My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1248


Rias blinked inexplicably.

"Jin, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm a still-ranked demon, I'm going to hurt at this level!"

"Bu, I mean... Buto?"

"Anxie, Bu Teng - Bu Guo, when it comes to 'Teng Tong'... Teng Tong, who has been unforgettable since the birth of Xing Xing, wait for Yi Xia to let me have a good time, Jin!"

Saying that, Rias bowed down to the heads of Xia Lai and the golden sedan chair, and Bao Ru, who was ignorant of the wind, only stuck to the front of Xun, who was recognized in the south, and stretched out the kitchen to stab Xia his side neck.

"It's the first time for me, you should mix it up!"... I should have said something before I was about to hide—Nan recognized actinium, at least with Jin's mentality, I am most attracted by the words of Shang Mian! ————The dividing line of space————So, washing early or something, for Jin Lai, who has the "evil spirit Cina", it is just a matter of passing by.

After hearing Rias's words about Hongxin's disappearance, Jin then completed the cleaning and drying of the cream in three summers. Send - target, window is still.

"You're in such a hurry? You actually use the magic of space-freezing..."

Rias pouted slightly amusingly, and leaned into Zaijin's arms with her eyes wide open—by the way, since it was directly sent to Lai from the language room, then the meaning and even the language scarf were naturally avoided. , the two recognitions are the state of continuing to meet each other frankly.

"Because you are so beautiful and recognizable, Rias..."

There's nothing to lose by sweet talk—except in the face of a very small minority who absolutely hate such talk.


Rias smiled nonchalantly, and returned to the high-ranking Da retreat, who was sitting on the golden throne, and guarded him to hold his treasure.

"After She Chulai was hiding like this just now, can you really continue Ma Shang, Jin?"

In fact, she asked the ingredients to hide from the question. Just as she was cooking, Rias was surprised that the treasures she was guarding had already disappeared.

"Actinium? See if Lei is fine!"

"Of course... the devil is Yuwang's transformation!"

Jin Zhiqi was still half-hearted, compared to the Xiangjian Shang of Zairias.

"As you wish, I will mix it up."

After saying that, Jin Qiao established the law, and Shuangfang immediately changed his position.

"Although the devil's Ben can learn from this aspect, it seems that Lai will have a hard time, but let me guide you when you start with Kai, Rias."

"Henghengheng... Leopard Road has become a chef - Jin really is the first time, right?"


Jin immediately rushed to "Eyah, I'm rubbing it", but since it seems that no one in Lai has ever asked him this kind of question, what should be the correct answer?

"Pfft! It's an interesting watch--but this also proves that you are willing to lie to me..."

Rias slapped Kai and retreated, gently pulling Jin's treasure against her curtain with a smile that was not a smile—the role of mutual Ai Fu and Eternal Standing in the room again, Xia, this place of hidden rice Chunchao was already lazy.

"Well...don't worry, what kind of mimi is the 'Dragon' possessing the characteristics of Xiyin Yixing and walking - walking past, now Zaiyao is only watching me!"


Jin silently made a helpless invitation to the kitchen, suddenly slumped, and then slaughtered Rias's little scorpion again.

At the same time, the treasures of Xia Inlay, such as Mi Chun and Fengxi, were drawn to Nebu Shen Ru Jin calmly. ————This is the dividing line————ps: Eh...Happy New Year's Day da☆ze!

Chapter 1121 Rias Gremory (Part 2)

ps: Cough, I finally picked up Jie Lin... Daqo...————This is the dividing line————"Uguha~Hawu~..."

The mango at Chuxun was forced into your cage by the chasing lord, and Rias could not restrain herself from uttering a holy sound that was more intimidating than ever before, such as the lotus frost arm, which subconsciously reported to Jin. shoulders.

"Hungry Anthracene~ Hungry~ Jinlai~... ah~ huh~... Gold~... Treasures are fertile~ Anthracene clam~! Fertile Limen~ River Hungry Actinium~!"

"Anthracene, Wo knows, it's very good, Rias' mango... The front end of Wo's treasure was only covered by Rias!"

"Hungry clam~hu~ No. Li Hai~...Although Zhangzhang is chasing the jue~Anthracene River~! But this way~...this way~Anthracene River Clam~!"

" belong to Wo!"

While speaking, the blond froze the "Eternal Magic Skill? Seeking You Ruwei" under the wing, and complimented the last obstacle, and the treasure was completely close to Rias's mango management.


Rias sent out a short coin, and sure enough, the "damage" caused by Lai Shenti, even if it was a high-ranking demon, might not be able to get rid of the title.

"It's nearing~ He~... Wo's Limen~ Your~... Actinium Anthracene~! Actinium He Anthracene~! Your treasure~ The disaster is afflicting Wo~!"

Hearing this, Jin was slightly stunned—what should I say? Will the arrogance of the sky like Rias also be "lack of AI"? Step, step right, step is like this... It should be, she asked him about his affairs, and there is probably still a "worry about gain and loss" that she herself did not judge or deliberately ignored!

"Yes, that's right, that's it - Woai you, Rias!"

Language can become a sharp weapon or a deadly poison, and it can also become a rain that quietly moistens things or a code that triggers an invitation.

"Hungry river~! Hungry clams~..."

Rias disaster gold's words were very real, and the half-closed frost eyes also restarted their brilliance, and they looked at Wo from a close distance like water.

"Hungry~... Clam River~... Now Disaster~ Hungry Anthrace~ Wo~ Hu~ I have become 'Henren'~...also~ your~ I have practiced Ren~!"

"It doesn't matter if you like the name 'Practice Ren', Wo is the title of 'Ai Ren' that the terrier likes."


Rias blinked thoughtfully, but didn't hide anything, so please be slightly subtle.

"Actinium~anthracene~? Is it the wrong title of Wo~? Your treasure~ Limen of woe~ Ah actinium~! Is it a step or a change~?"

"Anthracene...Because Rias, who is in the current disaster, becomes more and more attractive to Ai Yuren, so Wo is also excited."

"Furfur~...this actinium~?"

Gujue, who was worried about gain and loss, completely disappeared from Rias's face, and was replaced by a beautiful smile that lost her grace every time she was confused.

"Then~...Geek Hide~ He An~Ge Hide~ Let Wo catch up with Jue Dao~! Anh~Frozen Lai~Jin~..."


Jinbu hides the words again, and uses his arms to hook Rias's words of resting soul essence, and then retreats.

"Anthracite~...the devil is holding on to it~! I'm rushing to the lord~Anthracene Hengan~! The treasure of gold~ Limen of Zhanfu is desperately holding on to the devil~!

Accompanied by Rias's sedan chair and Chandler, the mango's wall was only covered with golden treasures, and the tender bell was rushing with incredible steps, crossing chickens and ducks from all directions.