My Infinite Wings

Chapter 1251

As my thoughts moved, Hyoudou's mother who was chatting and laughing with the guests immediately got up and walked away, and the two foreign girls with crosses on their chests also noticed the unusual atmosphere.

The maroon-colored, dark-gold and double ponytails are "my" childhood sweetheart Wisteria? Irina, because of her firm belief, it is very valuable for flirting.

With short dark blue hair but dyed with a pinch of grass-green bangs, it is the power idiot Xenovia, who has an extremely straightforward personality and can be easily overthrown as long as he follows the plot.

"What did you do?"

Irina frowned a little bit and stood up and stared at me.

"What's wrong? Isn't it normal for irrelevant humans to avoid the problem of the 'inner world'?"

I smiled lightly and pulled Rias to sit on the sofa opposite the two holy swordsmen.

Rias also quickly calmed down at this moment, showing a stunned expression.

"Wisteria? Miss Irina...and Miss Xenovia, right? Sidi already told me, presumably the holy swordsmen sent by the church are you."

While speaking, Rias glanced at the long object wrapped in cloth beside Xenovia. ————This is the dividing line————ps: Is there anyone who has played the "Tear Down War"? Our recruitment code is mpllfedcba (escape...

Chapter 1124 VS Kirkball this one of the "Holy Swords"?

I also glanced at the long object, but to be honest, the holy sword of this plane always feels a little less powerful.

"Not that question!"

Irina glared at me as if she wanted to say something, but Xenovia, who was usually quiet, stopped her.


Xenovia grabbed Irina.

"It's really rude to take the liberty to visit today, but we didn't expect Irina's childhood playmate to become a reincarnated demon now!"

Even in a non-combat state, Xenovia's words were still so rushed.

"Ha... it looks like you guys have misunderstood something?"

I stood up with a graceful smile, and the demon wings that concealed the wings of Yuan unfolded behind my back. The huge momentum was immediately retracted, causing the faces of the two holy swordsmen on the opposite side to change suddenly.

"Although I am a reincarnated demon, it is true, but I also have the blood of the seventy-two pillars - so it is better to think twice before speaking, holy swordsman!"————The dividing line of space and time———— Irina and Xenovia left the Hyoudou house with complicated expressions, and agreed with Rias to formally represent the church and meet with the Gremory house the next day.

The location, of course, is the Department of Occult Research Department again.

There is not much to say about the process. Since I claim that I will not use the identity of "Duke" during my school days, and this city is the sphere of influence of the Gremory family, then I will not be the lip between Rias and the Holy Swordsman. The gunfight interjected.

Judging from the results, the dressing Saya does not have the kind of overreaction that Kiba Yuto had. It seems that I need to find a chance to ask Rias how she got Saya as her family, otherwise how can I attack her?

Next, in order not to let the holy swordsman duo starve to death on the street, I went to the streets to search for those two people on my holiday.

Why split up? Of course it's because I'm going on a date with Rias, maintaining a relationship is both easy and troublesome! But anyway, the date ends at a love hotel, so I don't feel bored.

Mainly talk about another "me"...

"Meeting is fate, how about having a light meal together?"

Before reaching the family restaurant, the conversation between Irina and Xenovia goes something like this: "Have we sold our souls to the devil?"

"Uh, it's also for faith..."

After the two beautiful girls in white robes devoured the cups and dishes with the energy of devouring the wind and the clouds, Xenovia was the first to speak.

"Huh - I'm's the end of the world to be saved by the devil."

"Actually, I put a special potion made by the devil in the meal, and you will let me pick it soon!"


Irina squirted out the last mouthful of soup and hurriedly reached out to scratch her throat.


"What are you doing, Irina?"

Xenovia calmly wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Your childhood sweetheart is obviously joking, can't you hear it?"

So is it true that the intuition of the fool is more sensitive?

"So, what's the reason for contacting us?"

"It is nothing special."

I closed one eye and leaned back on the chair with a slack body with a warm smile on my face.

"I can't just watch my childhood sweetheart starve to death, right?"

"That's all?"

Xenovia looked at me suspiciously.

"This is not at all in line with the principles of the devil's actions, right?"

"Haha, don't you want me to say, 'Actually, I covet your body!' Are you willing?"

"Sorry, our bodies and souls have been dedicated to the Lord and cannot be given to the devil as a reward."

"Hey! You really thought about it! Do you like being complained so much?"

"No, I'm just joking - isn't this the custom of this country?"

"There is no such custom in my hometown!"

This time, it was Irina's turn to cry out with a wry smile.

"Well, in short, I will repay the kindness of this meal - Hyoudou Issei of the Red Dragon Emperor."

Xenovia resolutely refused to answer Irina's words and raised an eyebrow at me——Huh? It seems that the identity of "Red Dragon Emperor" has spread to all camps, but the title of "Duke" is probably still known only to the inside of the devil.

"Ise-kun, although I am very grateful for your meal, I still want to say that I still treat my family more..."

Irina looked at me seriously, with a slightly complicated expression on her face.

"Forget it, let me just ask one question - Ise-kun, do you no longer have any nostalgia for 'human beings'?"
