My Infinite Wings

Chapter 192

"Then I'll go."

Hey, in order to increase the favorability, I will show it a little bit!

"Seeing that you're so capable, I'll do something too—"

I smiled, "Before you come back, I will clean the room and wash the rice."

"Well, that would save a lot of time, please."

She took her purse out of her huge gym bag and walked out of the room.

Chapter 099 Residential & Night Visit

The second one is...————This is the dividing line————Mei is making chicken and egg rice bowls.

Three pieces of chicken studded with bright yellow color are really delicious.

slow! Why only three pieces? Although the craftsmanship is comparable to that of apricots, it seems that it is not enough to eat - fortunately, I am now like a plant and can absorb energy directly from the air.

Chatting with her while eating, Ya Yi still doubts that her brother even has a girlfriend.

After dinner, Yang Ping came back.

After the bland sibling reunion and nonsense, Mei offered to meet Sanae, but in order to reassure her sister or show herself, Yangping agreed.

Because it was late, I left the dormitory with Mei.

Along the way, she kept muttering in a low voice, "Well, that's weird..."

"What's the matter, sighing?"

"I think... the people in the city are really amazing, there are people who are willing to associate with my brother!"

"The world is full of wonders. Your brother will be lucky occasionally! Is it so hard for you to accept it?"

"Ah... no, it's not like that—"

Ya Yi tilted her small head with her hands behind her back, "Love is really a beautiful thing. I also hope to have a mature boyfriend."

"Well, this is Japan, but it's a little early if you want it now!"

"I'm not a child!"

"A thirteen-year-old is a child, and it will be almost two years later! But Yayi is very cute, and many middle-aged mature men will like this!"

Such middle-aged and mature men have a widely circulated nickname - strange sorghum.

"It's strange why I don't seem to be happy at all when I hear this?"

"And Mei Yi will definitely be more beautiful in the future."

"Ah, okay, I'll do my best!"

"Where are you going to stay? Your brother has only the floor... There is a hotel in front of the station, shall I take you there?"

"Well, hotel... what should I do, my family said to save money-"

She whispered to herself, and after a while, she suddenly clapped her hands, "By the way, Hasegawa lives nearby, right?"

"Yes... Could it be?"

"Well! Please let me live in your house!"

"Hey, think about it!"

Mei looked at me slyly: "Of course Hasegawa is also a 'middle-aged mature man'?"

"Uh... Forget it, anyway, in addition to my father, there is a female distant relative in the family."

"Oh... By the way, let me make dinner--well, the supermarket I went to just now hasn't closed yet? Hurry up."

"You're really an activist, you..."

After arriving home, Huang Quan saw Yayi, a cute creature, and her eyes lit up like when she saw Fengzi... And Yayi's words "what a beautiful big sister" made her even more elated.

Well, they soon became one, and it saved me from having to worry about all kinds of things.

Then, while Huang Quan was playing with Ya Yi, I slipped through the window to Qin Mei's residence - a person must keep his promise!

Hmm, my blood boils when I think of her pure face and excellent figure! ————The dividing line of time and space————After saying goodbye to Tomoyo, I decided to visit the Fujibayashi sisters——the reason was stimulated by me who was "boiled" on the other side... But, it is true Should be concerned.

Since they have been demonized by me, there is no possibility of any headaches. Why did they ask for leave today?

Visiting in the middle of the night, ordinary parents will definitely not allow me to enter, so - stealth, fly over the wall, come to the window, lock with spiritual sense, teleportation... stop!

Why are the two of them in Xing's room? (Note 1) "Jin, are you here?"

Apricot's voice resounded in my heart—no...because I'm not in a high-risk world, I forgot to hide my aura, and with the connection of the Demon God's contract, I and the contracted ones can sense each other.

"come in."

This time it was Muku's voice, and she got up and gently opened the window.


Cotton floral pajamas, so cute - of course, mainly because the sisters are so pretty...  

However, looking at the calm expressions of the two sisters, I was a little hesitant.

Xing leaned on her waist and looked at me defiantly: "What are you afraid of? Come in!"

"Open a soundproof barrier after you come in. I'm still not used to talking with mental power."

Muku smiled softly and sat back on the bed.

snort! What am I afraid of? It's a big deal to do something that is not good again - besides, look at their attitude... Well, there is a big turnaround!

You're welcome, I jumped into the house, placed a soundproof barrier with my hand, and pulled a chair...

"Sit here."

Apricot, who was beside the bed, stared at me with a smile, and patted her leg with her left hand—one more position was Muku.

The wind and the waves are coming, this little scene...

I swallowed, took a deep breath, and sat between the Fujibayashi sisters.

The ambiguous fragrance emanating from the two beautiful girls penetrated into my nose, causing my vest to sweat a little?