used for playing handsome turned back to ordinary black casual clothes.

"Then, I'll let you know the truth - Meiwei!"

"Yes, my lord."

Gufa Meiwei stepped forward, Jin stretched out one arm, took her into his arms, and kissed her down.

Then, Saten and the other women also came over to kiss Jin Tongue one by one. Although it didn't last long, it was enough for Mikoto, who was fighting the fire, to blushed and her heartbeat couldn't stand still.

"Enough - do some sleazy tricks! There's a way to face me!"

Mikoto roared violently, and her body radiated electricity. The bright white light was like a whip like a snake, whipping the surroundings into dust.

"Let go of Kuroko! If this continues, she will lose too much blood and die!"

"Ah... I'm sorry, I almost forgot about her."

Jin shrugged his shoulders pretending not to care, and then thought about it, changing the "Curious Destiny Chain" back to the ordinary "Dark Binding". There is no need to use "Eternal Binding" here. After all, Shirai's body is full of stupid imperial movements The eternal power comes.

A moist luster lit up from Jin's hand, and the wound on Shirai's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, the man's big hand stuck to the poor girl's mouth - the source of power is blocked!


Mikoto was speechless for a while when she saw the wonders that were like magic (that's magic!), but soon the emotion surging in her body made her realize the current predicament.

"Hah, huh... do you know what you're doing? Mr. Hasegawa!"

"Humm... It's actually you who's in the dark! Misaka-san."

Jin Hao sighed softly, not at all worried about the security guard who would arrive in a few minutes.

"This is just a deal between me and Shirai-san."

Next, Kim explained with a smile the "truth" about the sudden termination of the "Absolute Ability Person Evolution Plan". Of course, the speaking skills in it naturally needed to induce Mikoto's follow-up thinking a little.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Shirai-san?"

Saying that, Jin patted Shirai on the cheek, trying to wake her from the pain.

Apparently, this slight touch has no effect.

"There's no way..."

Jin launched the eternal magic skill?? Love is like a tide.

"Yah, actinium, actinium, actinium~"

It's so refreshing to wake up or something... and it can only be achieved with supernatural power!

"Heizi! Are you alright?"

The words of concern blurted out, and Mikoto realized that Shirai's cry seemed to be a slogan, and her face immediately flushed red-although she had already seen her cheeks fly when she saw Jin and the girls kissing passionately.

" made a deal with Mr. Hasegawa to help me?"

"Clam, huh..."

Shirai twitched and gasped, but her elder sister's words were never ignored by her.

"Well, yes, yes, but it was Kuroko's will, and it didn't cause any harm to Kuroko..."

Having said this, Shirai was stunned, as if he wanted to connect the "experiment" with the "bad luck" he suffered, but it was difficult to express the exact meaning for a while.

"why is it like this……"

For a person like Misaka Mikoto with a strong sense of justice, the mental blow is far greater than the physical damage. After listening to Shirai's words, he couldn't hold on any longer. He knelt on the ground and had to support it with both hands. Not to be completely overwhelmed.