My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1219

Yalieyalie, this woman—no, this girl's style will never be associated with "pureness"...

Well, even though Orianna is so mature, in the final analysis, her inner naivety is only a hundred steps away from Misaka Mikoto or Yubiao Dan Xilai.

Sa... Now that I have seen Orianna's "final form", I should be "serious" now and won't let her escape again! ————The dividing line of the person———— Jin waited patiently for Orianna to lick the last drop of ice cream with her apricot-feeling tongue, and then he thought and appeared in front of her again.

The crowd was bustling, but soon disappeared without a trace under the "psychological mastery" that Jin "copied" - it was even better than "dispelling idlers".

Location - Crossroads.

However, the location will soon be meaningless.

"Aha~? It's really reluctant to give up~ Big sister, I'm a little moved~!"


Kim looked at Orianna noncommittally, then smiled wickedly.

"Then why don't you give up the fight and come on a date with me?"

" this the truth?"

Orianna kept a provocative smile, but she had the "shorthand script" ready in her hand, "but big sister, I'm afraid that if I approach the past, I will be caught by you to do something like this, something like that!"

"It seems that my charm is not enough..."

Jin shrugged lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"But it doesn't matter, because you will be caught by me eventually - don't worry, I will try to be gentle."

"Hey? That's really something to put my eldest sister at ease... eh?"

Orianna brought the "shorthand script" to her seductive lips, but her smile froze instantly.

Because... Jin has developed an inherent enchantment - or, in this plane, it can be called "God's Domain". Just like when he played against Oreos Isard, Jin temporarily turned his zodiac. Because of "darkness", Xingdi temporarily resumed the qualification to use "Ten Thousand Demons Devouring God Formation".

Grey sky and dark earth - howling and howling!

"How? Let's see where you run away this time!"

"What kind of spell is this...?"

Although Jin did not release the coercion, the abrupt "scene change" still made Orianna's heart skip a beat, and the strange surrounding environment made her shudder. stand up.

"Large-scale change of the landscape? Space transfer? No, it's an illusion... It must be an illusion! How could there be such a technique?"


In order to show his irresistible power, and at the same time, there would be no energy leakage in his own realm to attract the attention of all parties, Jin stretched all five pairs of Yuan Wings and slowly lifted into the air-of course, in order to avoid Oli Anna couldn't move all of a sudden, he restrained the pressure of being a high-dimensional existence.

"If you don't attack, I will attack!"

Jin did not use mass destruction magic, but held the mood of playing a cat and a mouse, and with a wicked smile, he imagined a shadow blade in his hands, followed by an electric shot, and sprinted towards Orianna from top to bottom.


Orianna immediately stopped paying attention to whether the scene in front of her was hallucination or reality, and completely entered a state of confrontation. Her white teeth bit the "shorthand script" that was placed near her mouth and lightly tore off one.

The brilliance flashed, and the small tornado lifted Orianna's body into the sky, avoiding Jin's straight charge.

"Aha! You're gone! Very apricot panties!"

Needless to say, if Jin was really moving, Orianna's speed would not be enough to see, but Jin had the mentality of the game, so he pretended to look up at the sky, adjusted his posture, and sent out the report of the defeat of the Yanis army. The "innumerable crystal-colored chains" that arrived, "Ala~ I'm fascinated by big sister~?"

Orianna was shocked by the almost overwhelming chain frenzy, but as a celebrity on the magic side, she is also a magician who has seen the world.

"Wow... that's an exaggeration!"

The flames burst, ice chips flew, and the high temperature and low temperature fluctuations successfully blocked the chain group that attacked Orianna.

"Where are you looking?"

Jin appeared silently behind Orianna, clenching the shadow blades with both hands.

It seemed like a merciless attack, but in reality... Kim of course had a good control over Orianna's strength.

"Yeah~ It's a date that really makes my heart beat faster, eldest sister~!"

So Orianna was able to use the shorthand script while launching verbal attacks.

"But big sister, I won't be pushed down by you so easily~!"

The tornado quickly shrank and disappeared according to the rhythm of Orianna's landing, and she avoided Jin's cross-cut, and threw a large wave of fire to try to block the opponent's pursuit. ————This is the dividing line————PS: Hey, Yu-Gi-Oh! is off the air this week, I didn’t even see the raw meat...

Chapter 1092 Is it time for torture to extract confessions?

"too naive!"

The wings of Yuan bent over and moved forward, and Jin rushed straight towards the flame barrier that was burning out of thin air like a falling meteorite. When approaching the flames, the wings of Yuan suddenly and violently spread out, and the bulging storm easily tore them apart. It cracked the wall of fire, and even blew it into a faint flame.

However, Orianna wouldn't just stay in place and wait for Jin to break through the defensive technique. In fact, she didn't dare to stop at all, she had already tried her best to run to a farther place.

"Damn...this it really a hallucination?"

Seeing the other party rush through the magical flame without even a scorch mark, Orianna further realized Jin's terrifying, couldn't help showing a slight wry smile, and then launched the shorthand script in succession.

Although it is necessary to pass the shorthand script to activate powerful spells, Orianna is very proficient in magic control, flame, frost, atmosphere, lightning, steel, earth and stone...the most famous "four elements" and their Derivatives can be transformed into various forms in her hands - spheres, spears, sharp blades, shields, ropes, needles, as long as it does not involve the shape of internal details, she can shape them, and then Jin launched a continuous block.

" come?"

Orianna panted tiredly, and her proud twin peaks rose and fell sharply. She was not surprised that her attack could not hurt the enemy at all. On the contrary, she was very aware of the difference in strength between the two sides - although the gap was actually bigger than hers. The imagination is even more exaggerated.

"Why... feel so tired?"

Orianna knows that she is half-baked as a magician and a magister, but it is impossible to get tired and get down before running out of the original shorthand.

"Huh? Did you finally notice?"

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Jin dissipated the shadow blade and the chains used to interfere with Orianna, and waved his hand to sprinkle the dark purgatory magic flame, which would block the last obstacle between the two sides - the protection of flames and lightning. The net turned into nothingness.

"In this space, all elements cannot be obtained from the outside world-even the ubiquitous earth and air, you can't even borrow half of your power, you must rely entirely on your own magic to meet the conditions for launching the spell."

"Ha, ha... Is this okay? Tell me about your spell information?"

Orianna tried her best to restrain her surprised expression and took the time to adjust her breathing, but she didn't bother to wipe away the sweat, her vigilant eyes stared at me tightly.

"It's okay, your failure is doomed from the start."

Jin Wa waved his hand, causing Orianna's heart-pounding purgatory flames to jump and disappear, and then he paced towards her like a stroll in the courtyard.